16 November 201716 November 2017 Online toolbox for bio-based procurement to make buyers’ lives easier Toolbox is designed to assist public buyers considering alternatives to plastics produced from fossil fuel based materials
Der Online-Werkzeugkoffer, der das Leben von Beschaffern vereinfacht InnProBio-Projekt verfolgt das Ziel, die öffentliche Beschaffung von biobasierten Produkten und Dienstleitungen zu erleichtern
9 November 201722 November 2017 Natural fibre-reinforced plastics: establishment and growth in niche markets More than 30 compound companies produce over 80,000 tonnes of granulates with wood and natural fibres in Europe 2017 – new producers with major growth plans
Naturfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe: Wachstum und Etablierung in der Nische Mehr als 30 Compoundeure produzieren über 80.000 t Granulate mit Holz- und Naturfasern in Europa 2017 – große Wachstumspläne bei neuen Produzenten
27 October 201726 October 2017 New high-value products from sugar beet pulp: Betafib® microcellulose fibres, arabinose and galacturonic acid Successful pilot testing and creating new value chains – PULP2VALUE project enters its second stage
25 October 201727 February 2018 Five-year EU flagship project to establish an innovative supply chain for FDCA and PEF PEFerence, a €25 million EU project was officially launched Wednesday, September 20th 2017
10 October 2017 nova Session “Sustainability of first and second generation crops for the chemical and plastics industry – going beyond the food vs. fuel debate” 22 November 2017, 10:00 - 16:30 h, Terminal 1, Airport Cologne/Bonn
Production of 400,000 t of Biocomposites in Europe for Construction, Automotive, Furniture and Consumer Goods The Biocomposites Conference Cologne (BCC) will be the largest industry meeting on biocomposites worldwide, 6 and 7 December 2017 in Cologne, Germany
9 October 20176 October 2017 Which implementation strategy is right for bio-based chemicals – drop-in, smart drop-in and dedicated ones? Developing a roadmap for an increasingly bio-based European chemical industry
29 September 201728 September 2017 Current situation and trends of the bio-based industries in Europe Pilot study by nova-Institute for BBI-JU
Stakeholder-Workshop: Was treibt die Bioökonomie in Deutschland und der Welt an? Der kostenlose Workshop wird am 7. November 2017 im Maternushaus in Köln stattfinden. Uhrzeit: 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr
8 September 20178 September 2017 First generation biofuels are just as sustainable as second generation – both show significant reductions of greenhouse gas emissions New study conducts quantitative and qualitative sustainability assessment of biofuels against the background of the EU’s REDII negotiations
Biokraftstoffe der ersten Generation ebenso nachhaltig wie die der zweiten Generation – deutliche Reduktion von Treibhausgasen bei beiden Neue Studie untersucht Nachhaltigkeit von Biokraftstoffen qualitativ und quantitativ vor dem Hintergrund der EU-Verhandlungen zur Erneuerbare-Energien-Richtlinie (RED II)
7 September 20177 September 2017 Nominees for the Innovation Award “Biocomposite of the Year 2017” call attention to new technologies and application fields for biocomposites The “Biocomposites Conference Cologne” (BCC) will take place on 6 and 7 December 2017 in Cologne, Germany
Nominierte für den Innovationspreis ” Biocomposite of the Year 2017″ zeigen neue Technologien und Anwendungsfelder für Biokomposite auf Am 6. und 7. Dezember findet in Köln die „Biocomposites Conference Cologne (BCC)” statt
10 August 2017 China Rediscovers Hemp Hemp has attracted attention among China's scientific, political and industrial communities
China erfindet den Hanf neu Die chinesische Provinz Heilongjiang investiert massiv in Forschung und Entwicklung
28 July 201727 July 2017 Making the right choices – where are biofuels headed in Europe? "Sustainable First and Second Generation Bioethanol for Europe – Opportunities for People, Planet and Profit ", international conference, 26 September 2017, Brussels
27 July 201726 July 2017 nova’s experts introduced: Dr. Oliver Arendt Policy, Techno-economic evaluation, Markets
26 July 201725 July 2017 Biocomposites, wood and natural fibres as well as bio-based polymers at COMPOSITES EUROPE 2017 Composites going green
Bio-Verbundwerkstoffe, Holz- und Naturfasern sowie bio-basierte Polymere auf der COMPOSITES EUROPE 2017 Composites going green
20 July 20179 August 2017 Bio-Verbundwerkstoffe bieten Vorteile für Umwelt, Industrie und Verbraucher Am 6. und 7. Dezember findet in Köln die „Biocomposites Conference Cologne (BCC)” statt
Biocomposites – Providing Benefits to Industry, Consumers and Environment The Biocomposites Conference Cologne (BCC) will take place on 6 and 7 December 2017 in Cologne, Germany
14 July 20171 June 2018 MArginal Lands for Growing Industrial Crops – Turning a burden into an opportunity EU research project MAGIC kicks off
12 July 201718 July 2017 Mapping European Biorefineries A project of Bio-based Industries Consortium and nova-Institute
10 July 201722 December 2017 nova wächst: Wir suchen einen Communications Manager (m/w) Vollzeit, Standort Hürth bei Köln
6 July 20175 July 2017 nova talk: bio-based materials in laboratory scientific instruments Interview with Tine Zlebnik and Dieter Grotholtmann, ECHO, d.o.o LAT-Labor- und Analysen-Technik GmbH
4 July 201710 July 2017 Commercialisation Updates On Bio-Based Building Blocks Commercialisation and development of novel bio-based building blocks are discussed in detail in nova-Institute's new trend report
Aktuellste Marktdaten zu bio-basierten Building-Blocks Die Entwicklung und Vermarktung neuer bio-basierter Building-Blocks werden in einem neuen Trendreport des nova-Instituts umfassend diskutiert
29 June 20174 July 2017 nova’s experts introduced: Dr Ángel Puente Life Cycle Assessments, Sustainability, Chemistry
26 June 201723 June 2017 RoadToBio: Roadmap for the Chemical Industry in Europe towards a Bioeconomy The roadmap will specify the benefits for the chemical industry along the path from fossil-based industry towards a bioeconomy to meet the societal needs in 2030
21 June 201721 June 2017 Mehr Ressourceneffizienz durch Kaskadennutzung von Biomasse – von der Theorie zur Praxis Endbericht jetzt frei verfügbar
19 June 201718 June 2017 nova talk: Where do you see the bioeconomy in the future? Interview with Mr. Gudbrand Rødsrud, Technology Director Business Development at Borregaard
16 May 2017 nova Session “Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers – Markets, Trends and Innovations”, 24 May 2017 Register until Thursday, 18 May, 2017 www.bio-based.eu/sessions
“Bio-based Materials of the Year 2017” Announced Winners are packaging materials based on agricultural residues from BIO-LUTIONS (DE), new generation paper bags from Paptic® (FI) and the first biotech raspberry fragrance from Phytowelt (DE)
Der Innovationspreis „Bio-based Material of the Year 2017“ ist verliehen Sieger sind das Verpackungsmaterial aus Reststoffen von BIO-LUTIONS (DE), die neue Papier-Tragetasche von PAPTIC® (FI) und das erste biotechnologisch hergestellte Himbeeraroma von Phytowelt (DE)
8 May 2017 Placing Your Bio-based Material on the Market – Standardisation Activities and Labels in Europe Get the latest info on possibilities for feedstock, bio-based content and end-of-life options
Verbesserter Marktzugang für Ihre bio-basierten Produkte – Standardisierung und Produktkennzeichen in Europa Die aktuellsten Informationen zu allen Optionen für Rohstoffe, bio-basierte Anteile und Entsorgungswege
26 April 201726 April 2017 10 reasons to join the “10th International Conference on Bio-based Materials” Cologne, 10 – 11 May 2017
12 April 20179 September 2021 The RED II Proposal and Its Impact on the Bio-based Material and CO2 Utilization Sector nova-Institute analysed the new Commission proposal with a view on the bio-based materials sector and present the most important findings in a paper
Der Kommissionsvorschlag zur Neufassung der Erneuerbare-Energien-Richtlinie (RED II): Auswirkungen auf bio-basierte Werkstoffe und CO2-Nutzung Das nova-Institut hat den neuen RED II-Vorschlag der Kommission analysiert und präsentiert die wichtigsten Ergebnisse in einem Paper
31 March 201731 March 2017 Bio-based polymers – a revolutionary change The comprehensive trend report presents latest developments, producers, drivers and lessons learnt especially for PHA, PLA, PUR/TPU, PA and polymers based on furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) and succinic acid (SA)
Bio-basierte Polymere – eine Revolution Der umfassende Trendreport präsentiert die aktuellsten Entwicklungen, Produzenten, Treiber und „lessons learnt“, insbesondere für PHA, PLA, PUR/TPU, PA und Polymere, die auf Furandicarboxylsäure (FDCA) und Bernsteinsäure (SA) basieren
30 March 201731 March 2017 Six candidates for the Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2017” nominated! The winners will be elected at the International Conference on Bio-based Materials, 10-11 May 2017 in Cologne, Germany
Sechs Kandidaten für den Innovation-Award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2017” nominiert! Die Gewinner werden auf der „International Conference on Bio-based Materials“, 10.-11. Mai 2017 in Köln, gewählt
22 March 201715 February 2018 How to keep track of the bio-based industry? Growing need for information on new developments and players
Wie Sie in Sachen bio-basierter Industrie auf dem Laufenden bleiben Die Nachfrage nach Informationen zu neuen Entwicklungen und Akteuren wächst
9 March 201713 March 2017 The policy framework of bio-based plastics markets The newly published report looks at how different parts of the world handle the development of the bio-based plastics sector politically
Politische Rahmenbedingungen für die Märkte bio-basierter Kunststoffe Der neu veröffentlichte Report betrachtet, wie die Entwicklung des bio-basierten Kunststoffsektors in den unterschiedlichen Teilen der Welt politisch beeinflusst wird
21 February 201720 February 2017 Bio-based polymers worldwide: Ongoing growth despite difficult market environment In 2016: 6.6 Million tonnes production capacity, 2% share of all polymers, €13 billion turnover, durable applications are dominating