The winner of the innovation award “Hemp Product of the Year 2020” is Henry’s Hempharvester with a front-loaded attachment for harvesting industrial hemp flowers and stems – especially suitable for small farms

Second winner is an architectural research consortium with its modular, off-grid hemp house (SUNIMPLANT) in Morocco and third winner is the world first Lyocell type fibre made from hemp fibres or fibre waste (Lyohemp™ knitwear)

nova-Institute congratulates the young and innovative companies and institutes on this great success. Especially in uncertain times, the need for exchange, cooperation and innovation within the fast-growing hemp and cannabis sector is even higher than usual. Hence the world’s largest business meeting for all sectors of the hemp and cannabis industry was held online this year. The 17th EIHA Hemp Conference was organised by nova-Institute (Germany) in cooperation with the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) located in Brussels.

Visuals, German version and PDF file available at:

The 17th EIHA Hemp Conference brought together experts from around the world to discuss the latest developments in the use of hemp for fibre, shives, seeds, oil and CBD. Nearly 40 speakers from leading companies and institutes presented their latest findings. The online conference was as interactive as possible, including two panel discussions on cooperation between Europe and North America and the future of CBD. 226 attendants from 35 countries participated in the online conference and discussed more than 250 questions.

The innovation award “Hemp Product of the Year 2020”

For the third time in a row, the innovation award “Hemp Product of the Year” was granted to the young, innovative hemp industry, awarding market-ready applications and products based on industrial hemp. The winners were elected online at the 17th EIHA Hemp Conference, 16–17 June 2020 (, out of six nominated new materials and products. After a short presentation of the six candidates, the three winners were elected online by the participants of the conference and honoured with the innovation award, sponsored by the Canadian company Hemp for Health (

Winners of the Innovation Award - Hemp Product of the Year 2020
Winners of the Innovation Award “Hemp Product of the Year 2020″, left to right: 1st place: Henry’s Hemp Harvester (Germany); 2nd place: ENAT, ADRAR NOUH, ENSA, Fraunhofer CSP (Morocco/Germany); 3rd place: Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut (Germany)

First place

Henry’s Hempharvester (Germany): Hemp harvesting equipment
Henry’s hemp harvesting equipment is a double-module front-loaded attachment for harvesting industrial hemp flowers and stems. Four years in research, development and production, the harvester is durable, proven technology that turns out high-quality industrial hemp flowers. The harvester can be driven by a small tractor, has an aluminium frame and rollers for weight reduction, stainless steel parts such as chains and other flower-contacting parts for food- and pharmacy-grade products, hydraulic drives for the main aggregates and an electric scissor-bar. The weight of a double-module configuration is estimated at 350 kg, so any tractor with sufficient hydraulic performance can easily carry it. The harvester is especially designed for small farms.
More information:

Second Place

ENAT (Morocco), ADRAR NOUH (Morocco), ENSA (Morocco), Fraunhofer CSP (Germany): SUNIMPLANT – Modular, Off-grid Hemp House
SUNIMPLANT is a modular off-grid hemp house, inspired by the needs of remote regions like the Moroccan Rif. A spherical building skin of hemp fibre biocomposites design integrates frameless PV technology of crystalline silicon cells, the most efficient on the market, whose output is optimised through the insulating carrier substrate. The vacuum-injection made panels were resolved with plant-based resins in highest percentage, that show elevated UV-resistance compared to synthetic resins and accomplished a passage width of 2.35 m through a dense arrangement of hemp fibres. The material and energy-saving design, inspired by archaic African architecture, was further created with a low-carbon hemp concrete (made from hemp shives and lime) of high thermal efficiency, formulated with locally processed agricultural waste from the regions.
More information:

Third Place

Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut (Germany): Lyohemp™ knitwear
Lyohemp™ Knitwear is made from an innovative cellulose fibre based on chemical pulp and obtained from organically grown hemp. Pulp and fibres were developed as result of a joint R&D action of German and Czech partners. The pulp was developed up to high alpha-cellulose content and very low inorganic impurity concentration and finally converted into Lyocell type fibres by a dry-wet spinning using NMMO as solvent. The knitwear textiles win over due to their smooth and lofty surface compared with native hemp textiles. The fibre composition causes an excellent staining, especial if intensive dark tonalities are applied and an excellent humidity management. Negotiations with commercial fibre processors are in good progress. Market launch for this world innovation is in straight preparation for January 2021.
More information:

nova-Institute would like to thank the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) (Brussels) for the good cooperation, MH medical hemp (Germany) and Hempro International (Germany) for supporting the 17th EIHA Hemp Conference as Gold Sponsors, SHIMADZU Europa (Germany) as Silver Sponsor and CBDepot (Czech Republic) and Alvan Blanch Development Company (United Kingdom) as Bronze Sponsor. Special thanks go to Hemp for Health (Canada) for sponsoring the renowned innovation award “Hemp Product of the Year 2020”.


nova-Institut GmbH, 20-06-23


Alvan Blanch Development Company Let
ENAT Morocco
European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA)
Fraunhofer-Center für Silizium-Photovoltaik CSP
Hemp For Health
Hempro International
Henry's Hemp Harvester
MH Medical Hemp
nova-Institut GmbH
Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V.


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