18 February 202518 February 2025 Study Confirms Biomass Can Meet 20% of Carbon Demand in Chemicals Sector by 2050 without compromising food and feed supply New study by Renewable Carbon Initiative and Biobased Industries Consortium reveals potential for significant defossilisation of the chemical industry using biomass
RCI Webinar: The Future of Biomass in Sustainable Chemistry On 18 February, discover key insights on the net-zero chemistry industry, biomass availability, sustainable transport and in our upcoming free webinar
Avantium R&D Solutions to provide adsorption testing units to Climeworks for the capture of carbon dioxide from air This strategic step aims to accelerate the large-scale deployment of DAC technology, a critical component in the fight against climate change
Capgemini reveals gen AI-driven breakthrough to accelerate the bioeconomy New methodology reduces the data requirements for protein engineering by 99% so organizations can unlock innovation even in resource-constrained environments
Manatee Biomaterials – a Joint Venture by Nordic SeaFarm and Future Lab and Partners A collaboration to create responsible biomaterials and unlock new opportunities in ocean-based solutions
Innovation network gains 100 new members in less than a year As well as support for startups, IBioIC bridges the gap between industry and Scotland’s academic expertise, with research support, skills development programmes, and access to bioprocess scale-up facility
Der bewährte Biokunststoff Vulkanfiber von Sachsenröder wird gerade neu entdeckt Obwohl es Vulkanfiber schon sehr lange gibt, braucht man sie heute wieder als alternative, biologisch abbaubare Wuchshüllen für die Aufforstung
Syensqo and Bota Bio partner to develop pioneering biomimetic ingredients for hair and scalp care A new partnership that fully aligns with Syensqo’s global innovation strategy to expand into new bio-based technologies to deliver high-performing, sustainable beauty solutions
Bioeconomy Initiative: Eight demands for the economy of the future Position paper: It will take decisive action to make Germany's economy more sustainable, more resilient and more fit for the future
Fahrradhelm der Zukunft: Hier entsteht ein recyclebarer Helm aus Bioplastik Alternative Kunststoffe aus dem Kreis Karlsruhe
17 February 202513 February 2025 From the fibre to the injection molded component Aim of the research project of SKZ Plastics Centre in Würzburg and the PTS Institut für Fasern & Papier in Heidenau, is to ensure that the injection-molded paper product can be easily returned to the paper cycle
Von der Faser zum Spritzgießbauteil Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens vom Kunststoff-Zentrum SKZ in Würzburg und dem PTS Institut für Fasern & Papier in Heidenau soll es sein, dass das Papierspritzguss-Produkt nach seiner Anwendungsphase problemlos in den Papierkreislauf zurückgeführt werden kann
BioBond Announces Revolutionary Biobased Protective Coatings Initial Focus Will Be on the Food Processing and Distribution Industries
Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on circularity requirements for vehicle design and on management of end-of-life vehicles The establishment of a harmonised calculation and verification methodology for recycled content is crucial to allow compliance with the requirements
TecPart begrüßt den Berichtsentwurf des europäischen Parlamentes zur EU-Altfahrzeugverordnung Ein Schritt hin zu einem ambitionierten, realistisch umsetzbaren und nachhaltigen Fahrzeugrecycling unter Einsatz von Kunststoffrezyklaten
ModernSynthesis is making compostable materials that last a lifetime The company's bacteria-based nanocellulose fibers can be manipulated in ways that simple plant fibers cannot - like being spread into a thin, wind-resistant film or textured to mimic high-quality leather
Arkema and OOYOO LTD. partner to develop gas separation membranes for carbon capture Arkema will leverage its expertise and its leading innovation in high performance polymers, while OOYOO will develop membrane design – with a specific focus on CO2 separation membranes used for their ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Celtic Renewables’ Welcomes Deputy First Minister at Scotland’s First Biorefinery The company takes by-products and waste from the food, drink and agriculture industries – including by-products from whisky distillation – and turns them into high-value green chemicals, bioacetone and biobutanol
14 February 202514 February 2025 Bio? Synthetic? Well, which is it? We admit, the term “biosynthetic” is somehow contradictory. Let’s dispel some myths about biosynthetics!
10 Years of PaperWise, Hurray! E-Brochure for Download - Milestones and Prizes - Marketleader for Paperproducts made from Agricultural Waste
PaperWise feiert 10 Jahre: nachhaltige Meilensteine und Innovationen in der Papierbranche E-Broschüre zum Download - Meilensteine und Auszeichnungen - Marktführer für Papier aus Agrarabfällen
Avantium and EPC Engineering & Technologies Collaborate to Commercialize Continuous PEF Production Technology The collaboration will combine the expertise of both companies to commercialize continuous polymerization of PEF (“PEF cPol Technology”)
KelpEat introduces Solein®-powered protein snacks KelpEat developed the product crafted with EU–farmed seaweed and Solein® - the microbial protein produced out of thin air
Biobasierte Lösung für das Verpacken von Lebensmitteln mit Schutzatmosphäre entwickelt Material basiert überwiegend auf PLA – Gute Barriereeigenschaften und Verarbeitbarkeit
Carnegie Introduces Siltech Plus, The First Biobased High-Performance Coated Upholstery Siltech Plus features bio-based polyurethane-coated upholsteries made with corn starch - combining sustainability with superior performance and cleanability
SLB Capturi powers up its first modular carbon capture plant Plant will capture up to 100,000 metric tons of CO2 annually for Netherlands-based sustainable energy supplier Twence
Polyvel Europe: Neues Additiv-Masterbatch für die PLA-Verarbeitung – Beispiel Teebeutel-Verpackungen Polyvel Europe stellt erstmals das neu entwickelte CT-L01 Slip-Additiv-Masterbatch vor, das Produktionsprozesse bei der Verarbeitung von PLA vereinfachen und dabei gleichzeitig die Oberflächenqualität verbessern soll
13 February 202512 February 2025 EU Enforces Ambitious Packaging and Recycling Rules as New Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Takes Effect Today Everything you need to know about the binding targets for reusable packaging, recycled content, and bio-based materials set to reshape the packaging industry by 2028
Sulzer launches PyroConTM to enhance plastic and biomass waste reduction Sulzer is proud to add PyroCon, its new rapid condensing technology for biomass and plastic pyrolysis, to its portfolio of chemical technology solutions
Sulzer: Neue Technologie für Pyrolyse von Kunststoffabfällen Sulzer erweitert sein Portfolio chemischer Technologielösungen um PyroCon als neue Schnellkondensationstechnologie für die Pyrolyse von Biomasse und Kunststoffen
TOUS les JOURS begins US introduction of plant-based straws produced with PHACT™ PHA, a low carbon, biopolymer from CJ Biomaterials In 2024, CJ BMS successfully launched PHACT™ CB0400A, a PHA compound made from CJ BMS’ unique grades of amorphous and semi-crystalline PHA biopolymers
DUS Airport & Greenlyte Carbon Technologies Partner to Build World’s First integrated DAC-to-SAF Facility DUS Airport and Greenlyte Carbon Technologies Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Build The World’s First Integrated DAC-to-SAF Facility
Düsseldorfer Flughafen plant Anlage für nachhaltigen Flugkraftstoff Zusammen mit Greenlyte Carbon Technologies soll die weltweit erste voll integrierte Anlage zur Produktion von nachhaltigem Flugkraftstoff (DAC-to-SAF) errichtet werden
German Federal Statistical Office expects increase in rapeseed hectarage in Germany The UFOP pointed out that, due to increasing demand for biofuels production - particularly as palm oil becomes less available as a feedstock - rapeseed is currently in high demand, and this trend is expected to continue
New additives increase the market potential of biopolymers The aim of the research project was to optimize the processing possibilities and thus significantly improve the usability of PHA for industrial applications
Neue Additive vergrößern Marktpotenzial von Biopolymeren Das Forschungsprojekt hatte zum Ziel, die Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten zu optimieren und damit die Nutzbarkeit von PHA für eine industrielle Anwendung deutlich zu verbessern
12 February 202511 February 2025 CO2 Revolution 2025: Fueling the Future, Capturing Possibilities Exploring Innovative Pathways in Green Hydrogen, Carbon Capture, and (Biogenic) CO2 Utilisation at the CO2-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference
Die CO2-Wende 2025: Rohstoffe der Zukunft, Potenziale der Gegenwart Innovative Wege zu grünem Wasserstoff, moderner Kohlendioxidabscheidung und Nutzung von (biogenem) CO2 auf der CO2-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference
Electrochaea and Baker Hughes Bring Commercial-Scale Biomethanation Technology to Market This BEDP lays the foundations for large industrial-scale biomethanation applications and meets the growing demand for commercial-scale eMethane production
Electrochaea und Baker Hughes bringen weltweit einzigartige Biomethanisierungs-Technologie auf den Markt Das BioCat-Methanisierungssystem ist für industrielle Anwendungen ausgelegt und zielt damit auf die wachsende Nachfrage nach eMethan-Produktion im kommerziellen Maßstab
Tidal Vision completes $140M Series B to Scale Chitosan Technologies Globally Funding Fuels Global Expansion with New Facilities that Strengthen Supply of Chitosan Chemistries
For the cultivation of greenhouse fruit and vegetables: plant clips made of certified industrial compostable biopolymer For the sustainable cultivation of greenhouse fruit and vegetables, BASF has developed a certified industrial compostable biopolymer that can be used to manufacture black and white plant clips
Für den Anbau von Obst und Gemüse im Gewächshaus: Pflanzenklips aus zertifiziert industriell kompostierbarem Biopolymer Für den nachhaltigen Anbau von Obst und Gemüse in Gewächshäusern hat BASF ein industriell kompostierbares Biopolymer entwickelt, das zu schwarzen oder weißen Pflanzenklips verarbeitet werden kann
Innovative plant to turn wood into biochemicals – UPM Biochemicals selects Bilfinger as maintenance partner for sustainable biorefinery First of its kind plant lays groundwork for production of consumer goods with reduced CO2 footprint
Innovatives Verfahren verwandelt Holz in Biochemikalien – Bilfinger ist Instandhaltungspartner für nachhaltige Bioraffinerie von UPM Biochemicals Weltweit erste Anlage ihrer Art ebnet Weg für Herstellung von Produkten mit einem reduzierten CO2-Fußabdruck
11 February 20256 February 2025 AI-powered self-healing asphalt: A step toward sustainable net-zero roads Self-healing asphalt roads, made from biomass waste and designed with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), could offer a promising solution to the UK's pothole problem, which is estimated to cost £143.5 million a year
Asphalt aus Biomasseabfällen repariert Straßenrisse selbstständig Die Reparatur von Rissen in Straßen kostet viel Geld. Britische Wissenschaftler haben nun selbstheilenden Asphalt auf Biobasis entwickelt
Seoul National University of Science and Technology Researchers Develop Bioink for Personalized Tissue Repair Using Kombucha SCOBY Nanocellulose The bioink can be precisely applied directly onto damaged tissue with a digital biopen, offering a convenient solution for healing wounds