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Sustainable textiles – the way forward (PDF)
NewMarkets & Economy, Sustainability & Health
6 Pages
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DownloadsHigh reliance on fossil carbon, associated high carbon footprint, low recycling rates and microplastics:Several solutions are emerging. The article analyses the evolution of the textile industry from 1960 to today, fossil and bio-based as well as recycling.The future of sustainable textilesThe sustainable textile industry of the future will be built on a foundation of cotton fibres and fast-growing cellulose fibres, later strongly supported by bio- and CO2-based synthetic fibres (“biosynthetics”) and high recycling rates for all types of fibres. This combination can eventually replace most fossil-based synthetic fibres by 2050. -
Bio-based Polymers Worldwide (PDF)
NewMarkets & Economy, Policy, Sustainability & Health
5 Pages
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DownloadsExpert insight into capacity developments, investments and new policy frameworks:- Firstly, global capacity for bio-based polymers will grow strongly over the next five years, much faster than for fossil-based polymers
- Secondly, investments in new capacity will take place in China, Europe, the Middle East, and the US
- Thirdly, investment in bio-based polymer capacities is mainly driven by policy frameworks that create demand.
Joint Webinar hosted by Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) (February 2025) (PDF)
NewPolicy, Sustainability & Health
51 Pages
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DownloadsThe webinar was presented by Michael Carus (nova-Institute, RCI), supported by Christopher vom Berg (RCI), Dirk Carrez (BIC), and Marco Rupp (BIC). It was based on a Scientific Background Report “Is there enough biomass to defossilise the chemicals and derived materials sector by 2050?” commissioned by the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI).
It explored whether agricultural and woody biomass could sustainably meet 20% of the carbon demand for the chemical and derived materials sectors by 2050. Using models like CAPRI (for agriculture) and TiMBA (for forestry), the study examined different scenarios, balancing food, feed, and biofuel priorities. Results showed that with moderate technological advancements, this 20% target is achievable without compromising sustainability or biodiversity. Stronger high-tech scenarios could even provide up to 40%, though existing biofuel policies may limit this. Overall, the study concluded that biomass could play a key role in defossilising the chemical sector, given the right innovations and policy frameworks.
Is there Enough Biomass to Defossilise the Chemicals and Derived Materials Sector by 2050? – A Joint BIC and RCI Scientific Background Report (PDF)
NewMarkets & Economy, Policy, Sustainability & Health
41 Pages
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DownloadsThis reports presents the findings of a joint project of the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), which focuses on whether agricultural and woody biomass combined sustainably provide enough biomass to meet 20% of the future carbon demand of the chemical and derived materials industries in 2050 (up from 5.5% (EU27) and 10% (global) in 2023).
This leading question was investigated with professional experts to model a business-as-usual, a low resource depletion, and a high-tech scenario to better analyse the possible ranges of biomass availability under different developments.
Agriculture: By 2050, under the BAU scenario, production is projected to increase by 31% to 5.07 billion tonnes. Cereals increase by 32% to 3.1 billion tonnes, sugar by 40% to 340 million tonnes and vegetable oils by 45% to 317 million tonnes. In the Green LRD scenarios, production is projected to increase by 24–26%, and in the Green HT scenarios by 38–53% – compared to 31% in the BAU scenario.
Forestry: Global supply and demand of industrial roundwood (coniferous and non-coniferous) will increase by an estimated 38% between 2020 and 2050, from 0.9 to 1.3 billion tdm. The largest increase in supply is expected in Asia (69%), including China and Russia, but a significant increase of 32% is also seen for Europe.
The report concludes that sustainably meeting 20% of total carbon demand of the chemicals and derived materials sector in 2050 via biomass seems a realistic and achievable estimate.
EU and Global: Biomass Demand for Transport Fuels, Aviation and Shipping up to 2050 and Implications for Biomass Supply to the Chemical Sector (PDF)
NewMarkets & Economy, Policy, Sustainability & Health
44 Pages
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DownloadsThe Renewable Carbon Initiative’s Scientific Background Report explores three potential future scenarios for carbon-based fuel demand up to 2050 under current policy frameworks. It predicts a sharp rise in the demand for second-generation biomass biofuels, driven primarily by increasing quotas for aviation and shipping fuels. This growth raises concerns about ecological and resource sustainability and creates challenges for sectors like chemicals and materials, which rely on renewable carbon to reduce fossil dependency. Without similar regulatory incentives, these sectors may face limited access to critical feedstocks like biomass and captured carbon.
The report highlights that while bio-based and synthetic fuel production could indirectly benefit the chemical industry through by-products, competition with the fuel sector poses significant obstacles.The report includes 11 tables, 9 graphics, and a detailed overview of EU fuel regulations. Though focused on Europe, it also provides global insights, making it a valuable resource for stakeholders in biomass and CO2 utilisation sectors.
Evaluation of Recent Reports on the Future of a Net-Zero Chemical Industry in 2050 (PDF)
NewMarkets & Economy, Policy, Sustainability & Health
20 Pages
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DownloadsThe Renewable Carbon Initiative’s Scientific Background Report assesses 24 scenarios from 15 studies to envision a net-zero chemical industry by 2050. The analysis anticipates continued growth in chemical production, projecting a 2.4-fold increase in global feedstock demand by 2050 compared to 2020 levels, with most expansion expected outside Europe while European feedstock volumes remain stable. To achieve net-zero emissions, the industry is projected to undergo a significant shift in feedstocks, with key renewable carbon sources identified as biomass (22%), carbon capture and utilisation (33%), and recycling (20%), while the remaining 24% comes from fossil sources with carbon capture and storage. For plastics specifically, recycling is expected to play an even larger role, accounting for 42% of feedstocks on average. This transition will require continued innovation and investment in renewable carbon technologies to meet ambitious defossilisation goals.
The report provides invaluable insights for industry leaders, policymakers, and researchers, highlighting the urgent need for action to achieve a net-zero future in the chemical sector by 2050.
DOI No.:
DownloadsDas gesamte Spektrum der verfügbaren Recyclingtechnologien, unterteilt nach ihren grundlegenden Funktionsprinzipien und ihren Produkten.
DownloadsFull spectrum of available recycling technologies divided by their basic working principles and their products.
Forest-Based Biorefineries: Innovative Bio-Based Products for a clean Transition (PDF)
NewMarkets & Economy, Policy, Technology
8 Pages
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DownloadsA new study conducted by the nova-Institute and commissioned by the Confederation of European Paper Industries (Cepi) unveils a significant surge in the European biorefinery sector, with forest-based biorefineries more than doubling their turnover to €6 billion since 2020. This remarkable growth underscores the rising demand for sustainable, bio-based alternatives to fossil-based products.
The research, focused on the pulp and paper industry that produce additional bio-based products which land on the market beyond pulp and paper, identifies a total of 143 biorefineries across Europe, with 126 currently operational and 17 in development. The largest number of biorefineries is in Sweden, Finland, Germany, Portugal and Austria. The study points to a bright future for biorefineries, with projected annual growth rates of up to 5% until 2050.
The products of these biorefineries provide sustainable solutions across various industries, from aviation to fashion, offering alternatives in materials, chemicals, fuels, food, and pharmaceuticals. Importantly, biorefineries contribute to Europe’s climate targets, with bio-based products already substituting over 3.1 megatons of CO2 emissions that would have been produced by fossil-based industries.The study emphasises that these advancements are not replacing traditional pulp and paper-making activities but are creating new revenue streams and increasing resource efficiency, providing a pathway to sustainable economic growth.
Die Zukunft des Recyclings gestalten (PDF)
NewMarkets & Economy, Policy, Sustainability & Health, Technology
2 Pages
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DownloadsDie ambitionierten Recyclingziele der EU, die (Selbst-)Verpflichtungen der chemischen Industrie und der Markenhersteller sowie die Anforderungen der Kunden üben einen enormen Entwicklungsdruck auf den Recyclingsektor aus. Einem großen Anteil nicht recycelter Abfallströme stehen die Nachfrage und die Suche nach erneuerbaren Rohstoffen für Chemikalien und Materialien gegenüber. Dies wirft die Frage auf, welche Technologien für welchen Abfallstrom am besten geeignet sind und wie die Umweltauswirkungen zu bewerten sind.
nova-paper #17: Science-based Definition of Natural Polymers (PDF)
NewMarkets & Economy, Policy, Sustainability & Health
22 Pages
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DownloadsEuropean policy has defined „natural polymers“ in a way that has caused much concern and debate among scientists and industry, and has created a barrier to innovation. The authors of this report have carried out a comprehensive scientific evaluation of how the scientific literature defines „natural polymers“, and the result is: The European policy definition is partly in clear contrast to the scientific definitions.
„Occurring in nature“ is the basis for every definition of „natural polymers“ in the scientific literature and in policy. All scientific definitions include biotechnological processes for the production of natural polymers. Not a single definition mentions the place of polymerisation as a criterion – in clear contrast to European policy. Industrial practice confirms this finding: A long list of widely accepted natural polymers includes biotechnologically processed polymers and the place of polymerisation is not a criterion.
Conclusion: A policy definition of „natural polymers“ that is at odds with almost all scientific definitions and at odds with business reality, and which is a major barrier to innovation, green investment and lower carbon footprints, needs to be revised.
The essence of the scientific definitions evaluated in this report is simple and leads to the following proposed definition: „Natural polymers are those that occur in nature, are produced in and extracted from nature, or can be produced identically using biotechnological processes“.DOI No.:
Alternative Naphtha – Technologies and Market, Status and Outlook (PDF)
NewMarkets & Economy, Technology
188 Pages
2,500 € – 9,000 € ex. tax
Plus 19% MwSt.
licenceFor the defossilisation of the chemical industry, it is crucial to find alternatives to fossil-based naphtha. The “alternative naphtha” concept makes use of existing refinery, steam cracking and chemical industry infrastructure where a proportion of fossil-based feedstocks – crude oil or fossil-based naphthas can be replaced by renewable carbon alternatives derived from the three sources of renewable carbon: CO2, biomass and recycling.
This new report by nova-Institute presents an analysis of the routes, associated technologies, market players and volumes by which renewable carbon can be introduced to refinery and steam cracking operations as replacement for fossil based feedstocks.
With 188 pages, 22 tables and illustrated by 48 graphics the report provides a comprehensive view on the growth in capacity for these alternative sources of naphtha as chemical industry feedstock, production routes and the need for “upgrading”, key companies and partnerships and the regulatory environment.
DOI No.:
SUITED approach: SUstainable Integrated TEchnology Development (PNG)
Markets & Economy, Sustainability & Health
1 Page
6 Downloads6 Downloads
DownloadsStart the ecological and economic evaluation of your technology as early as possible:
- Continuous optimization process
- Sustainability integrated technology development
- SUITED as a tool for technology improvement
Global Major Fibre Types by Production in % (PNG)
Markets & Economy, Sustainability & Health
1 Page
15 Downloads15 Downloads
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Textile-Waste-Generation-Collection-and-Treatment-in-Europe-2020 (PNG)
Markets & Economy, Sustainability & Health
1 Page
13 Downloads13 Downloads
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Bio-based-Polymer-Production-and-Bio-based-shares-2024 (PNG)
Markets & Economy, Policy, Sustainability & Health
1 Page
28 Downloads28 Downloads
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Global-Production-Capacities-of-Bio-based-Polymers-per-Region-2024 (PNG)
Markets & Economy, Policy, Sustainability & Health
1 Page
12 Downloads12 Downloads
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Supply and Demand of Agricultural Biomass Worldwide 2050 in HT +10 Scenario – Graphic (PNG)
Markets & Economy, Policy, Sustainability & Health
1 Page
14 Downloads14 Downloads
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Wood Supply in the Green LRD Scenario in 2050 – Graphic (PNG)
Markets & Economy, Policy, Sustainability & Health
1 Page
4 Downloads4 Downloads
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Share of Different Types of Biomass Worldwide 2023-2050 – Graphic (PNG)
Markets & Economy, Policy, Sustainability & Health
1 Page
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