Bio-based raw materials and the role of certification in building and construction – Interview with 3-CO’s advisory board member Martin Behrens

In a recent webinar by the EU-funded 3-CO project, Martin Behrens from Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR) gave an overview on bio-based construction materials and their certification, and presented the Quality Seal for Sustainable Buildings (QNG). His insights are now available as webinar recording and in an in-depth interview

The Project BioReCer enters the Critical Phase – Participation of Stakeholders from the EU Bioeconomy is More Relevant Than Ever

The acceptance of products based on biological waste by consumers, and the uptake of recommendations and guidelines by the bio-based industry, certification bodies and policy makers deeply depend on their active participation. The insights of bioeconomy stakeholders will be used to adapt current certification schemes by including new criteria for certifying the sustainability, origin and traceability of biological resources

EU-Forschungsprojekt BioReCer erreicht entscheidende Phase – Beteiligung von Stakeholdern wichtiger denn je 

Die Akzeptanz von Produkten, die auf biologischen Abfällen basieren, hängt stark von der aktiven Beteiligung und dem Feedback relevanter Interessengruppen ab. Die mit Hilfe von Stakeholdern gewonnenen Erkenntnisse fließen in die Verbesserung bestehender Zertifizierungssysteme ein und stärken dadurch die Aufnahme neuer Kriterien für Nachhaltigkeit, Herkunft und Rückverfolgbarkeit von biologischen Ressourcen