4 March 20253 March 2025 Monthly news from the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), February 2025 Let's take a look at what happened in February 2025 at RCI
27 February 202520 February 2025 SURFs UP project aims to boost sustainable surfactant production The project will focus on microbial biosurfactants and it will also study chemically produced biosurfactants from lignin
26 February 202524 February 2025 Studie bestätigt, dass Biomasse bis 2050 20% des Kohlenstoffbedarfs im Chemiesektor decken kann, ohne die Versorgung mit Lebens- und Futtermitteln zu gefährden Neuer Bericht der Renewable Carbon Initiative und des Biobased Industries Consortium zeigt Potenzial für eine signifikante Defossilisierung der chemischen Industrie durch Biomasse
18 February 202518 February 2025 RCI Webinar: The Future of Biomass in Sustainable Chemistry On 18 February, discover key insights on the net-zero chemistry industry, biomass availability, sustainable transport and in our upcoming free webinar
4 February 20253 February 2025 Monthly news from the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), January 2025 Here is what happened in January 2025 at RCI:
29 January 202528 January 2025 Joint webinar by BIC & RCI on biomass potential for defossilising the chemical industry Can biomass sustainably supply 20% of the carbon needs of the chemical and feedstock industries by 2050?
25 November 202420 November 2024 Europe missing out on the potential of bio-waste with almost 75% ending up in landfills or incinerated The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) together with Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) to produce a second edition of the report identifying the untapped potential to valorise bio-waste in Europe
30 September 202427 September 2024 Key Insights from two 3-CO Project Interviews: Focus on Labels, Certification and Social Innovations The Horizon Europe 3-CO conducted two insightful interviews with the project partner Margaux Le Gallou from ECOS and the project’s advisory board member Nelo Emerencia from the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC)
28 March 202425 March 2024 CBE JU boosting the EU’s biotech and biomanufacturing sectors CBE JU funding supports projects developing and producing innovative, sustainable and circular bio-based solutions across many sectors spanning from bio-based chemicals to food and feed ingredients, from construction materials to packaging
Romania provides untapped opportunities for Europe’s bio-based sector and green growth BIC’s updated Country Report on Romania builds on the first edition released in 2018. It maps out the potential for bio-based growth in the country, highlighting untapped and under-exploited bio-based resources
12 March 20247 March 2024 NENU2PHAR project: end of project after 42 months After 42 months of dedicated effort and collaboration among 17 partners, we are proud to announce the successful conclusion of the project
15 February 20245 February 2024 Letter to the CBE JU community Nicoló Giacomuzzi-Moore will be the new Executive Director for the CBE JU
7 February 20247 February 2024 Everything you ever wanted to know about sustainable paint and coatings: The PERFECOAT Webinar Series First webinar “Towards bio-based paints and coatings – Fundamentals and an introduction to the PERFECOAT project” on 5 March 2024, 13.00-14.00CET, online
25 January 202425 January 2024 Interview with Samira Choupin about LVHM’s appplication of Avantium’s bio-based Polyethylene Furanoate (PEF) The Packaging Materials Innovation Manager at LVMH Beauty answers questions about the company's sustainability goals, the motivation to join the PEFerence project and LVMH’s planned applications of PEF to replace fossil feedstock
12 January 20246 January 2024 A new EU project to valorize slaughterhouse waste and paper and pulp sludge Valorisation of different organic wastes to produce cost-efficient polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) for agricultural and personal care applications
8 December 20234 December 2023 The BioSupPack project advances in the development of bio-based packaging solutions derived from beer production waste The prototypes will be assessed regarding their environmental and socio-economic sustainability and safety
30 November 20231 December 2023 Painting a Bio-Based Future with Microbially Produced Alginates, Lipids and Pigments To add to the pursuit of a climate-neutral Europe and a truly circular economy, the PERFECOAT project develops and validates a new generation of industrial wood and decorative coatings with more than 25% bio-based components
Zukunft nachhaltig gestalten mithilfe von mikrobiell hergestellten Alginaten, Lipiden und Pigmenten Um ein klimaneutrales Europa zu schaffen und Kreislaufwirtschaft aktiv zu fördern, entwickelt und validiert das Forschungsprojekt PERFECOAT eine neue Generation industrieller Holz- und Dekorationsfarben und Lacke mit über 25% bio-basierten Komponenten
13 October 202310 October 2023 BIC Trend Report: rethinking the approach to the EU bioeconomy and taking action For the first time, BIC has published a Trend Report on how Europe can unleash the full potential of the bioeconomy, enabling it to better contribute to the EU’s green transition
20 September 202316 October 2023 Free PEFerence webinar on 7 November: Furanic Humins – 100% bio-based side stream of PEF production, as basis for thermoset and other binder applications Tom Claessen (Avantium) will show the audience how side stream furanic humins can be used as a basis for thermoset and other binder applications. After his 30-minute presentation, he will answer the audiences questions in a live discussion.
8 August 20233 August 2023 BeonNAT demonstrates the potential of biomass cultivated to produce bioplastics for cosmetics, biochar and pet litter The Selection Committee chose six of the most promising species to assess their suitability for use in the manufacture of the end products
7 July 20234 July 2023 Poland provides untapped opportunities for Europe’s bio-based sector and green growth The Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC), Europe’s leading industry association putting circularity, innovation and sustainability at the heart of the European bioeconomy, has published an updated version of its Country Report on Poland
26 June 202319 September 2023 Interview with Dr. Adrian Brandt about Henkel’s use of Avantium’s FDCA, a bio-based aromatic building block The head of the Bio-Renewable Materials Platform at Henkel answers questions about the company's sustainability goals and ambitions to support the PEFerence project
19 June 202314 June 2023 Successful LIGNOFLAG project completion: EU-funded large-scale commercial plant produces bioethanol from agricultural residues Clariant’s sunliquid® technology converts unused agricultural residues into cellulosic ethanol, an advanced, highly sustainable biofuel that can already be used as a drop-in solution in fuel blending
Erfolgreicher LIGNOFLAG-Projektabschluss: EU-geförderte kommerzielle Großanlage produziert Bioethanol aus Agrarreststoffen Die von Clariant entwickelte sunliquid®-Technologie wandelt landwirtschaftliche Reststoffe in Zellulose-Ethanol um, einen fortschrittlichen und nachhaltigen Biokraftstoff, der bereits als Drop-in-Lösung bei der Treibstoffmischung eingesetzt werden kann
12 May 20239 May 2023 AFTER-BIOCHEM: Update after 3 years of work AFTER-BIOCHEM project: Industrial start-up, commercial commitments confirmed, and replication process unlocked
2 May 202325 April 2023 Bio-based Industries Investment Programme 2023 Tech Tour and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) are announcing the launch of the Bio-based Industries Investment Programme 2023/2024
28 February 202328 February 2023 Free PEFerence Webinar on 21 March: From bio-based feedstocks to FDCA and PEF – And how can we keep PEF in the loop? Ed de Jong and Roy Visser (Avantium) will give a deep insight into the PEFerence project on 21 March 2023, 10:00 CET.
The Tech4Biowaste database: Getting biowaste conversion technologies out of the dark The Tech4Biowaste database will be showcased online by its developers on 30 March 2023
8 November 20222 November 2022 Möbel, Dielen, Verpackungen – wie Pappel-Produkte den Einsatz fossiler Rohstoffe reduzieren Forscher der TU Dresden haben Möglichkeiten erarbeitet, wie der Einsatz fossiler Rohstoffe durch die Nutzung umweltfreundlicherer, bio-basierter Materialen aus Pappeln reduziert werden kann
6 October 20226 October 2022 European bio-based industry turnover jumps to 814 billion Euro despite Brexit Even though the latest numbers no longer include the UK, the EU’s bioeconomy turnover remained stable, resulting in a 25 % increase since 2008
1 September 20221 September 2022 New bio-based polymer PEF shows low CO2 footprint Peer-reviewed LCA study with in-depth assessment of industrial PEF production and its use as raw material for bottles
30 June 202223 June 2022 BIC Annual Report 2021 About BIC’s new Business Plan, organised several webinars, commissioned and written informative or useful publications
Bioeconomy: Poised at a historic crossroads Beside shipping issues and energy disruption, business operations have been prevented by pandemic-related effects, supply chain tightness, higher demand as well as digitalisation, blockchains and AI
18 February 202216 February 2022 10 years after the first EU bioeconomy strategy. An interview with Chris Patermann, the father of the European bioeconomy In this exclusive interview with Il Bioeconomista, Chris Patermann talks about the new challenges we are facing to make the new economy based on biological resources happen
7 February 202228 January 2022 CHAMPION consortium reaches milestone in safe and circular material development Researchers of the CHAMPION project have successfully prepared a first set of innovative bio-based materials with promising properties for coatings, adhesives and home care ingredients
6 January 20222 January 2022 FAO and JRC launch new guidance note on monitoring bioeconomy sustainability New bioeconomy Guidance note describes in easy-to-follow steps how countries and macro-regions, such as the European Union (EU), can monitor sustainability along with their bioeconomy strategies and policies
7 December 20211 December 2021 Welcome to the Circular Bio-based Europe community CBE JU is the new BBI JU, nothing changes for you!
European SSuchy Project Update after 4 years of work 3 years after the project launch, the 17 European partners gathered online to review their work & plan for the last year of the project
2 December 202125 January 2022 Free Webinar: Innovative Financing Support for the Circular Bioeconomy Circular Bioeconomy needs investment, startups are looking for investors – what innovative financing options are available?
26 November 202123 November 2021 Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking to be launched at the end of November Partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) will build on the success of BBI JU to advance competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe
5 November 20215 November 2021 European Parliament approves Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking The EU Council is now anticipated to ratify the rule in the second half of November, paving the way for the CBE JU to be launched and its Programme Office to be established by the end of 2021
6 October 202130 September 2021 New country infographics illustrate how BBI JU projects shape the European bioeconomy The illustrations include key data on BBI JU beneficiaries, projects, and applications for BBI JU funding, thus showing the relevance of the initiative for each country’s bioeconomy
4 October 20216 October 2021 European bioeconomy robust as bio-based industry turnover jumps to 780 billion EUR The analysis of the 2018 Eurostat data shows that the turnover of the total bioeconomy, including food and beverages and the primary sectors of agriculture and forestry had an increase of around 25% since 2008
6 September 20219 September 2021 The REDWine project and climate change Reduction of greenhouse gases in wine production
15 July 202112 July 2021 Measuring EU Member State performance on bio-waste BIC and Zero Waste Europe report and country factsheets demonstrate untapped potential
13 July 20218 July 2021 Microphyt announces launch of SCALE, the world’s first fully-integrated microalgae biorefinery The 4-year 15 million Euro EU-project will address the ever-growing demand for safe and effective nutrition and wellness ingredients produced in a natural and highly sustainable way
9 July 20217 July 2021 Agrimax formally opens two new processing facilities to create value from crop and food processing waste Both pilot plants (biorefineries) – one in Spain and one in Italy – aim to develop and demonstrate the production of multiple, high-value bio-based products from food and farming waste