Monthly news from the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), January 2025

Here is what happened in January 2025 at RCI:

1)    RCI Scientific Background Report “EU and Global – Biomass Demand for Transport Fuels, Aviation and Shipping up to 2050 and Implications for Biomass Supply to the Chemical Sector” (January 2025)

The Scientific Background Report “EU and Global – Biomass Demand for Transport Fuels, Aviation and Shipping up to 2050 and Implications for Biomass Supply to the Chemical Sector” was published on 21 January 2025. The report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of EU policy frameworks that impact bio- and synthetic fuel demand for transport, aviation and shipping. Three scenarios for global and European fuel demand for 2020-2050 were developed in order to provide a better understanding of the range of carbon-based fuel demand from the transport sector. Finally, the report draws conclusions and outlines implications for the chemicals sector.

Find the full report at our publication platform

2)    RCI and BIC Joint Scientific Background Report “Is there Enough Biomass to Defossilise the Chemicals and Derived Materials Sector by 2050? “ – Publication and online webinar

Aligned with the publication on bio-based and synthetic fuels, our joint project with the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) modelling biomass availability for the chemical industry is published on Monday, 3 February 2025. The project investigated and modelled whether biomass from agriculture and forestry could sustainably supply 20% of the carbon demand for the chemical and derived materials industry by 2050.  The publication is supported by a public webinar which takes place on Monday, 3 February 2025, 13:00–14:00 h CET.

You can find the full report at our publication platform

3)    New Board Members

We are happy to announce two new board members: Vaude (since January) and Braskem (since February), raising the number of board members to 13. We are excited to welcome Vaude and Braskem to the board, and look forward to their expertise and fresh perspectives they bring to our mission of driving defossilisation forward.

4)    Appointment as member of the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Technical Advisory Board (TAB)

RCI has been appointed by the European Commission as a member of the Environmental Footprint Technical Advisory Board. The EF TAB provides the Commission with advice and expertise on technical-scientific issues related to the Product and Organisation Environmental Footprint methods (PEF/OEF). This also includes advice and expertise related to the development of PEF category rules (PEFCR) and OEF sector rules (OEFSR) and new methodological developments. The Commission informed us that a first meeting will be scheduled for March.

In order to involve all interested RCI members in driving forward PEF, we will look into hosting regular WG Sustainability meetings aligned with the official PEF meetings.

5)    Publication of A Competitive Compass for the EU

On 29 January 2025, the EC presented a strategic framework aimed at boosting the EU’s economic competitiveness and making Europe a leader in future technologies and clean products while maintaining its commitment to becoming climate-neutral. The Compass emphasises the need for a clean industrial transition, which aligns with RCI’s goals. More specifically, the Compass focuses on decarbonisation and competitiveness, proposes a simplification of regulatory environments and emphasis on innovation and financing for early-stage technologies.

Find the press release and full communication.

6)    Launch of the new Biotech and Biomanufacturing Hub

DG GROW announced that the new Biotech and Biomanufacturing Hub has been published on 30 January 2025. The Hub serves as an operational tool for biotech and biomanufacturing companies, particularly start-ups and SMEs, to help them navigating regulatory frameworks and find support to scale up. It is one of the deliverables of the EU Biotech and Biomanufacturing Communication of March 2024.

Explore the Biotech and Biomanufacturing Hub here.

You find further information in the official press release.

7)    RCI ambassador activities

EC Industrial Carbon Management – WG CCU-Meeting: RCI joint a meeting of this working group, which focused on finalising a document on enabling conditions for industrial deployment of CCU, including current status, barriers and opportunities and recommendations

15 January 2025 – Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK): On 15 January 2025, RCI participated in a webinar hosted by BMWK to discuss industrial bioeconomy, supporting bio-based products and processes into industrial practice, and the BMWK Industrial Bioeconomy funding programme.

10-11 December 2024, European Bioplastics Conference (EBC24): Around 350 attendees gathered in Berlin and online to attend the 19th EBC. RCI participated to discuss the future of bioplastics, factors that shape the bioplastics industry, and sustainable biomass availability.

9 December 2024 – CEFIC: In Brussels, joined a panel discussion at the Cefic “The Carbon Managers” event, where main assumptions, model and results of Cefic’s iC2050 study were presented. While the base case still assumes – compared to our vision – a high share of fossils (coupled with CCS) and rather low shares of recycling and utilisation of CO2, it is encouraging to see the increasing focus on sustainable feedstocks for the chemical industry.

8)    RCI Members Interview: MANE (FR)

MANE (FR), a member of the RCI since 2021, is dedicated to driving innovation and sustainability in the fragrance and flavour industry.

This month, RCI had the opportunity to speak with Elodie Schaffner, Green Chemistry Projects Engineer at MANE, who shared valuable insights into how the company is integrating cutting-edge practices to create sustainable products while reducing its environmental impact. the full interview here:

9)    RCI free webinar – Paving the Way for Sustainable Chemistry and Transport

On 18 February, 14:00-15:00 CET, Michael Carus will provide an insightful overview by leveraging key findings from three recent RCI reports:

  • 1. The Future of a Net-Zero Chemical Industry in 2050
  • 2. Biomass Demand for Transport Fuels, Aviation, and Shipping up to 2050Global and
  • 3. EU Biomass Supply & Demand for the Chemical and Materials Industry

Please register:

10) Partner events: Bio360, 5-6 February 2025, in Nantes, France

On 6 February 2025, RCI members Futerro, Covation Bio, TÜV Austria and nova-Institute will host a specific session on renewable carbon at the Bio360 (room “circular”) covering innovative strategies, examples of successful bio-based solutions, and the latest advancements in certification processes. With 400+ international exhibitors, 5,000 industry professionals, and a packed conference program across seven conference rooms, Bio360 Expo brings together the minds, solutions, and networks driving us toward a circular bio-economy.

Take a closer look at Bio360 at

11) Partner events: RCI-specific pitch session at the European Chemistry Partnering (ECP) on 12 February 2025

At the upcoming European Chemistry Partnering (ECP) on 12 February 2025, RCI will host a pitch session, where  members of RCI are invited to pitch about their current developments, activities, technologies in context of renewable carbon. ECP is an international event in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, designed to foster innovation and collaboration in the chemical industry and related sectors. If you as RCI member are interested to join the session at ECP and pitch, ECP grants 50% discount on their tickets for up to two participants – joining on short notice is still possible, so do not hesitate to reach out.

You can find more info on the ECP at:

12) Partner events: Cellulose Fibres Conference 2025 – New with Biosynthetics, 12-13 March, Cologne

The Cellulose Fibres Conference 2025 is hosted by nova-Institute and focuses on cellulose fibres in textiles, hygiene products and packaging. It covers the entire value chain of the sustainable textile industry, from lignocellulose, pulp, cellulose fibres such as rayon, viscose, modal or lyocell and new developments to a wide range of applications. At the conference, you will hear about the most successful solutions based on cellulose fibres that are currently available on the market, new developments and approaches and developments in the policy framework.

Innovation Award:

More information:


Renewable Carbon Initiative, original text, 2025-02-04.


Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC)
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
Covation Biomaterials
DG GROW - European Cluster Collaboration Platform
European Bioplastics e.V.
European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)
European Commission
MANE - Flavor & Fragrance Manufacturer
nova-Institut GmbH
Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI)


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