21 September 20179 September 2021 Hints from hemoglobin lead to better carbon monoxide storage Newly created material can absorb carbon monoxide far better than other materials
15 September 20179 September 2021 Potential Carbon Capture Game Changer Nears Completion If it works as expected, the Net Power natural gas demonstration plant will capture carbon at nearly no cost
4 September 20179 September 2021 BASF and bse Engineering sign development agreement to transform CO2 and excess current into methanol BASF will provide bse Engineering with custom made catalysts adapted to this new process
BASF und bse Engineering unterzeichnen Entwicklungsvereinbarung für die Umwandlung von CO2 und überschüssigem Strom zu Methanol BASF wird bse Engineering mit für den neuen Prozess maßgeschneiderten Katalysatoren versorgen
31 August 20179 September 2021 Synthetische Kraftstoffe: Treibhausgas wird Rohstoff Der Traum von einem klimaneutralen Verbrennungsmotor lässt sich mithilfe von synthetischen Kraftstoffen - sogenannten eFuels - bald in die Realität umsetzen
29 August 20179 September 2021 Methanol and Bio-economy: Now and the Future The continued growth of the methanol economies provides significant opportunities for investment in novel production methods
22 August 20179 September 2021 Carbon Conversion: A new additive helps researchers more selectively convert CO2 to multicarbon fuels The reaction was highly selective for the more desirable fuels that contain multiple carbons—such as ethylene, ethanol, and propanol
17 August 20179 September 2021 A smart, faster path to Zero Lifecycle Emission Advances from the EU in direct carbon capture from air
Strom zu Gas-Anlage der Thüga-Gruppe hat alle Erwartungen übertroffen Dekarbonisierung verschiedenster Sektoren via SzG möglich
10 August 20179 September 2021 Sugar can be sweet after all as it could be the “promising” future for bioplastics University of Bath researchers developed polycarbonate made from sugar, carbon dioxide and water
1 August 20179 September 2021 Issue 64 of the research*eu results magazine – The grand plan for carbon capture The latest research*eu results magazine is now available in free, accessible PDF.
31 July 20179 September 2021 Power-to-Liquid – Sprit aus Solarenergie und CO2 Zum ersten Mal wurden 200 Liter Kraftstoff aus Sonnenenergie und dem Kohlenstoffdioxid der Umgebungsluft in einer marktreifen Pilotanlage hergestellt
28 July 20179 September 2021 Biokunststoff: Zitrusfrüchte statt Chemie Katalanische Forscher arbeiten an Bioplastik aus Zitronen, Orangen oder Pomeranzen
27 July 20179 September 2021 Protein produced with electricity to alleviate world hunger Protein created with electricity can be used as a fodder replacement, thus releasing land areas for other purposes
Sprit aus Strom: Ökodiesel, ein leeres Versprechen Genauere Betrachtung des "CO2-neutralen" Verfahrens der Sunfire GmbH
26 July 20179 September 2021 Weltneuheit aus Rostock: Erfindung macht Erdöl überflüssig Eine Erfindung der Firma Gensoric soll Erdöl überflüssig machen. Den ersten Praxistest hat sie bereits bestanden
25 July 20179 September 2021 Nanomaterial helps store solar energy: efficiently and inexpensively Field trials show that new catalyst material for electrolysers is reliable
Nanomaterial hilft Sonnenenergie zu speichern: effizient und kostengünstig Neues Katalysator-Material für Elektrolyseure bewährt sich im Praxistest
ICIQ: When life gives you lemons, make bio-plastics Spanish reseacher group develops an environmentally friendly method to produce BPA-free polycarbonate from limonene and CO2
21 July 20179 September 2021 How the European chemical industry could become carbon neutral by 2050 Making the sector carbon neutral while retaining its competitiveness in a full circular economy in Europe is a significant challenge
20 July 20179 September 2021 Windgas for the energy transition: Uniper lays cornerstone for methanation plant Expansion of existing power-to-gas plant in Falkenhagen, Germany
Grünes Gas für die Energiewende: Uniper legt Grundstein für Methanisierungs-Anlage Erweiterung bestehender Power-to-Gas-Anlage im brandenburgischen Falkenhagen
14 July 20179 September 2021 First commercial plant for the production of Blue Crude planned in Norway About 3,000 products, which are currently made from crude oil, could be manufactured on the basis of Blue Crude
Erste kommerzielle Blue Crude-Production entsteht in Norwegen Aus synthetischem Blue Crude lassen sich ca. 3.000 Produkte herstellen, die bislang auf fossilem Erdöl basieren
13 July 20179 September 2021 A reality check on power-to-liquids: How not to use renewable energy Bellona’s latest report reviewing some of the alleged benefits of using synthetic fossil fuels
12 July 20179 September 2021 How to power a bus on formic acid Eindhoven University "Team FAST", consisting of 35 students, developed this so far unknown fuel all by itself
11 July 20179 September 2021 CO2-neutral hydrogen from biomass How to produce hydrogen from biomass is the subject of a joint research project by TU Wien and voestalpine
7 July 20179 September 2021 From Coal-fired CO2: The Digest’s Multi-Slide Guide to capturing flue gas via microalgae Tryg Lundquist, CTO of MBE gave this illuminating overview of the project at the recent DOE workshop on algae-based carbon capture technologies
3 July 20179 September 2021 „Resource Innovators 2017“ gekürt Auszeichnung von fünf Start-ups auf Berliner Rohstoffgipfel / Ideen zur Einsparung von Erdöl in der Chemieindustrie/ Signal für mehr Gründergeist und Kooperation
CO2-neutraler Wasserstoff aus Biomasse Wie man aus Biomasse Wasserstoff herstellen kann, untersuchen TU Wien und voestalpine in einem gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt
29 June 20179 September 2021 From sun to pump: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Direct Photosynthetic Production of Biodiesel BETO: Production of Biodiesel by Decoupled Cyanobacteria at the 2017 DOE Project Peer Review
The revolutionary technology pushing Sweden toward the seemingly impossible goal of zero emissions Algoland carbon capture project uses algae to help the country reach a huge climate target
Stanford discovery could lead to sustainable source of the fuel additive ethanol Most fuel additive ethanol used in the U.S. is made from corn, new research reveals that copper can turn carbon dioxide into ethanol without using corn or other plants
28 June 20179 September 2021 Europe, Flanders, the Province of East-Flanders and the City of Ghent invest €9,36 million in the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant Investment will be used to build up new research infrastructure specifically for gas fermentation and Down-Stream Processing
26 June 20179 September 2021 Efficient Steam Generation with Sunlight Researchers developed a solar steam generation device based on carbon nanotube-modified flexible wood membrane
Sunfire produces sustainable crude oil alternative Power-to-liquid plant in Dresden for first time was operated continuously for more than 1,500 hours
Blue Crude: Sunfire produziert nachhaltigen Erdölersatz Power-to-Liquids Anlage lief erstmalig im Dauerbetrieb über mehr als 1.500 Stunden
23 June 20179 September 2021 Scientists make plastic from sugar and carbon dioxide New BPA-free plastic could potentially replace current polycarbonates in items such as baby bottles and food containers
22 June 20179 September 2021 Solar paint offers endless energy from water vapour Australian researcher newly developed a compound that acts like silica gel, also acts as a semi-conductor and catalyses the splitting of water atoms
19 June 20179 September 2021 Finnish demo plant produces renewable fuel from carbon dioxide captured from the air Aim of the Soletair project is to demonstrate the technical performance of the overall process and produce 200 litres of fuels and other hydrocarbons for research
Fuels from thin air: drop-in liquid fuels from sky CO2, water and solar power Helsinki region’s Smart & Clean project aims to achieve the most attractive zero-emission mobility in the world
16 June 20179 September 2021 Fuels from thin air: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Soletair technology New power-to-liquid plant now has moved to the campus of LUT and and demonstrates the entire process chain
13 June 20179 September 2021 From Carbon Dioxide to Ethanol Synthesis of ethanol via hydrogenation of CO2 is an effective way to eliminate and use the environmentally harmful gas
9 June 20179 September 2021 Climeworks launches world’s first commercial plant to capture CO2 from air Pure captured CO2 gas can at once be sold to customers in all key markets
Climeworks wäscht CO2 aus der Luft Direct Air Capture Verfahren der Gebrüder Meier inzwischen kommerziell verfügbar
Carbon dioxide from flue gas v. Concentrated by-product chemical sources; and the impact of distribution costs on economic feasibility Advanced Cryogenics CEO giving the Digest a special overview about developing economies
8 June 20179 September 2021 Former U.S. Department of Energy Official Joins CO2 Sciences Board Dr. Williams will be a key voice and adviser in the organization’s mission throughout the world
7 June 20179 September 2021 Carbon Concentration in Algae: Reducing CO2 From Exhaust Gas Mechanisms for carbon concentration in algae are complex
29 May 20179 September 2021 Synthesis of Molecular Hydrogen: Novel Method Sets Benchmark for Platinum-free Electrocatalysts Electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) from water splitting is the most economical and effective route for future hydrogen economy
Neuartiges Verfahren setzt Standard bei platinfreien Elektrokatalysatoren zur Synthese von molekularem Wasserstoff Elektrokatalytische Erzeugung von Wasserstoff durch Wasserspaltung stellt das effektivste Verfahren für die zukünftige Wasserstoffökonomie dar