18 May 20179 September 2021 Erdgasanlagen ohne CO2-Ausstoß Die TU Wien leitete ein Forschungsprojekt, das nun eine neue Methode der Erdgasverbrennung hervorgebracht hat – ganz ohne CO2-Ausstoß
17 May 20179 September 2021 Forschungszentrum Jülich: Mit Sonnenlicht zu wertvollen Chemikalien aus CO2 Sonnenlicht plus Treibhausgas ergibt eine grüne Ressource
4 May 20179 September 2021 Alkohol für die Energiewende Der Prototyp der Fraunhofer Umsicht soll aus CO2 und Wasser Alkohole wie Ethanol herstellen – wichtige Basischemikalien für die Industrie
3 May 20179 September 2021 UCF Professor Invents Way to Trigger Artificial Photosynthesis to Clean Air, Produce Energy
27 April 20179 September 2021 Seven potential products using CO2 as a feedstock Alberta leading the charge
20 April 20179 September 2021 Alles in einem gegen CO2 Elementares Bor als effektiver Photothermokatalysator für die Umsetzung von Kohlendioxid
18 April 20179 September 2021 DLR inaugurates the world’s largest artificial Sun Independent of weather conditions, the simulator will bring faster progress to solar fuel manufacturing
12 April 20179 September 2021 The RED II Proposal and Its Impact on the Bio-based Material and CO2 Utilization Sector nova-Institute analysed the new Commission proposal with a view on the bio-based materials sector and present the most important findings in a paper
Der Kommissionsvorschlag zur Neufassung der Erneuerbare-Energien-Richtlinie (RED II): Auswirkungen auf bio-basierte Werkstoffe und CO2-Nutzung Das nova-Institut hat den neuen RED II-Vorschlag der Kommission analysiert und präsentiert die wichtigsten Ergebnisse in einem Paper
29 March 20179 September 2021 Power-to-Gas: Wind energy in the tank generates more acceptance for renewables GP JOULE submits feasibility study to Minister-President Torsten Albig
Power-to-Gas: Windenergie im Tank sorgt für mehr Akzeptanz für Erneuerbare GP JOULE übergibt Machbarkeitsstudie an Ministerpräsident Torsten Albig
27 March 20179 September 2021 Synbra Technology: „BioFoam“ – CO2-neutraler Schaum als Füllstoffschutz und Puffermaterial Erster vollständig biobasierter, aus erneuerbaren Ressourcen hergestellter Partikelschaum ist ohne Ausstoß von (zusätzlichem?) CO2 kompostierbar
Künstliches Licht – Forscher schalten Supersonne an In Jülich erstrahlt der größte künstliche Stern der Welt: Rund 150 Hochleistungslampen liefern Licht für die Forschung - 10.000-mal intensiver als Sonnenstrahlen. So soll umweltfreundlicher Jet-Treibstoff entstehen
24 March 20179 September 2021 Strom als Rohstoff – Grüne Energie für nachhaltige Chemie Fraunhofer-Leitprojekt wird auf der Hannover Messe 2017 präsentiert
20 March 20179 September 2021 Luftschloss mal anders: Häuser bauen mit CO2 Kohlenstoffdioxid als Basis für nachhaltiges Baumaterial zu speichern und zu verarbeiten wird möglich durch das Verfahren Mineralkarbonisierung. Dazu braucht es allerdings das richtige System
16 March 20179 September 2021 IU chemists create molecular ‘leaf’ that collects and stores solar power without solar panels The new molecule harvests sunlight to create useable material from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
13 March 20179 September 2021 New materials could turn water into the fuel of the future A new materials discovery approach puts solar fuels on the fast track to commercial viability
6 March 20179 September 2021 Separating Gases with Graphene Single-layer graphene has defined pore sizes in the nanometer range and has been suggested as a material for gas separation
2 March 20179 September 2021 Power-to-Gas: Electrochaea is awarded patent on super single-celled organisms for biomethane production Energy storage by microorganisms
Power-to-Gas: Electrochaea erhält Patent auf Super-Einzeller für Biomethanproduktion Energie speichern durch Mikroorganismen
1 March 20179 September 2021 Nanoparticles of rare metal and light convert carbon dioxide into fuel Newly discovered chemical reaction could use natural sunlight to reduce growing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere and lead to the development of alternative energies
27 February 20179 September 2021 Repsol starts pilot-scale production CO2-based polycarbonate polyol Repsol has opened a pilot plant at its Puertollano, Spain site for the production of sustainable polycarbonate polyols
23 February 20179 September 2021 Politics threatens state-of-the-art carbon capture plant in Spain Exact reasons for the plant’s near-abandonment are unclear, fact is that the environment is not high in the [PP] agenda
20 February 20179 September 2021 Reverse Combustion and its prospects There are more than a dozen technologies somewhere in development with a dizzying array of acronyms
13 February 20179 September 2021 Covestro tackling carbon-fiber-reinforced PC, PU from CO2 Global materials firm Covestro AG is making progress with two new projects
Coca-Cola Plantbottle: Could Liquid Light’s technology be the answer to Coca-Cola’s 2020 PlantBottle aspirations? If Liquid Light’s cost claims are achievable with its technology for bio-MEG, it could signify a major breakthrough in the production of PET from sustainable sources
10 February 20179 September 2021 The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Lygos’ technical approach Malonic acid from biobased source
7 February 20179 September 2021 Jilin Boda New Materials: Werk für CO2-basierte Kunststoffe in Planung Ausbau der Kapazitäten für CO2-basierte Kunststoffe und Nanomaterialien auf jeweils bis zu 300.000 Tonnen im Jahr geplant
1 February 20179 September 2021 Canadian scientists turn carbon-dioxide emissions into useful products Here’s a look at some of the Canadian semifinalists of the the NRG COSIA Carbon XPrize
A Discussion With Avantium’s CFO Regarding Its Acquisition of Liquid Light Acquisition of Liquid Light’s assets giving Avantium another CO2 technology to strengthen its own CO2 conversion group
31 January 20179 September 2021 Chinese firm builds CO2-based plastics capacity CO2-plastics project using rare-earth catalyst to produce a compound of CO2-based plastics to manufacturing biodegradable film
30 January 20179 September 2021 Asco: Kohlendioxid aus Rauchgas rückgewinnen Eigenständig aus Quellen mit niedrigem Reinheitsgrad schöpfen
26 January 20179 September 2021 Boosting Ethanol’s Value via CO2 use: The Digest’s Multi-Slide Guide to White Dog Labs The process can boost acetone production by 60%, all by its onesey, and half the CO2
23 January 20179 September 2021 Research identifies potential of CO2 reuse in Flanders With carbon capture and utilisation (CCU), the carbon cycle is closed and CO2 is no longer a waste stream
20 January 20179 September 2021 From waste CO2 to everyday products: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Liquid Light technology Former CEO Kyle Teamey gave this overview of the technology at ABLC
19 January 20179 September 2021 KnipBio closes Series B round for its Single Cell Protein: What’s SCP and why is it becoming the hottest development target around?
18 January 20179 September 2021 India’s double first in climate battle World's first £3m industrial plant to capture CO2 emissions and using it to make valuable chemicals
17 January 20179 September 2021 The AirCarbon methane-to-plastics technology: The Digest’s 20-16 Multi-Slide Guide to Newlight Technologies Company using greenhouse gas-to-plastic bioconversion technology to produce plastics from air and methane
16 January 20179 September 2021 Avantium Acquires Liquid Light Unrivaled electro-catalysis technology to convert CO2 to sustainable chemicals
Let’s Get it On: Avantium acquires Liquid Light Acquisition aims to commercialize new process technologies using CO2 as feedstock to produce sustainable chemicals and materials
13 January 20179 September 2021 Researchers Learn How a Bacterium Reduces CO2 in Biofuel Production Findings identified a new metabolic route previously unknown to the scientific community
12 January 20179 September 2021 Rice scientists, colleagues use doped graphene quantum dots to reduce carbon dioxide to fuel Carbon dots dash toward ‘green’ recycling role
11 January 20179 September 2021 Artificial leaf as mini-factory for medicine Eindhoven University researchers presented scenario where leaves are able to collect enough sunlight to produce chemical products
DTU Researchers Make Molecular Movies of Photocatalysis About to Happen New findings provide a key step towards a general understanding of the dynamics involved in artificial photosynthesis
10 January 20179 September 2021 Finding the next generation of carbon – “flue gases become feedstock” New half a million Euro EU project 'CarbonNext' to be running for two years
9 January 20179 September 2021 New venture selects Cargill’s Tennessee site to produce Calysta FeedKind Protein Site will house one of the largest gas fermentation facilities to produce sustainable fish feed ingredient
Konferenz der Kohlendioxid-Verwerter Nachlese: Auf einer Konferenz in Köln ging es um innovative Verfahren der CO2-Nutzung
16 December 20169 September 2021 Covestro startet Auslieferung von erstem Produkt auf CO2-Basis: Debüt für Kohlendioxid als Rohstoff Klimagas in Schaumstoff-Komponente für Matratzen
Covestro begins delivery of first CO2-based product: Debut of carbon dioxide as raw material Climate gas in foam component for mattresses
14 December 20169 September 2021 SynBio reinvents Photosynthesis with artificial CO2-fixing Pathway Team leader of CETCH project, Tobias Erb, succeeded in isolating a very efficient CO2-fixing enzyme