26 March 202520 March 2025 Homeostasis raises $1.2M to synthesize American-made graphite from waste CO2 Funds will enable reactor development and key technical hires in 2025
Benchmarking selective capture of trace CO2 from C2H2 using an amine-functionalized adsorbent New PEI@HP20 adsorbent captures trace carbon dioxide from acetylene, enhancing industrial purification standards
25 March 202518 March 2025 Accelerating the shift from fossil to circular carbon During the panel discussions at an online event in the beginnings of March, Alfa Laval deep-dive into critical topics in the industry
New process to enable the conversion of CO2 into sustainable basic chemicals Producing base chemicals without consuming fossil raw materials and thus generating CO2 emissions is one of the most important tasks in achieving climate targets
Neuer Prozess soll Umwandlung von CO2 in nachhaltige Grundchemikalien möglich machen Chemische Grundstoffe herzustellen, ohne fossile Rohstoffe zu verbrauchen und damit CO2-Emissionen zu erzeugen – das ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben zur Erreichung der Klimaziele
24 March 202523 March 2025 Electrochemical CO₂ Conversion: Transforming Emissions into Valuable Chemicals WaterProof-project upcoming webinar will demonstrate the potential and scalability of electrochemistry in CCU
Carbyon: the TNO spin-off innovating in CO2 filtration technology Hans De Neve founded the cleantech start-up Carbyon, which is already building its first machine to capture billions of tonnes of CO2 from the air
21 March 202518 March 2025 Osaka University, Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Mitsui Chemicals Successfully Synthesize Methanol and Para-xylene From CO2 Compared with production methods that use petroleum-based resources as feedstocks, the para-xylene obtained in this project affords a substantial reduction in CO2 emissions
Carbon2Chem® erhält Förderbescheid über 50 Millionen Euro Forschungsprojekt für die grüne Transformation geht in die dritte Phase
Carbon2Chem® awarded 50 Euro million research grant Research project for the green transformation enters third phase
20 March 202520 March 2025 “Best CO2 Utilisation 2025”: Celebrating Pioneering Innovation in Carbon Capture and Utilisation Technologies Six Innovative Technologies Redefining the Future of Carbon Capture and Utilisation at the CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2025
“Best CO2 Utilisation 2025”: Innovative CCU Technologien im Wettbewerb Sechs innovative Technologien präsentieren auf der CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2025 die Zukunft von Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU)
Spanien: Tecnicas Reunidas und Siemens Energy planen Methanol-Anlage in Leon Siemens Energy wird sich auf die Einheit für erneuerbaren Wasserstoff konzentrieren, Tecnicas Reunidas wird sich auf die Einheiten zur biogenen Kohlenstoffabscheidung und zur E-Methanol-Produktion fokussieren
Técnicas Reunidas will carry out the engineering services to develop one of Europe’s largest green methanol plants In addition to Reolum, the project brings together the services, knowledge and capabilities of four large companies with strong specialization in decarbonization: Siemens Energy, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Johnson Matthey and Técnicas Reunidas
19 March 202517 March 2025 ReSource Raises $15M to Develop Safer and More Sustainable Plastics Backed by Khosla Ventures and Fathom Fund, the company’s novel manufacturing technology aims to unlock scalable alternatives to traditional plastics and petrochemicals
18 March 202512 March 2025 Ansiedlung stärkt Chemiepark Marl bei Ausbau seines Wasserstoff-Hubs Greenlyte Carbon Technologies plant im Chemiepark Marl den Bau einer Anlage zur CO2-neutralen Produktion von eMethanol aus der Luft
Important technological milestone: production of sustainable aviation fuel becomes more efficient KIT and Sunfire succeed in Kopernikus project P2X technology upgrade for CO2-neutral production of fuels
P2X: Technologie-Update für Kraftstoffsynthese KIT und Sunfire testen im Kopernikus Projekt erfolgreich das P2X Techologie-Upgrade für die CO2-neutrale Produktion von Kraftstoffen
17 March 202512 March 2025 INERATEC secures €70 million financing commitment for Europe’s largest e-Fuel-production plant in Frankfurt The combined backing will finance the construction of Europe`s largest sustainable production plant in Frankfurt and research and development of future
INERATEC sichert sich Finanzierungszusage über 70 Millionen Euro für Europas größte e-Fuel-Anlage in Frankfurt Mit dem Finanzierungspaket will das Unternehmen in Frankfurt Europas größte Produktionsanlage bauen und seine Forschung und Entwicklung vorantreiben
Green Technologies Continuing to Thrive and Drivers for Sustainable Growth While elements of Trump's climate policy remain uncertain, there is expected to be a strong political force from Democrats and Republicans alike to continue support for carbon capture
New book urges design to lead the transition to sustainable materials Designers and manufacturers must rethink their approach to material selection as plastics have become the default material in consumer product design due to their lightweight, durability, and affordability
14 March 202510 March 2025 CO2 in Brennstoff umwandeln – mit Hilfe von Batterieabfällen Upcycling als Klima-Game-Changer: Aus alten Batterien und Alufolie-Resten wurde an der TU Wien ein Nanokatalysator erzeugt, mit dem sich CO2 aus der Luft in wertvolles Methan umwandeln lässt
Converting CO2 into fuel – with the help of battery waste Upcycling as a climate game-changer: A nanocatalyst has been produced at TU Wien based on spent batteries and aluminium foil residues, converting CO2 into valuable methane
OCOchem prepares to flip the switch on tech for turning captured CO2 into industrial chemicals OCOchem will start using its electrolyzer cells to turn CO2 into formic acid and other formate compounds to replace petroleum as a feedstock for products such as clean hydrogen fuel, animal feed and fertilizer
12 March 202511 March 2025 How Leading LCA Standards Address Renewable Carbon: An RCI Study New study by the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) analyses key Life Cycle Assessment and Carbon Footprint Standards and their implications for Renewable Carbon-based Products
Synthetic Carbon Assimilation Surpasses Nature New-to-Nature Pathway Outperforms Natural Pathway in Living Bacteria
Künstliche Kohlenstoff-Fixierung überholt die Natur Synthetische Kohlenstofffixierung arbeitet auch in lebenden Bakterien effizienter als natürliche Stoffwechselwege
MOPCO to enhance sustainable urea and ammonia production with thyssenkrupp Uhde’s carbon capture and green ammonia solutions The aim is to remove up to 145,000 t/year of CO2 from the flue gas of the existing ammonia production and use them in the urea production
What If We Could Revive Waste Carbon Dioxide? Conventional carbon dioxide (CO2) conversion technologies have faced challenges in commercialization due to their low efficiency relative to high energy consumption
Was wäre, wenn wir Kohlendioxidabfälle wiederbeleben könnten? KIMS und KAIST-Forscher haben einen Katalysator-Syntheseprozess und eine Technologie zur Präzisionskontrolle entwickelt, um die Effizienz der Kohlendioxidumwandlung zu maximieren
7 March 20254 March 2025 Researchers show how to efficiently convert captured carbon dioxide into green energy Thanks to a collaboration with Oregon State University researchers, methanol could soon be produced faster and more efficiently
Kohlendioxid in grüne Energie umwandeln: Neuer Katalysator verbessert CO2-Umwandlung Dank der Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern der Oregon State University könnte Methanol bald schneller und effizienter hergestellt werden
ICO₂NIC Project Kicks Off in Brussels: Transforming CO₂ Waste into Value The project’s ultimate goal is to make Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) more economically viable, reducing energy consumption, CO₂ emissions, and supporting industrial sustainability
6 March 20252 March 2025 United Sustainable Flight Fund Invests in Heirloom to Scale Direct Air Capture Sustainable Flight Fund also gets the right to purchase up to 500,000 tons of carbon dioxide removal - Heirloom's proven technology uses limestone to absorb CO2
Nachhaltigkeitsfonds von United Airlines investiert in Direct Air Capture Anbieter Fonds erwirbt außerdem das Kaufrecht für 500.000 Tonnen abgeschiedenes CO2 – Heirloom-Verfahren setzt auf Kalkstein, um der Luft Kohlenstoffdioxid zu entziehen
5 March 202526 February 2025 Why e-methanol is a game changer for decarbonizing shipping and industry As both a sustainable shipping fuel and a chemical feedstock, e-methanol offers a path for some of the toughest decarbonization challenges
4 March 20254 March 2025 Unlocking CCU Potential Through Electrochemistry Free Webinar on 25 March 2025, 13:00-14:30 CET
Monthly news from the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), February 2025 Let's take a look at what happened in February 2025 at RCI
Umweltfreundlicher Wasserstoff aus Kreislaufwirtschaft: Green Hydrogen Technology und Westfalen-Gruppe starten Kooperation Die Green Hydrogen Technology GmbH (GHT) aus Augsburg und die Westfalen-Gruppe aus Münster gehen eine strategische Partnerschaft für Wasserstoff aus Reststoffen ein
New Catalytic Method Converts CO2 Into Valuable β-Alkynyl Acids Innovative dual catalysis approach enables efficient carboxylation, highlighting potential for sustainable chemistry
3 March 202527 February 2025 Green Hydrogen Production – A Key Element for Maximizing Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) Benefits Numerous European cross-sector projects for hydrogen production using large-scale electrolysers and demonstrate the growing momentum behind hydrogen as a key element of Europe's energy future
Mittelstand fordert Rohstoffwende In einem 12-Punkte-Papier hat die Mittelstandsallianz klare Forderungen an die kommende Bundesregierung formuliert
28 February 202524 February 2025 ICM Forum Highlights Essential Actions in New Report to Unlock the Potential of CCU to Deliver Europe’s Climate Goals The report, developed by the Working Group on CCU, addresses key regulatory barriers, financial incentives, and policy measures required to accelerate the deployment of CCU technologies
27 February 202526 February 2025 Cellulose Fibres Conference 2025 – New with Biosynthetics: Meet the Next Generation of Sustainable Fibres and Technologies Only two weeks left to register: The upcoming conference on 12-13 March 2025 in Cologne, Germany, will pave pathways to a sustainable textile industry – Find out all Details
Nanoscale tin catalyst discovery paves the way for sustainable CO2 conversion Researchers have developed a sustainable catalyst that increases its activity during use while converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into valuable products. This discovery offers a blueprint for designing next-generation electrocatalysts
Weg für eine nachhaltige CO2-Umwandlung: Zinnkatalysator im Nanomaßstab Forscher haben einen nachhaltigen Katalysator entwickelt, der seine Aktivität während der Nutzung steigert und dabei Kohlendioxid (CO2) in wertvolle Produkte umwandelt. Diese Entdeckung liefert ein Modell für die Entwicklung von Elektrokatalysatoren der nächsten Generation
26 February 202524 February 2025 Deadline 16 March: Please Submit Your Abstract to the Renewable Materials Conference (RMC) The unique concept of showcasing all renewable materials solutions in one event covers the entire value chain from alternative carbon feedstocks in any applications
SEIL Energy and IIT-Madras collaborate to revolutionize carbon capture technology Researcher Prof. Sangwai is establishing a pilot plant demonstrator to facilitate improved carbon capture from coal fired power plant stacks
Tiny copper ‘flowers’ bloom on artificial leaves for clean fuel production Tiny copper ‘nano-flowers’ have been attached to an artificial leaf to produce clean fuels and chemicals that are the backbone of modern energy and manufacturing