12 January 20189 September 2021 Ontario Announces 20 Semi-Finalists for Solutions 2030 Challenge The top eight teams from Phase 1 will be invited to participate in Phase 2 and will be awarded up to $250,000 per team to support costs related to their participation
11 January 20189 September 2021 Coal Refining Chemical-Looping Systems with CO2 as a Co-Feedstock for Chemicals Syntheses Results indicate the potential for significant feedstock reduction in large-scale coal to chemical processes
10 January 20189 September 2021 Verkehrswende: Heißt die Lösung E-Fuels? Forscher Michael Sterner erklärt im tagesschau.de-Interview Vor- und Nachteile dieser Antriebstechnik
9 January 20189 September 2021 Batteries can’t solve the world’s biggest energy-storage problem. One startup has a solution Electrochaea’s process could be an answer to one of the biggest problems of the 21st century
20 December 20179 September 2021 Bodegas Torres: Green sky thinking Spanish wine producer company has so far invested €12 million in green initiatives since 2008
19 December 20179 September 2021 Erneuerbare Gase ‐ ein Systemupdate der Energiewende Einsatz erneuerbarer Gase unabdingbar für die Dekarbonisierung des Feedstocks der Industrie und des Verkehrssektors
15 December 20179 September 2021 ArcelorMittal gets nod from World Economic Forum for integrating circular economy principles into its business model Corporation is finding ways to make transformational changes to the way it does busines
14 December 20179 September 2021 An implementation plan for CCS and CCU in Europe EU now needs to put in place a long-term policy framework that incentivises this low-carbon technology in Europe, writes Graeme Sweeney
13 December 20179 September 2021 The teenager inventor who could change the way the world fights climate change Energy fascinated student was awarded his first patent at 18 and he has his own company now, Innovator Energy
CO2 Value Europe: A new association dedicated to the utilisation of CO2 43 leading industrial and research stakeholders will cooperate to implement solutions to convert CO2 into valuable products
12 December 20179 September 2021 The material that built the modern world is also destroying it. Here’s a fix Cement industry is currently responsible for about 5% of global CO2 emissions - 1 kg of cement releases more than 0.5 kg of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
8 December 20179 September 2021 A radical startup has invented the world’s first zero-emissions fossil-fuel power plant Net Power, a North Carolina-based energy startup is making a $150-million investment in a new approach to deploy carbon-capture technology
6 December 20179 September 2021 HYDROSOL-Plant: Hydrogen from sunlight Research group presents what is currently the largest test facility for splitting water
HYDROSOL-Plant: Wasserstoff aus Sonnenlicht Forschergruppe stellt aktuell größte Testanlage zur solarthermischen Wasserspaltung vor
5 December 20179 September 2021 STEP Award: Electrochaea erhält Unternehmenspreis für biologische Power-to-Gas-Technologie Cleantech-Startup aus Planegg erhält damit die dritte Auszeichnung innerhalb eines Jahres
1 December 20179 September 2021 Turning emissions into fuel MIT-developed method converts carbon dioxide into useful compounds
29 November 20179 September 2021 Efficient Conversion of CO2–H2O into Fuels Xiamen University (China) researchers have developed an easy and highly efficient strategy for alkane production by using CO2 and solar energy
28 November 20179 September 2021 Transforming greenhouse gases: New ‘supercatalyst’ to recycle carbon dioxide and methane Engineers have developed a new and cost-effective catalyst to recycle two of the main causes behind climate change
Dual Catalyst for Olefin Production from CO2 Chinese researchers developed a dual catalyst that can selectively produce lower olefins (between two and four carbon atoms) from CO2
23 November 20179 September 2021 Power-to-X im Überblick: Energie, wandle Dich! Wie vielseitig Energie sein kann, zeigt sich nicht nur anhand der unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten, sie zu gewinnen
22 November 20179 September 2021 U of T chemistry team advances to ‘close the carbon cycle’ Solar fuel breakthroughs showcased in new art exhibit in Vienna
21 November 20179 September 2021 Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand: CO2-Nutzung geht weiter BMWi hat Förderung des Kooperationsnetzwerks "UseCO2" für zwei weitere Jahre verlängert
16 November 20179 September 2021 Kohlendioxid als Rohstoff nutzen Kohlendioxid ist weitgehend als klimaschädliches Abgas bekannt – Die immer wiederkehrende Frage ist, ob man dieses Gas auch als Rohstoff nutzen könnte
13 November 20179 September 2021 In dieser Box könnte die Zukunft der CO2-Abscheidung stecken ExxonMobil und FuelCell Energy erforschen vielversprechendes Potenzial kapazitätsstarker Brennstoffzellen, CO2-Emissionen abzuscheiden
9 November 20179 September 2021 Sustainable acrylic acid process patented by Dioxide Materials Dioxide Materials was issued a patent for preparing a process for forming acrylic acid that does not use propylene as a feed stock
Using CO2 for microalgae and biofuels: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to MicroBio Engineering’s algae overview Founder and CEO John Benemann gave this illuminating overview of the utilization of CO2 using microalgae
2 November 20179 September 2021 Separating methane and CO2 will become more efficient KU Leuven researchers developed a new membrane that makes the separation process much more effective
27 October 20179 September 2021 Covestro: Europeans join forces on CO2 – Chemical industry will use waste gas from steel factories to make plastics Research project launched with 14 partners from seven countries - EU supports development of a particularly sustainable process
Covestro: Europäischer Schulterschluss zur CO2-Nutzung – Chemie will Abgase aus Stahlwerken für Kunststoffe verwenden Forschungsprojekt mit 14 Partnern aus sieben Ländern gestartet - EU fördert Entwicklung von besonders nachhaltigem Verfahren
26 October 20179 September 2021 Wasserstoff als Benzin-Alternative: Wenn nur die Stromkosten nicht wären Künstliche Kraftstoffe auf Wasserstoff-Basis sollen emissionsfrei sein - und die Zukunft des Verbrennungsmotors. Doch die Idee vom klimafreundlichen Sprit hat einen entscheidenden Haken
This Startup Turns Climate Pollution Into Fish Feed NovoNutrients wants to replace fish food with something more sustainable: microbes grown with carbon dioxide
25 October 20179 September 2021 Energiewende nur mit E-Fuels möglich – Prognos-Studie Künftige Bundesregierung sollte daher die Bedeutung neuer flüssiger Energieträger für die Zukunft der Energieversorgung anerkennen und ihre Markteinführung unterstützen
23 October 20179 September 2021 Statoil, Shell and Total entered CO2 storage partnership to meet the global climate target Project is part of the Norwegian authorities’ efforts to develop full-scale carbon capture and storage in Norway
22 October 20179 September 2021 The world’s first “negative emissions” plant has begun operation – turning carbon dioxide into stone Three companies are currently building machines that can capture CO2 directly from the air
19 October 20179 September 2021 Wie sieht die Zukunft der Kohlenstoffwirtschaft aus? Neues Themenheft von Fraunhofer UMSICHT diskutiert Aspekte einer Transformation des heutigen kohlenstoffbasierten Wirtschaftssystems
Biofuel Production with the Sun, the Sea and Thermochemical Reactions New approaches to the science and technology of CO2-to-fuels may alter the energetics, the economics, and the business case to the point where bio-based CO2 conversion could be poised for a radical leap forward
18 October 20179 September 2021 Power-to-Gas: Electrochaea erhält Innovationspreis Rückenwind aus der Bayerischen Staatskanzlei
Could CO2 be the new fuel feedstock? Reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is one of the defining issues of our times, but the most prominent method — carbon capture and storage (CCS) — has made little progress over the last decade…
17 October 20179 September 2021 Breakthrough in direct activation of CO2 and CH4 into liquid fuels and chemicals University of Liverpool researchers report a very unique plasma synthesis process for the direct, one-step activation of carbon dioxide and methane into higher value liquid fuels and chemicals
Energiewende: Technologieoffener Ansatz bietet am meisten Vorteile dena gibt mit Leitstudie Integrierte Energiewende Empfehlungen für Koalitionsverhandlungen
16 October 20179 September 2021 Study: Sunlight and the right microbes convert Arctic carbon into carbon dioxide Oregon State and University of Michigan research identified compounds that microbes prefer using high-resolution chemistry and genetic approache
13 October 20179 September 2021 New efficient catalyst for key step in artificial photosynthesis Process sets free protons and electrons that can be used to make fuels
6 October 20179 September 2021 MSU research to harness algae to contain power plant emissions Algae used to produce biodiesel from coal emissions
5 October 20179 September 2021 Catalyst pioneer Econic Technologies partners with SCG Chemicals on CO2-based polymers The joint venture is one of a number of global partnerships Econic Technologies is engaging in towards realising its goal to create value from waste CO2
28 September 20179 September 2021 Scientists show how to control catalyst that turns a greenhouse gas into a fuel or feedstock The Pivotal Step in Turning Carbon Dioxide
27 September 20179 September 2021 It’s Definitely Possible to Turn Greenhouse Gases into Fuel Feedstock PNNL researchers figured out a way to make sure that converting CO2 would only produce the desired chemical
26 September 20179 September 2021 Solar-to-Fuel System Recycles CO2 to Make Ethanol and Ethylene Berkeley Lab advance is first demonstration of efficient, light-powered production of fuel via artificial photosynthesis
25 September 20179 September 2021 CCCI celebrates $950,000 federal investment in equipment Ottawa investing in carbon capture and conversion technology