26 January 201824 January 2018 Müllprobleme auf den Balearen: Mallorca will Kaffeekapseln verbieten Die Balearen ersticken im Müll, die einzige Verbrennungsanlage auf Mallorca ist überlastet. Jetzt greift die Inselregierung durch. Vor allem Kaffeetrinker müssen sich umstellen – und George Clooney gerät unter Druck
12 January 201810 January 2018 Sustainable Packaging Coalition elects representatives from McDonald’s, Nestlé USA, and Braskem to Executive Committee SPC Executive Committee offers big opportunity for big companies to work together, making real progress in advancing sustainable packaging
28 August 201724 August 2017 Süßstoff Stevia: Der Siegeszug der Zucker-Alternative Um den Zucker-Ersatz ist ein Milliardengeschäft entstanden. Forscher sehen aber noch Verbesserungspotenzial
2 June 201731 May 2017 PEF to be integrated in European PET recycling PEF has been touted with having improved barrier properties for gases like carbon dioxide and oxygen which leads to a longer shelf life of packaged products
2 December 20161 December 2016 Palmöl: Amnesty erhebt schwere Vorwürfe gegen Kosmetik-Hersteller Große Player wollen Palmöl-Produzenten Wilmar in die Pflicht nehmen
19 September 201615 September 2016 The problem with vanilla After vowing to go natural, food brands face a shortage of the favored flavor
12 February 201611 February 2016 ‘Big companies driving the sustainability agenda’ Big industry players are making progress where governments are frequently setting unreachable targets
3 February 201628 January 2016 Industry targets recycling for marine debris 118-page report claims that 95 percent of plastic packaging — worth between $80 and $120 billion — is lost to the economy every year
16 December 201515 December 2015 Jennewein Biotechnologie: Finanzspritze für Wachstumskurs Unternehmen produziert mit Hilfe von Mikroben komplexe Oligosaccharide
14 December 201511 December 2015 DuPont Leaders Tout Biopolymers and Technology for Improved Sustainability Comments Delivered at International Bio Symposium
24 November 201523 November 2015 Responsible sourcing is key to growing responsible bioplastics Multi-stakeholder forum focusing on increasing awareness around the environmental and social performance of potential feedstock sources
11 November 201511 November 2015 Final Programme Released: Microplastic conference in Cologne from 23-24 November 2015 +++ Final programme released +++ Already 130 participants +++ Just 14 days left +++
2 November 201528 October 2015 BioHub research project reaches successful conclusion with support from Sidel As the selected representative for the beverage industry, Sidel took part in the recently concluded BioHub® programme, providing support and consulting on packaging issues
1 October 201530 September 2015 Club Coffee set to release biodegradable pod Paper-capped PurPod, invented by Guelph researchers, uses a brown-flecked bioplastic ring made of coffee bean chaff
31 August 201527 August 2015 The Bioeconomy Gets to the Fridge: Packaging is 100% Biobased Northern European countries are the leaders in packaging made from renewable sources
12 June 201511 June 2015 Bremer Start-up entwickelt biologisch abbaubare Kaffee-Kapseln David Wolf-Rooney will mit seiner Firma Velibre dem Verpackungswahn mit Aluminium ein Ende setzen
8 June 20158 June 2015 RSB General Assembly opens with approval of new low iLUC risk standard Approved by consensus: new standard will be an ‘optional module’ for operations undergoing RSB certification
12 May 201511 May 2015 Can biotech provide the magic formula for the green economy? Genetic engineering could help cut our use of fossil fuels and resources with the right support from environmentalists and government
12 March 201512 March 2015 Indonesien: Zertifizierte Zerstörung Palmöl steckt in jedem zweiten Supermarktprodukt. Das müssen Hersteller nun kennzeichnen. Ein kritischer Blick aufs Etikett lohnt: Denn für das billige Pflanzenfett werden in Indonesien Wälder gerodet und Menschen vertrieben
16 June 201413 June 2014 Bioplastics alliance looks to guide supply chain Consumers want sustainable products: BFA is assessing criteria for sustainable biomass production
9 January 20148 January 2014 Nachhaltige Rohstoffe für Chemieindustrie Die Chemieindustrie nutzt immer mehr Pflanzen als Rohstoff. Doch der Anbau kann Natur und Mensch schädigen. Industrie-, Umwelt- und Entwicklungsverbände haben nun Kriterien für nachhaltigen Anbau verabschiedet
16 December 201315 December 2013 EU governments fail to agree limits on food-based biofuels While energy and biofuel firms oppose a lower limit on first generation biofuel, food companies are strong supporters
26 November 201325 November 2013 The Chemical Industry will be more and more green and sustainable The strong message that comes from Ecochem
21 November 201320 November 2013 Leading global brand companies join with WWF to encourage responsible development of plant-based plastics The Coca-Cola Company, Danone, Ford, H.J. Heinz Company, Nestle, Nike, Inc., Procter & Gamble, Unilever and World Wildlife Fund launch the Bioplastic Feedstock Alliance
20 November 2013 1st European Conference And Exhibition On Sustainable Chemistry And Engineering Launches Innovators and young future leaders meeting in Basel on 19-21 November at the first Ecochem
2 October 20135 October 2013 Food and drink firms urged to crack down on sugar ‘land grabs’ New Oxfam report shows that sugar, along with soy and palm oil driving large-scale land acquisitions and land conflicts
16 April 2013 Nestlé reduces plastics in packaging by 34 percent What is sustainable and biodegradable packaging? - Neste relies on PIQET for a very consistent approach in the production chain
21 February 2013 Sugar lobbying intensifies ahead of EU vote EU's current sugar quota regime - Food and beverage companies vs. European beet growers and processors
24 September 2012 The future of sustainable packaging Exclusive interview with David Wiggins from Nestlé
5 September 2012 US and EU must change biofuel targets to avert food crisis, says Nestlé chief "What is environmentally unsustainable today will become socially unsustainable in a not so distant future" -
8 May 2012 NatureWorks plan expands PLA efforts Growing interest leads to the enlargement of the product strategy by PLA resins
9 March 2012 Bioplastics, Bioenergy and Biofuels in Global Land Use The world simply cannot afford to wait
9 February 2012 Bioplastics and the search for green packaging Bioplastics are starting to take off, driven by sustainability concerns, particularly among major brands
18 November 2011 Brand owners rally on bioplastic use Multinational brand owners increasingly use bioplastic despite costs and supply challenges
29 July 2011 Nestlé launches bioplastic caps for milk brands in Brazil In partnership with Tetra Pak and Braskem to advance use of packaging from renewable resources
23 June 2011 Nestlé looking to the future of bioplastics Applications of first generation of bioplastics already limited
26 April 2011 The just-food management briefing Sustainable packaging - renewable and biodegradable packaging
2 March 2011 Nestlé Considering Bioplastics for Select Packaging Cereplast, Inc. has been gaining popularity in Europe by use of algae based bioplastics
7 December 2010 Cardia Bioplastics: Umweltfreundliche Verpackungen für Nestlé Cardia sieht Trend zu nachhaltigen Verpackungen bestätigt
25 November 2010 Cardia Bioplastics announces collaboration with Nestlé Fast Moving Consumer Goods company in the world to reduce environmental impact of packaging
28 May 2010 Nestlé startet Partnerschaft mit TFT (The Forest Trust) zum Schutz des Regenwaldes Bis 2015 soll gesamter Bedarf an Palmöl aus nachhaltigen Quellen bezogen werden
8 December 2009 Nachhaltige Süßwarenverpackungen auf der ProSweets Cologne Nachhaltige Verpackungen sogar noch attraktiver geworden
8 January 2009 Third Bioplastics Awards: Finalists from around the Globe Six innovative bioplastics enterprises have won the international awards