4 November 20224 November 2022 From flower waste to bio-leather One more of the projects on the Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress, where on the opening day the winners of the Young Scientist Award of Lenzing for innovative research work in the fiber and textile sector were awarded
2 November 202231 October 2022 Lenzing verstärkt Ambitionen beim Textilrecycling Lenzing ist eines von 27 Konsortium-Mitgliedern, darunter der Branchenverband Euratex, die Textilunternehmen Inditex, PVH und Decathlon sowie die Nichtregierungsorganisation Oxfam
Lenzing strengthens ambitions in textile recycling New consortium with 27 members include as well as Lenzing, the industry association Euratex, textile company Inditex, PVH, Decathlon and non-governmental organization Oxfam
Award for fair and sustainable textiles presented From numerous applications three winners for the Young Scientist Award of Lenzing for innovative research work were nominated and on the opening day of the GFC in Dornbirn (Austria), the prize money was awarded
27 October 202231 October 2022 Only four weeks left for your abstract submission: Cellulose Fibres Conference 2023 8–9 March 2023 – hybrid event (on site and online), Cologne (Germany)
8 August 20223 August 2022 Recycled synthetics vs renewable fibres: Balancing sustainability Compared to conventional production, so-called ‘preferred fibres’ – says global non-profit organisation Textile Exchange – improve environmental and/or social sustainability outcomes and impacts
9 June 20224 June 2022 Lenzing boosts circularity and traceability through collaboration with UTEXBEL Together both firms to provide 80,000 prison personnel shirts for FPS Justice security guards using fabric with TENCEL™ branded lyocell fibers with REFIBRA™ technology
Lenzing fördert Kreislaufwirtschaft und Rückverfolgbarkeit durch die Zusammenarbeit mit UTEXBEL Zusammen wollen die beiden Unternehmen Uniformen für die belgische Justizbehörde (FOD) unter Verwendung von TENCEL™ Markenfasern mit REFIBRA™ Technologie und recyceltem Polyester produzieren
13 April 202212 April 2022 TENCEL™ brand and RCGD Global spotlight eco-couture at the Oscars® and unveil winning looks of the 2020 and 2021 Global Design Contest Winning designs of the 2020 and 2021 Global Design Contest were unveiled publicly for the first time in Los Angeles on March 25th
15 March 20229 March 2022 Lenzing successfully opens world’s largest lyocell plant in Thailand New production unit will help to even better meet the increasing customer demand for TENCEL™ branded lyocell fibers
Lenzing eröffnet weltweit größte Lyocellfaser-Produktionsanlage in Thailand Neue Fabrik hat die Produktion planmäßig aufgenommen und trägt dazu bei, die wachsende Nachfrage der Kunden nach Lyocellfasern der Marke TENCEL™ noch besser zu bedienen
16 February 202210 February 2022 TENCEL™ feiert 30 Jahre nachhaltige Faserinnovation Lenzings führende Textilmarke feiert dieses Jahr drei Jahrzehnte nachhaltiger Faserinnovation und unterstützt daneben Unternehmen in der gesamten textilen Wertschöpfungskette
TENCEL™ celebrates 30 years of sustainable fiber innovation Lenzing’s flagship textile brand is celebrating three decades of sustainable fiber innovation this year and is empowering companies across the textile value chain to adopt more eco-friendly practices
31 January 202224 January 2022 Kennen Sie Textil-Trends wie Econyl, Repreve und Tencel? Textilien wie Polyester und Nylon schaden der Umwelt. Doch wussten Sie, dass es auch nachhaltige Materialien wie Econyl, Repreve und Tencel gibt?
13 January 202212 January 2022 Cellulose fibres strengthen networks: The industry meets again in Cologne, Germany, and online Strict security measures make it possible: long-missed meetings essential for the growth of the industry will take place again
12 January 20226 January 2022 TENCEL™ introduces performance fabric with 100% cellulose fibers The double-layer construction consists of a blend of TENCEL™ branded modal fibers with Eco Color technology and kapok fibers on the inside and 100% TENCEL™ Modal fibers on the outside
11 October 202111 October 2021 Does your innovation have what it takes for the innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2022”? International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022, 2-3 February in Cologne, Germany and online – Call for Innovations – Six nominees will get the chance to present their unique products
6 September 20211 September 2021 60. Dornbirn-GFC 2021, 15. – 17. September, Online event 96 Lectures from Industry, Universities and Research Institutes, 20 Exhibitors and Break Out Sessions – guided by top class Keynotes
4 August 20212 August 2021 Tencel fiber made of orange pulp and wood sources A patented pulp production process for citrus by-products is being used to produce the first ever Tencel branded lyocell fiber made of orange and wood pulp.
27 July 202123 July 2021 Lenzing collaborates with Orange Fiber as part of new TENCEL™ Limited Edition initiative Lenzing and Orange Fiber introduce the first TENCEL™ branded lyocell fiber made of orange pulp and wood sources – presenting a new sustainable offering for the fashion industry
18 June 202116 June 2021 Cellulosics avoid SUP rulings but bioplastics included Commission taking the view that a polymer will only be natural if its polymerization process actually takes place in nature
7 June 20219 September 2021 Two champions of post-consumer textile recycling joining forces Together, Lenzing and Södra take a giant leap further towards closing the loop from fiber to fiber in fashion
Zwei Weltmarktführer bündeln Kräfte im Textil-Recycling Lenzing und Södra leisten gemeinsam einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Modebranche
26 May 202116 June 2021 Next level biodegradable functional fabrics with kapok fibers Innovative double-layer knit made of 100% cellulosic fibers consisting kapok fibers on the inside and Tencel Modal fibers with Eco Color technology on the outside
26 March 20219 September 2021 Chemicals and Materials for the Future: Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – Final Program Which renewable materials are solutions that meet the needs of future societies? As a response to this challenging question, nova-Institute has decided to unite all relevant industries in the new “Renewable Materials Conference”, May 18–20, 2021, featuring a unique concept to present all renewable material solutions at one event: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled.
9 March 20219 September 2021 Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – A unique concept that covers all renewable materials solutions in one event Program already available – application period for the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year 2021” still open! The conference will take place as an online event.
3 March 20219 September 2021 Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – A unique concept that covers all renewable materials solutions in one event Almost final program already available – application period for the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year” still open! The conference will take place as an online event.
4 February 20219 September 2021 Stora Enso from Sweden wins the innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2021” with new cellulose foam for packaging They are followed by Kelheim Fibres from Germany with high-quality hygiene products made of cellulose and Metsä Spring from Finland with an innovative cellulose fibre production process
19 January 202119 January 2021 Cellulose fibres are virtually miracle materials – Almost endless possibilities and high market growth due to great demand! 2nd International Conference on Cellulose Fibres, 2-3 February (online event) – Cellulose fibres have a wide range of applications that are increasingly expanding. The markets are driven by technological developments and political framework conditions, especially bans and restrictions on plastics and increasing sustainability requirements.
12 January 20217 January 2021 Mode aus Holz: Hotelier mischt nun auch in der Bekleidungsindustrie mit Unter dem Label „Wood Fashion“ lässt Dietmar Hehenberger aus Österreich nachhaltige Mode aus Holzfasern fertigen
8 January 20218 January 2021 2nd International Conference on Cellulose Fibres, 2–3 February 2021, Online event Cellulose fibres are the fastest growing fibre group in textiles, the largest investment sector in the bio-based economy, and a solution to avoid microplastics
26 November 202017 December 2024 UPM joins the Renewable Carbon Initiative to change the foundation of chemical industry Just as the energy industry is converting to renewable sources, renewable carbon will become the new foundation of chemical and material industries in the future
25 November 20209 September 2021 Canopy ranking: Lenzing for the first time achieves highest Hot Button category In its annual ranking of sustainable wood procurement, the Canadian environmental organization Canopy particularly highlights Lenzing’s continuous leadership over the last number of years
Canopy-Ranking: Lenzing erreicht im „Hot Button Report“ erstmals die beste Kategorie Die kanadische Umweltorganisation Canopy hebt in ihrem jährlichen Ranking zur nachhaltigen Holzbeschaffung besonders Lenzings kontinuierliche Führungsrolle in den letzten Jahren hervor
19 October 202019 October 2020 For the first time the innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” will be granted at the “2<sup>nd</sup> International Conference on Cellulose Fibres”, 2–3 February 2021, Cologne (Germany) The conference will be held as hybrid event – as physical meeting in which an online audience also participates
12 October 20209 September 2021 Lenzing ist Gründungspartner der Renewable Carbon Initiative Die neu gegründete Renewable Carbon Initiative strebt das Ende des fossilen Zeitalters für alle organischen Chemikalien und Materialien bis 2050 an. Im Rahmen dieser Initiative wird sich Lenzing insbesondere auf die weitere Ökologisierung der Textil- und Vliesstoffbranchen konzentrieren
5 October 20209 September 2021 Call for abstracts: 2nd International Conference on Cellulose Fibres, 2–3 February 2021, Cologne (Germany) Lenzing, Levaco Chemicals and Kelheim Fibres will support the conference as gold sponsors. Further sponsors are welcome.
24 September 202017 December 2024 World market leaders take climate protection seriously: New initiative to replace fossil with renewable carbon wants to change the foundation of the chemical industry Companies looking for sustainable chemical and material solutions are welcome to join and profit from the support of the initiative
30 April 202029 April 2020 VTT and 52 companies to cooperate to reduce need for plastics by using natural fibres In the future, natural fibres may replace plastics in, for example, packaging, hygiene products, building materials and textiles
6 April 20206 April 2020 Ananas, Eukalyptus, Pilze: Diese Stoffe machen die Mode nachhaltiger Kleider aus Algen, Pilzen oder saurer Milch zeigen, dass es möglich ist, haut- und umweltfreundliche Stoffe herzustellen
19 March 202021 August 2020 Plastik in Feuchttüchern: Lenzing entwickelt nachhaltige Alternative Mit den biologisch abbaubaren, holzbasierten VEOCEL™ Fasern bietet Lenzing eine nachhaltige Alternative zu erdölbasierten Fasern in Feuchttüchern
16 March 202011 March 2020 Alternative Wickelfolien für den Transport Forschungsprojekt an der Montanuniversität Leoben will Verpackungs- und Transportkunststoffe mithilfe von bio-basiertem Plastik reduzieren
25 February 202022 February 2020 Freudenberg unveiled first ever 100% biodegradable padding at ISPO comfortemp Lyocell padding meets the high demands placed on clothing for sports and outdoor use
20 February 202021 February 2020 Despite storm and virus warnings, 210 participants joined “1st International Conference on Cellulose Fibres” in Cologne, Germany With 210 participants and 15 exhibitors from 26 different countries, the first conference on cellulose fibres was a great success and exceeded all expectations. The focus of the conference was on markets, technologies and sustainability – and especially alternative cellulose feedstocks.
22 January 202017 January 2020 Lenzing: Car concept with biodegradable car seat covers Collaboration with Rinspeed AG, Switzerland, to introduce highly sustainable fibers for automotive interiors in Rinspeed’s 2019 concept vehicle “microSnap”
16 January 202013 January 2020 BEDifferent with TENCELTM x REFIBRATM fibers – a Lenzing project to circular economy in home textiles International designers team have developed a bedding assortment with optimized sleeping comfort
BEDifferent mit TENCELTM x REFIBRATM Fasern – ein Projekt von Lenzing zur Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft bei Heimtextilien Internationales Designer-Team kreiert Bettwäsche-Kollektion mit optimalem Schlafkomfort
15 January 202010 January 2020 Panchkula firm develops biodegradable shoe Made from natural fibres, it will reduce carbon footprint
10 January 202010 January 2020 Endlich! Die weltweit erste Konferenz zu Cellulosefasern findet vom 11.–12. Februar 2020 in Köln statt: „1st International Conference on Cellulose Fibres“ Märkte, Technologien und Nachhaltigkeit stehen im Fokus
Finally! The world’s first conference on cellulose fibres will take place in Cologne on February 11–12, 2020: “1st International Conference on Cellulose Fibres” The focus is on markets, technologies and sustainability