10 January 20207 January 2020 Adhoc: The decision has been made: Lenzing joint venture to build dissolving pulp plant in Brazil Collaboration with Duratix to supply the entire volume of dissolving wood pulp to the Lenzing Group
16 December 201911 December 2019 Lenzing unveils latest Refibra breakthrough technology First production of Tencel Lyocell fibers using post-consumer cotton waste
25 November 201920 November 2019 Lenzing lays the foundation stone for world’s largest lyocell fibers plant New production plant is designed to satisfy high demand in Asia for lyocell fibers
Lenzing legt Grundstein für größtes Lyocell-Werk der Welt Neues Werk soll hohe Nachfrage nach Lyocellfasern in Asien decken
6 September 20193 September 2019 LENZING™ fibers are fully biodegradable in water, soil and compost Biodegradable materials such as wood-based fibers are the best alternative to single-use plastics
LENZING™ Fasern sind vollständig biologisch abbaubar in Wasser, Erde und Kompost Biologisch abbaubare Materialien wie holzbasierte Fasern sind die beste Alternative zu Einwegplastik
31 July 20195 August 2019 Shape the Future at the Dornbirn-GFC 2019 Sustainability/circular economy, digitalization, technical textiles, nonwovens and the first STARTUP DAYS are the hot topics at the Dornbirn Global Fiber Congress, Austria
Zukunft gestalten beim Dornbirn-GFC 2019 Nachhaltigkeit/Kreislaufwirtschaft, Digitalisierung, Technische Textilien, Nonwovens und die ersten STARTUP DAYS sind die Top Themen auf der internationalen Fasertagung
9 July 20194 July 2019 VEOCEL launches new certification criteria Lenzing Group unveiled the new co-branding certification criteria for its specialty nonwoven ingredient brand
8 July 20193 July 2019 Lenzing Group to become the first carbon neutral fiber producer in the world Investment of more than EUR 100 mn to combat 1.3 Mt of CO2 emissions
Lenzing Gruppe bekennt sich zu Produktion ohne CO2-Emissionen Investitionen von EUR 100 Mio., um jährliche Emission von 1,3 Mio. Tonnen CO2 zu verhindern
1 July 201927 June 2019 Lenzing Group builds world’s largest lyocell fiber plant in Thailand State-of-the-art production plant enhances global specialty fibers footprint
Lenzing Gruppe errichtet in Thailand größte Lyocellfaseranlage der Welt Hochmoderne Anlage schafft weltumspannendes Netz zur Produktion von Spezialfasern
21 June 201917 June 2019 Lenzing uses blockchain technology to help customers track its bio-based fibres from wood to clothes Together with Hongkong based TextileGenesis, company aim to create an unmatched level of transparency for brands and consumers
19 June 201914 June 2019 5 Minutes with… Elisabeth Stanger of Lenzing Derived from pulp from beech wood, LENZING Acetic Acid Biobased is free from solids, high in purity and has a huge range of applications
3 June 201928 May 2019 Lenzing: Lyocell fibers for aquatic farming Company initiated the project in collaboration with the Saxon Textile Research Institute (STFI), Chemnitz/Germany, and FIUM GmbH & Co. KG
31 May 201928 May 2019 Sustainable PU synthetics for the shoe industry Combination of water-based textile coating with regenerative fibers
Nachhaltiges Kunstleder für die Schuhindustrie Kombination aus wässriger Textilbeschichtung mit nachwachsenden Fasern
23 May 201925 December 2019 Cellulose Fibers Market to witness a CAGR of 9.02% during 2018-2024 Frequent changes in raw material prices, stringent environmental regulations by governments will act as main challenge for the market in future
22 May 201918 May 2019 Biodegradable Seat Covers: Lenzing on the Latest in Circular Auto Parts Through a partnership with Swiss automaker Rinspeed, textile giant Lenzing is expanding into auto upholstery — and changing what it feels like to sit on wood
6 May 201930 April 2019 Lenzing: Smart solutions from botanic origins Lenzing brand covers a broad range of industrial applications ranging from agriculture to engineered products at the Techtextil
27 March 201922 March 2019 Lenzing Group achieves fourth best full-year results in its history Very positive development of specialty fiber business with revenue share exceeding 45 percent
Lenzing Gruppe mit viertbestem Geschäftsjahr der Unternehmensgeschichte Sehr positive Entwicklung des Spezialfasergeschäftes mit einem Umsatzanteil von mehr als 45 Prozent
6 March 20191 March 2019 Lenzing und BILLA bieten “grüne” Alternative zu Plastiksackerl für Obst und Gemüse Holzfasern der Lenzing AG statt Plastik: Innovatives Mehrwegnetz für Obst und Gemüse
4 February 201930 January 2019 Lenzing belegt im Canopy Ranking ersten Platz bei nachhaltiger Holzbeschaffung Unterstützung für Erhaltung borealer Wälder und Biodiversität
4 December 201829 November 2018 Lenzing AG gewinnt mit Partnern Staatspreis „Smart Packaging“ 2018 Holzbasierter Beutel wurde mit VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH entwickelt und wird von Coop und REWE für Obst und Gemüse eingesetzt
Lenzing AG and Partners Win Austrian State Prize 2018 for Smart Packaging Wood-based fiber bags were developed together with VPZ Verpackungszentrum GmbH and are utilized by Coop and REWE for fruits and vegetables
5 October 20182 October 2018 Lenzing stoppt 275-Millionen-Projekt in USA – Aktie bricht ein Schwerer Rückschlag für den weltgrößten Cellulosefaserhersteller Lenzing: Das Großprojekt in Alabama musste ein halbes Jahr vor der ursprünglich geplanten Fertigstellung gestoppt werden. Die Aktie verliert mehr als 15 Prozent
3 September 201829 August 2018 Natural Fibers Market Size, Share, Trends, Growth, Forecast Analysis Report By Segment, By Product, By Application, By Region – Gobal Forecast Global Natural Fibers market is valued at million US$ in 2017 and will reach million US$ by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of during 2018-2025.
16 August 2018 Harvest failures due to drought – ground-breaking innovations in food production in sight Consequences of climate change require a fundamental restructuring of our food production
Ernteausfälle durch Trockenheit – Bahnbrechende Innovationen in der Lebensmittelproduktion in Sicht Der Klimawandel erfordert eine grundlegende Neuorientierung der Lebensmittelproduktion
24 July 2018 Bioraffinerien und Biotechnologie: Die Zukunft von Proteinen, Aromen, Textilien und nachhaltiger Chemie Neue biotechnologische und chemische Prozesse ermöglichen es, in modernen Bioraffinerien nachhaltig und effizient Proteine, Aromen, Textilfasern sowie Chemikalien und Kunststoffe aus unterschiedlicher Biomasse zu gewinnen
18 July 201818 July 2018 Almost final programme: Revolution in Food and Biomass Production (REFAB) 1-2 October 2018, Maritim Hotel Cologne, Germany – Early Bird Discount of 30%
26 March 201822 March 2018 Lenzing Group achieves best full-year results in its history Group want to put a stronger emphasis on their ambition to make the textile and nonwoven market more sustainable
22 February 201820 February 2018 Questale: EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) Natural Fibers Market Report 2018 This report focuses on the status and outlook for major applications/end users, sales volume, market share and growth rate for each application
11 January 20189 January 2018 A New Textiles Economy: Redesigning fashion’s future Download the report, infographics
22 September 201720 September 2017 Lenzing eröffnet neues Applikations- und Innovationscenter in Hongkong Ausbau der Kooperation mit Partnern der textilen Wertschöpfungskette in Asien
19 September 201715 September 2017 Fasern für die Landwirtschaft Kunststoff-Vermeidung in der Landwirtschaft ist ein wichtiges Thema. Lenzing bietet mit seinen Innovationen aus Tencel-Lyocellfasern eine ökologisch bessere Alternative
28 June 201726 June 2017 Lenzing: EcoVero™ fibers – new industry standard in eco-friendly viscose Achieving low environmental impact requires developing eco-friendly raw materials and a sustainable manufacturing process
21 February 201717 February 2017 Official Verification: All Standard Lenzing Fibers Are Derived 100 Percent from Nature USDA Biobased certification extended to Lenzing Viscose® and Lenzing Modal®
Offizieller Nachweis: Alle Standardfasern der Lenzing Gruppe stammen zu 100 Prozent aus der Natur USDA Biobased Auszeichnung nun auch für Lenzing Viscose® und Lenzing Modal®
7 December 20165 December 2016 Lenzing weltweit Nummer Eins bei nachhaltiger Holzbeschaffung Kanadische Umweltorganisation Canopy Planet Society bewertete alle großen Faserproduzenten
Lenzing Number One in the World for Sustainable Wood Sourcing Ranked first by the Canadian environmental organization Canopy Planet Society
12 July 201611 July 2016 Fibres of the future 2: cellulosic fibres from wood Second in a series of articles on fibres of the future
31 May 201630 May 2016 Bamboo, a promising feedstock Bamboo already extensively used in developing countries, has the potential to become a valuable feedstock
24 February 201623 February 2016 Commercial Biorefineries in Europe Conventional biofuels plants and pulp and paper mills not considered
19 November 201518 November 2015 Lenzing Gruppe: Signifikante Ergebnisverbesserung 1-9/2015 Periodenergebnis gegenüber Vorjahres-Vergleichszeitraum nahezu verdoppelt
11 November 201511 November 2015 Final Programme Released: Microplastic conference in Cologne from 23-24 November 2015 +++ Final programme released +++ Already 130 participants +++ Just 14 days left +++
27 October 201527 October 2015 Can the Bioeconomy Deliver Solutions for the Global Microplastic Problem? Release of microplastics into the environment is a topic of major concern