19 December 202214 December 2022 ArcelorMittal inaugurates flagship carbon capture and utilisation project at its steel plant in Ghent, Belgium €200 million CCU plant first of its kind in the European steel industry. Project part of multi-technology strategy to reduce carbon emissions at Ghent plant
23 July 202120 July 2021 Exciting future prospects for biorefineries New EU study describes development paths and outlines strategic roadmap
Spannende Zukunftsperspektiven für Bioraffinerien Neue EU-Studie beschreibt Entwicklungspfade und zeigt Strategiefahrplan auf
17 June 202116 June 2021 EU biorefinery outlook to 2030 European Commission's study presents the possible growth until 2030, provides actions required to increase the deployment of chemical and material driven biorefineries in the EU
4 June 20209 September 2021 New Lords of Circular Carbon: ArcelorMittal, EU complete financing of Steelanol project New plant is expected to produce up to 80 million liters of recycled-carbon ethanol a year and will create up to 500 construction jobs over the next two years
29 May 20209 September 2021 Belgium: EU supports ArcelorMittal with EUR 75m EIB loan to scale up breakthrough technology to reduce carbon emissions Two ground-breaking projects at ArcelorMittal plant in Ghent, Belgium, to considerably reduce carbon emissions by converting waste and by-products into valuable new products
26 November 201921 November 2019 EU’s increased demand for low-carbon liquid fuels can be met sustainably, study shows More countries could adopt higher ethanol fuel blends without exceeding the existing cap on crop-based biofuels
13 May 20198 May 2019 Welcome to the final RoadToBio Newsletter We will introduce the various parts of the new Roadmap and show your opportunities and advantages to increase the bio-based share in the chemical production
6 December 201820 January 2019 Welcome to the 12th newsletter of the RoadToBio project In this newsletter, we will talk about deliverable D2.4 “Ways to overcome regulatory and acceptance hurdles”, as one piece in the puzzle on our way
7 November 201820 January 2019 Welcome to the eleventh RoadToBio newsletter We are contacting our stakeholders once more to get their views on our findings
18 October 201815 October 2018 Welcome to the tenth RoadToBio newsletter This issue to sight results of the analysis of business cases for the nine bio-based chemicals which could represent an opportunity for European chemicals industry
13 August 201820 January 2019 Welcome to the ninth RoadToBio newsletter Presentation of the latest events results, asking for your opinion on key barriers for bio-based chemicals and a little dig deeper into the dedicated polymer chemicals
6 July 201820 January 2019 Welcome to the eigth RoadToBio newsletter With this newsletter, we once more want to highlight our work on barriers that oppose an increase of bio-based resources in the chemical industry
4 May 20187 January 2019 Welcome to the sixth RoadToBio newsletter In this newsletter we will discuss the most promising opportunities for the chemical industry to change from fossil-based to bio-based production
6 April 20185 April 2018 The best of two worlds – making chemistry more bio-based In this newsletter we present a short summary of our first webinar “The best of two worlds – making chemistry more bio-based”
6 March 201820 January 2019 Welcome to the fourth RoadToBio newsletter This newsletter to introduce you to a new method for classifying bio-based chemicals under three categories
7 February 201820 January 2019 Welcome to the third RoadToBio newsletter This newsletter to show another important aspect of this roadmap: Opportunities, barriers and hurdles concerning the acceptance of bio-based products
1 February 201820 January 2019 Welcome to the second RoadToBio newsletter First project report describes a desk study of the opportunities for the chemical industry to introduce more bio-based chemicals into existing value chains
8 January 201820 January 2019 Welcome to the first RoadToBio newsletter We would like to introduce you to a BBI funded project that is already intended to show the chemical industry the way into a more bio-based world
9 October 20176 October 2017 Which implementation strategy is right for bio-based chemicals – drop-in, smart drop-in and dedicated ones? Developing a roadmap for an increasingly bio-based European chemical industry
26 June 201723 June 2017 RoadToBio: Roadmap for the Chemical Industry in Europe towards a Bioeconomy The roadmap will specify the benefits for the chemical industry along the path from fossil-based industry towards a bioeconomy to meet the societal needs in 2030
13 October 201612 October 2016 Bio4Products: Creating sustainable resources for the process industry Dutch research project will bring unique blend of organisations and expertise in collaboration
18 June 201517 June 2015 E4tech to lead ETI project focused on biomass processing options Techno-economic analysis will review the economic and performance benefits and trade-offs associated with pre-processing bioenergy feedstocks
7 May 20156 May 2015 Survey of the EU bio-based industry Focus of the survey is on addressing gaps in existing data resources, the material use of biomass included
29 April 201528 April 2015 Now available: “From the Sugar Platform to biofuels and biochemicals” Final report for the European Commission, Directorate-General Energy
16 May 201415 May 2014 Braskem publishes the Life Cycle Assessment of its Green Plastic With a negative carbon footprint from cradle to gate, the study substantiates the biopolymer's potential to mitigate the impacts of global warming