28 September 202123 September 2021 Research guides future of plastic waste chemical recycling New Cornell University's paper highlights the benefits of consequential life-cycle optimization when compared with more traditional analytical tools
Forschung leitet die Zukunft des chemischen Recyclings von Kunststoffabfällen ein Neue Studie der Cornell Universität hebt die Vorteile der konsequenten Lebenszyklusoptimierung im Vergleich zu traditionelleren Analyseinstrumenten hervor
Maritime rope could be adding billions of microplastics to the ocean every year New University of Plymouth study is the first to explore the potential for rope to become a source of microplastic pollution in the marine environment
EU aims to tackle waste packaging with new legislation Europe's packaging waste is increasing, with the bloc generating 174.1kg of packaging waste per inhabitant in the EU in 2018
24 September 202121 September 2021 Talon International Launches 100% Sustainable Ghost Net Products The only company producing a full range of trim items produced from 100% Ghost Net Plastic material
Öko-Institut: Projekt zum systemischen Kunststoffrecycling aus Altfahrzeugen – Kooperation mit BASF, Volkswagen, Sicon, TU Clausthal Über optimal austarierte mechanische, chemische und thermische Aufbereitungsverfahren sollen Kunststoffe aus dem Pkw-Sektor umfassend gelenkt und marktgerecht verwertet werden
Dow and Bolloré collaborate to develop ground-breaking recyclable food-contact barrier shrink film, containing circular polymers Another step forward in Dow’s circularity ambitions introducing more packages on shelves which contain circular polymers derived from plastic waste
Kunststoffrecycler lehnen „Greenwashing“ der europäischen Kunststoffindustrie ab Nach Auffassung des bvse ist die CO2-Bilanz der chemischen Verwertung deutlich schlechter als bei dem werkstofflichen Recycling von Kunststoffen und damit kontraproduktiv
LG Chem proceeds with sustainable materials investments Full-scale production of superabsorbent polymers, full-scale production of the biodegradable polymer PBAT, joint venture on Renewable Diesel production and a planned production of polylactic acid (PLA) are huge steps forward to a circular economy
EURATEX vision for a European Textiles Strategy The European Commission should publish before the end of 2021 an “EU Sustainable Textiles Strategy” - EURATEX wants to contribute actively to this process for a competitive and sustainable European textiles industry
23 September 202120 September 2021 KOHPA® erkämpft Dreier-Deal bei “Die Höhle der Löwen” – Rosberg, Maschmeyer und Wöhrl investieren in stromleitendes Papier Dagmar Wöhrl, Carsten Maschmeyer und Nico Rosberg investieren 200.000 Euro für die weitere Expansion des Start-ups
Renewably-sourced feedstock being tested at Borealis cracker in Stenungsund, Sweden Being able to offer a viable alternative to conventional feedstocks will not only reduce the Stenungsund plant’s overall CO2 footprint, but also help Borealis customers maintain high product quality while meeting their own sustainability goals
22 September 202117 September 2021 Shell invests in plastic waste-to-chemicals technology company BlueAlp New joint-venture company to build two new conversion units in The Netherlands, which are forecast to convert more than 30 KT of plastic waste per year
Shell: Investition in chemisches Recycling von Kunststoffabfällen – Strategische Partnerschaft mit BlueAlp Joint-Venture-Unternehmen will zwei neue Verarbeitungsanlagen in den Niederlanden bauen, in denen mehr als 30.000 Tonnen Kunststoffabfälle pro Jahr verarbeitet werden sollen
21 September 202116 September 2021 RWTH bündelt Stärken zum Thema Kreislaufwirtschaft Die RWTH Aachen bündelt mit der Gründung des Centers for Circular Economy – kurz CCE genannt – ihre Stärken im Bereich des Themenfeldes Kreislaufwirtschaft
RWTH Pools Expertise on Circular Economy RWTH recently founded the Center for Circular Economy – CCE for short – thereby pooling the University's expertise on the hot topic
20 September 202115 September 2021 New standards in plastics recycling Processing up to eight metric tons of PP waste carpet per hour
Neue Maßstäbe im Kunststoffrecycling Aufbereitung von bis zu acht Tonnen PP-Teppichresten in der Stunde
17 September 202114 September 2021 Billion investment in plastic recycling in Sweden Site Zero becomes the largest and most modern plastic recycling plant in the world
Swedish Plastic Recycling: Ausbau der Recyclinganlage Site Zero in Motala Die Kapazitäten der Kunststoffrecycling-Anlage Site Zero im schwedischen Motala werden nahezu verdoppelt
16 September 202113 September 2021 Agilyx and Kumho Petrochemical Assess a Chemical Recycling Facility to produce raw material for tires out of post-use plastic Both companies to produce pure styrene from post-use polystyrene to be used as a virgin equivalent raw material to produce solution styrene-butadiene rubber (SSBR) for tires
Agilyx: Kooperation beim PS-Recycling mit Kumho Petrochemical Die Unternehmen wollen PS-Abfälle zur Gewinnung von Rohstoffen für die Reifenherstellung nutzen
Neste to acquire US based Agri Trading to strengthen its renewable raw material trading and sourcing to serve increasing customer demand for renewable and circular solutions Neste refines waste, residues and innovative raw materials into renewable fuels and sustainable feedstock for plastics and other materials. This is possible thanks to its proprietary NEXBTL technology
14 September 20219 September 2021 Herman Miller erhöht mit dem Aeron Stuhl die Verwendung von Ocean Bound Plastic Der Aeron Stuhl, einschließlich der neuen Farbvariante Onyx Ultra Matte, sowie andere Produkt- und Verpackungslösungen werden in der Nähe von Wasserläufen gesammelte Plastikabfälle enthalten. Dies steht im Einklang mit der Verpflichtung des Unternehmens, bis zum Jahr 2030 in allen Materialien 50% recycelte Bestandteile zu verwenden
Herman Miller Increases Use of Ocean-bound Plastic with Aeron Chair The Aeron Chair Portfolio, including new colorway Onyx Ultra Matte, and other product and packaging solutions will incorporate mismanaged plastic waste found near waterways, as part of the company's commitment to use 50% recycled content in all materials by 2030
Repsol, Berry Superfos, and the Choví Group committed to circular packaging In their commitment to sustainability, the three companies work under the ISCC Plus certification.
8 September 20219 September 2021 Kreislaufwirtschaft in Deutschland: Mit Recycling gegen Ressourcenknappheit? Interview mit Eric Rehbock vom bvse: Bedeutung von Gesetzesänderungen, Pandemiegeschehen und öffentlicher nachhaltiger Beschaffung
3 September 20219 September 2021 ITA Group becomes ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles Goal is the holistic biotransformation of textile technology and thus the use of biological principles for cycle-oriented value creation processes
ITA Group wird zur ITA Group International Centre for Sustainable Textiles Ganzheitliche Biotransformation der Textiltechnik und damit die Nutzung biologischer Prinzipien für kreislauforientierte Wertschöpfungsprozesse
Using plastic waste to help solve sand shortages Does the world have a shortage of sand? At first, that might sound like a peculiar question
2 September 20219 September 2021 Free Webinars on Markets and Strategies for Renewable Chemicals and Materials 11-22 October 2021 – 9 Sessions, 18 Presentations
1 September 20219 September 2021 Japan to limit business use of select plastic utensils A new law requires business operators to switch to biodegradable plastic alternatives or be prepared to charge customers for the use of single-use plastic items
30 August 202117 December 2024 RCI members advocate policy analysis and focused implementation of the renewable carbon strategy The Renewable Carbon Initiative is joining forces to pave the way for the transformation from fossil to renewable materials!
Weshalb die Rolle der Biotechnologie in Europa unterschätzt wird In den nationalen und europäischen Strategien zu technologischer Souveränität findet Biotechnologie nur in Nebensätzen statt. Das ist ein Fehler
27 August 20219 September 2021 lululemon invests in renewable materials For its polyester materials, lululemon aims to have at least 75% of its polyester sourced from recycled content by 2025 with a stretch goal of having their polyester materials 100% recycled-based
26 August 20219 September 2021 Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation Announce Site Development Plans using HydroPRS™ Licence from Mura and KBR It will have the capacity to handle 20,000 tonnes of plastic waste per year
Mitsubishi Chemical: Bau einer Kunststoffrecyclinganlage in Ibaraki Die erste HydroPRS-Anlage soll dort im kommenden Jahr mit einer Kapazität von 20.000 Jahrestonnen in Betrieb genommen werden
19 August 20219 September 2021 Climate change widespread, rapid, and intensifying IPCC Climate Change Report
European project to recover contaminated plastics from automotive, construction and electrical appliance industry waste The European NONTOX Project aims to eliminate hazardous and unpleasant substances from plastic waste and thus convert non-recyclable plastics and recycling waste into new resources.
17 August 20219 September 2021 Tackling plastic pollution for a greener future Gert-Jan Gruter, Chief Technology Officer, Avantium, discusses how the chemical industry can become more sustainable, reduce plastic pollution and achieve net-zero
16 August 20219 September 2021 SABIC First In Industry To Launch Circular Polycarbonate Produced From Post-Consumer Mixed Plastic, Based On Advanced Recycling Another huge milestone in SABIC’s sustainability journey in the industry, based on its TRUCIRCLE™ circular model - upcycling post-consumer mixed plastic
ANDRITZ liefert Textil-Recyclingsystem an Renewcell, Schweden Die Inbetriebnahme ist für das erste Halbjahr 2022 geplant
ANDRITZ to supply textile recycling system to Renewcell, Sweden Start-up of the plant is scheduled for the first half of 2022
13 August 20219 September 2021 Stora Enso and Tetra Pak join forces to triple the recycling capacity of beverage cartons in Poland The two companies will partner to provide circular solutions to the market. The investment in a complete recycling solution is set to significantly improve recycling throughout Central and Eastern Europe
Tetra Pak + Stora Enso: Verdreifachte Recyclingkapazität von Getränkekartons in Polen Tetra Pak und Stora Enso werden zusammenarbeiten, um dem Markt zirkuläre Lösungen anzubieten. Die Investition in Polen in eine komplette Recyclinglösung soll das Recycling von Getränkekartons in ganz Mittel- und Osteuropa deutlich verbessern
EEW and Der Grüne Punkt develop innovative process for sustainable recycling The aim is to reclaim more mixed plastics and more sorting residues for the raw material cycle / Establishment of joint venture agreed
Life Cycle Analysis Indicates Favorable CO2 savings for Agilyx Chemical Recycling Technology During the Styrenics Circular Solutions virtual event, ‘Move to Zero. Zero Waste. Zero CO2. Powered by Styrenics,’ LCA findings were unveiled with results indicating that Agilyx’ depolymerization technology saves approximately 75% of CO2-emissions in comparison to the production of polystyrene from virgin raw materials and incineration.
12 August 20219 September 2021 Repsol und RAMPF Eco Solutions: Partnerschaft für das Polyurethan-Recycling Gegenseitige Vereinbarung soll Repsol die europaweiten Exklusivrechte für die Entwicklung und Errichtung neuer flexibler Polyol-Recyclinganlagen einräumen
Repsol and RAMPF Eco Solutions further boost the recycling of polyurethane Mutual agreement provides Repsol with exclusivity throughout Europe to develop and construct new recycled flexible polyol plants
11 August 20219 September 2021 Ineos Styrolution factory in Illinois sees development delays The company says it plans to open a plant in Channahon, Illinois, in the next three years but has encountered pandemic-related delays