13 April 20219 September 2021 “Appropriate management of all organic wastes must be enabled NOW if the world is to meet Paris Agreement targets”, says global biogas trade body in landmark report Human activity generates 105bn tonnes of organic wastes (food waste, sewage and garden wastes, and farm and agricultural wastes) annually by human activity
12 April 20219 September 2021 BASF presents roadmap to climate neutrality BASF working on numerous flagship projects
Den Kreislauf für Polyurethan-Matratzen schließen Covestro: Vorreiter beim Schaumrecycling und der Gestaltung von Kreisläufen
A circular economy for textiles to design out waste and pollution The textile sector is marked by low rates of utilisation and low levels of recycling, leading to substantial and ever-expanding pressure on resources
9 April 20219 September 2021 Renewable, Climate Positive and Circular: The Beverage Carton Roadmap to 2030 and Beyond [Promoted content] Packaging can and should continue to contribute to the EU Green Deal ambitions and in particular to climate neutrality, circularity and biodiversity
8 April 20219 September 2021 Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) draws worldwide attention From international brands to leading chemical and bioeconomy companies to innovative start-ups for CO2 utilisation, companies are collaborating to guide a smart transition from fossil carbon to renewable carbon
Novamont and Iren sign circular bioeconomy agreement The project will also focus on composting plants using optical selection technologies and maximising recycling
Repsol chooses Rampf technology for PU recycling project The move is part of Repsol's plan to turn its production sites into areas with a low, zero or even negative carbon footprint
7 April 20219 September 2021 Celanese to Expand Capacity and Utilize Recycled CO2 for Methanol Production at Clear Lake, Texas Facility Expansion of methanol production from recycled CO2 supports environmental targets
Neuartige, haltbare biologisch abbaubare Flaschen aus Biokunststoffen Verbundvorhaben "Bio2Bottle" will biobasierte Flaschen entwickeln, die sich für die Aufbewahrung von Reinigungsmitteln und landwirtschaftlichen Bodenhilfsstoffen eignen, hohe Standards erfüllen und gleichzeitig biologisch abbaubar und wiederverwertbar sind
1 April 20219 September 2021 WASTX Plastic: World’s biggest factory for chemical recycling announced Test phase of the first P 1000 module of the WASTX Plastic, which processes up to 1,000 kg of plastic daily
WASTX Plastic: Weltweit größter Standort für chemisches Recycling angekündigt Fertigstellung des ersten P1000-Moduls der WASTX Plastic, das täglich bis zu 1.000 kg Kunststoff verarbeitet.
Beverage carton industry releases ten-year roadmap outlining vision and commitments for its sustainable packaging Beverage cartons are a recyclable low carbon packaging solution that protects food and beverages
TIPA compostable packaging expands into Australian market with expert hire Compostable packaging producer TIPA has announced its expansion into the Australian and New Zealand markets with an expert new hire
29 March 20219 September 2021 Why RED III will fail just as three Renewable Energy Directives have already The EU transport sector had just 6.3% renewables in real terms in 2019, a substantial portion of which was palm oil in various forms. With a 2010 starting point of around 4%, this 6.3% is a pitiful result, writes Eric Sievers
26 March 20219 September 2021 Chemicals and Materials for the Future: Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – Final Program Which renewable materials are solutions that meet the needs of future societies? As a response to this challenging question, nova-Institute has decided to unite all relevant industries in the new “Renewable Materials Conference”, May 18–20, 2021, featuring a unique concept to present all renewable material solutions at one event: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled.
The KITKAT that’s the sign of a break in Australia’s waste challenge In an Australian first, a group of companies have collaborated to produce Australia’s first soft plastic food wrapper made with recycled content
25 March 20219 September 2021 nova experts introduced: Achim Raschka (Dipl. biol.) Head of the Department of Technology and Markets and the biotechnology and green chemistry working group
European Trade Groups Form Alliance for Ensuring the Plastics Circular Economy The group was formed by Petcore Europe, PlasticsEurope, Plastics Recyclers Europe and VinylPlus
Recycle high-tech waste biologically Innovative biotechnological process extracts gallium from industrial wastewater
Hightech-Abfall biologisch recyceln Innovatives biotechnologisches Verfahren löst Gallium aus Industrieabwässern
24 March 20219 September 2021 “Best CO2 Utilisation 2021″: The three winners of the innovation award are turning CO2 into methanol, cleaners, plastic packaging or surfactants CO2 has become famous in a sad way. Carbon Recycling International from Iceland, LanzaTech from USA and Covestro from Germany transform it into usable raw materials.
23 March 20219 September 2021 Could we recycle plastic bags into fabrics of the future? Engineers have developed self-cooling fabrics from polyethylene, a material commonly used in plastic bags
French oil giant backs startup recycling CO2 into animal food Deep Branch raised 8 million euros to build a pilot plant to turn carbon dioxide into feed for livestock
18 March 20219 September 2021 Bio-based Naphtha and Mass Balance Approach – Status & Outlook, Standards & Certification Schemes New report on alternative, non-fossil naphtha with the first comprehensive overview of technology, producers, plants and users
15 March 20219 September 2021 Werner & Mertz gelingt Recycling-Quantensprung Reinigungsmittelhersteller erhöht rPET-Anteil in seinen Flaschen auf 50% aus dem Gelben Sack
Werner & Mertz makes a quantum leap in recycling Cleaning products manufacturer increases rPET share in its bottles to 50% from Yellow Bag
12 March 20219 September 2021 BP and SABIC embark on new co-operation for products from advanced plastics recycling The new collaboration will help to increase production of certified circular products that use used mixed plastics as feedstock, thus reducing the amount of fossil resources needed in the petrochemical process
bp und SABIC starten Partnerschaft für Produkte aus fortschrittlichem Kunststoffrecycling in Gelsenkirchen Beide Unternehmen fördern Kreislaufwirtschaft am Petrochemie Standort Gelsenkirchen
11 March 20219 September 2021 BASF: Innovationen für den gesamten Lebenszyklus von Verpackungen Alternativbeitrag der BASF für die Online-Interpack 2021. Kostenlose Registrierung!
Advancing recycled-content progress Estée Lauder Cos. brand Origins is using advanced recycling to help further its recycled-content goals
10 March 20219 September 2021 RECENSO and Technip Energies join forces in sustainable plastic recycling Joint objective will combine RECENSO’s proprietary CARBOLIQ technology with Technip Energies' leading purification technologies
9 March 20219 September 2021 Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – A unique concept that covers all renewable materials solutions in one event Program already available – application period for the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year 2021” still open! The conference will take place as an online event.
ExxonMobil tests advanced recycling of plastic waste at Baytown facilities Company formed a joint venture with Agilyx Corporation on developing innovative solutions for large volumes of plastic waste that can be converted into feedstocks
4 March 20219 September 2021 Chemistry can help make plastics sustainable — but it isn’t the whole solution How to make plastics less harmful is an urgent question in chemistry — and must be for policy, too
Bp and SABIC Embark On New Cooperation For Products From Advanced Plastics Recycling bp and SABIC have signed a new cooperation to drive a circular economy at the Gelsenkirchen, Germany production site
3 March 20219 September 2021 Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – A unique concept that covers all renewable materials solutions in one event Almost final program already available – application period for the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year” still open! The conference will take place as an online event.
Shifting to a sustainable and circular textile consumption – where to start? From 5.8 million tonnes of textile waste per year to sustainable and circular textile consumption in Europe
1 March 20219 September 2021 Bio-based polymers workshop on 29 March 2021: These 7 innovations bring us closer to a carbon-neutral economy Atmospheric CO2 will keep on climbing higher and higher if we don’t stop using fossil resources. How to make the switch to renewable carbon instead? The free online workshop on 29 March will present seven options.
Tetra Pak introduces certified recycled polymers First company in the food and beverage packaging industry to be awarded the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) Advanced Products certification
26 February 20219 September 2021 ALPLA Group: 50 million euros a year for recycling Expansion and globalisation of recycling activities to be expedited between now and 2025
ALPLA Group: jedes Jahr 50 Millionen Euro für Recycling Bis 2025 werden Ausbau und Internationalisierung von Recyclingaktivitäten forciert
Entwicklung eines effizienten Verfahrens zum Recycling von Carbonfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen Carbonfaserverstärkte Kunststoffe (CFK) gewinnen immer mehr an Relevanz, da sie durch ihre Festigkeit und Steifigkeit überzeugen und zusätzlich im Vergleich zu anderen steifen Materialien ein deutlich geringeres spezifisches Gewicht aufweisen
22 February 20219 September 2021 Meilenstein in puncto Recyclingfähigkeit von Kunststoffen SÜDPACK-LKW verlässt RECENSO Pilotanlage mit dem ersten Öl, welches aus bis dato mechanisch nicht recyclingfähigen Ressourcen gewonnen wurde
A milestone in the recyclability of plastics SÜDPACK truck left the RECENSO pilot plant with the first recovered crude oil made from chemically recycling reusable materials
19 February 20219 September 2021 Xometry: Biologisch abbaubare Materialien für den 3D-Druck Biologisch abbaubare Verbundwerkstoffe wie PLA / PHA oder WoodFill aus PLA und Holzfasern sind künftig breit für additive Produktionsverfahren erhältlich
The Alliance to End Plastic Waste Calls for Submissions for Recycling Technologies Call for project proposals with innovative solutions in chemical recycling technologies to unlock value for hard-to-recycle plastics
18 February 20219 September 2021 The circular economy can help save the planet – if we start innovating now There is a mismatch between multinationals struggling to keep pace with circular innovation, and entrepreneurs who lack the resources to scale up
17 February 20219 September 2021 European Parliament adopts resolution on the new Circular Economy Action Plan MEPs voted 574 in favour, but also called on the commission to include more stringent targets to protect natural resources and reduce consumption