29 June 20219 September 2021 Fraunhofer, SABIC und Procter & Gamble kooperieren im Rahmen eines Pilotprojekts zum Closed-Loop-Recycling von Einweg-Gesichtsmasken Neues Verfahren sieht zunächst die automatische Zerkleinerung und anschließend die thermochemische Umwandlung in Pyrolyseöl vor, um im Anschluss daraus neuwertige Rohstoffe für die Kunststoffproduktion zu gewinnen
28 June 20219 September 2021 Niederländische PolyStyreneLoop Recycling-Anlage geht am 16. Juni in Betrieb Anlage in Terneuzen verfügt über ausreichend Kapazität, um jährlich 3.300 Tonnen Polystyrol aus EPS-Dämmstoffabfällen zu recyceln
Novolex Launches New U.S. Manufacturing Line to Make Compostable Cups from Plant-Based Plastic The cups will be available from Novolex brand Eco-Products®, a leading provider of foodservice packaging made from renewable and recycled resources
Bacteria serves tasty solution to plastic crisis Scientists have devised a novel way of tackling the mounting issue of plastic pollution… by using bacteria to transform plastic waste into vanilla flavouring
25 June 20219 September 2021 Neue Studie zu Kunststoffemissionen – Wieviel Plastik landet in landwirtschaftlichen Böden? Fraunhofer UMSICHT und das Ökopol-Institut untersuchten erstmalig, aus welchen Quellen welche Mengen an Mikro- und Makroplastik in landwirtschaftliche Böden gelangen
Braven Environmental Executes Long-Term Pyrolysis-Derived Feedstock Supply Agreement with Chevron Phillips Chemical Fostering a circular economy and increasing sustainability of difficult-to-recycle plastics
Virgin resin tax may make packaging more circular One thing that's going to be needed to fix plastics recycling in the United States is money, and lots of it
24 June 20219 September 2021 Kao Aims for Material Recycling of Plastic Bottles for Cosmetics, Begins Using Chemically Recycled PET Material Joint cooperation with PET Refine Technology to produce chemically recycled PET - achieving material recycling from bottle container to bottle container
23 June 20219 September 2021 Neste und LyondellBasell vereinbaren langfristige Kooperation, um Herstellern von Markenartikeln Polymere und Chemieprodukte aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen breiter zugänglich zu machen Durch ihre Zusammenarbeit tragen Neste und LyondellBasell gemeinsam dazu bei, den europäischen Markt für nachhaltige Polymere und Chemieprodukte zu entwickeln.
Neste and LyondellBasell agree on long-term commercial relationship to make polymers and chemicals from renewable feedstock more widely available to global brands Through their collaboration, Neste and LyondellBasell are jointly contributing to the development of the European market for more sustainable polymers and chemicals
Brightmark to Build World’s Largest Advanced Plastics Recycling and Renewal Facility in Macon, GA New state-of-the-art plant will sustainably recycle and convert all types of plastic waste into fully circular products
Scientists Report Efficient Utilization of Waste Paper for Cellulase Production by Trichoderma longiflorum Researchers at the IMP of the CAS have recently found that waste paper could be efficiently utilized for enzyme production by Trichoderma longiflorum. The study was published in Journal of Cleaner Production
22 June 202117 December 2024 Free webinars: All About RC(I) Discussing the Renewable Carbon Strategy and Initiative
GIDARA Energy announces a new facility converting non-recyclable waste into advanced biofuels The produced renewable fuel will replace fossil-based fuels, creating significant carbon savings
21 June 20219 September 2021 Adidas invests in Finnish sustainable fibre firm Spinnova Adidas has pledged to shift to using only recycled polyester from 2024
18 June 20219 September 2021 Kreislaufwirtschaft ist mehr als Recycling Potential und Dynamik von Circular Economy als zukunftsfähiges Marktmodell
Fashion for Good Launches The Renewable Carbon Textiles Project The project brings together key industry players to investigate, test and validate the solutions provided by innovators in the PHA polymer space
From Waste-to-Chemicals to Waste-to-Jet Partners repurpose the Rotterdam waste-to-chemicals project to waste-to-jet based on substantial targets and demand for Sustainable Aviation Fuel, expected support for Recycled Carbon Fuels and a full scope, ‘in-house’ technical solution to be provided by Enerkem and Shell
17 June 20219 September 2021 A tax on fossil carbon is more effective for a carbon border adjustment mechanism than a tax on CO2 emissions Experts from the German nova-Institute present a tool for elegantly pricing the true cause of global warming
Nestlé develops two new packaging innovations for Vittel® natural mineral water bottles New Hybrid bottle drastically reduces plastic and combines 100% recyclable components with patent-pending snap-apart design to facilitate recycling sorting
Die Neuinterpretation der Wasserflasche: Jabil Packaging Solutions bringt VITTEL®-Hybridflasche auf den Markt Neue Hybridflasche reduziert den Kunststoffanteil drastisch und enthält 100% recycelbare Komponenten sowie ein zum Patent angemeldetes Snap-Apart-Design, das die Sortierung beim Recycling erleichtert
DOE Announces $14.5 Million to Combat Plastics Waste and Pollution Innovation in plastics recycling technology is a triple win by cutting plastic waste, reducing industrial energy use and emissions, and creating clean manufacturing jobs
11 June 20219 September 2021 EC Commission stands firm: PHA is a non-natural polymer GO!PHA: It is disappointing to see that the 2019 impact assessment did not consider polyhydroxyalkanoates and the benefits it can bring to the stakeholders
Coca Cola signs on as global implementation partner for The Ocean Cleanup river project The partnership will implement cleanup systems, including the Dutch nonprofit’s solar-powered Interceptor, in 15 rivers by the end of 2022
10 June 20219 September 2021 Minimise investment risks in renewable chemistry The nova-institute in Germany offers tailor-made and single client studies to reduce the risk of wrong decisions. And it helps to find the best solutions for the use of renewable carbon sources.
Polypropylene recycling from carpet waste New solvent developed by the Fraunhofer IBP and its partners was a result as part of the ISOPREP EU project
Polypropylen-Recycling aus Teppichabfällen Neuartiges Lösungsmittel wurde als Ergebnis von Forschern des Fraunhofer IBP und seiner Partner als Teil des EU-Projekts ISOPREP entwickelt
9 June 20219 September 2021 Covestro: Recycling of polycarbonate composites Cooperation with recycling specialist carboNXT®
Covestro: Recycling von Polycarbonat-Verbundwerkstoffen Kooperation mit Recyclingspezialist carboNXT®
8 June 20219 September 2021 European plastics manufacturers plan €7.2 billion investment in chemical recycling PlasticsEurope member companies are planning to increase their investment in chemical recycling to produce 4.6t of recycled plastics until end of 2030
Europäische Kunststofferzeuger planen Milliardeninvestitionen in das Chemische Recycling Mitgliedsunternehmen von PlasticsEurope wollen mi weiteren Investitionen ins Chemische Recycling bis Ende 2030 4,6 Millionen Tonnen an recycelten Kunststoffen gewinnen
7 June 20219 September 2021 For which plastic products is biodegradation a viable end-of-life option? The final report including comprehensive fact sheets of 25 applications is now available online in German and English.
Bei welchen Kunststoffprodukten ist der biologische Abbau eine sinnvolle End-of-Life-Option? Der finale Report mit umfassenden Steckbriefen zu 25 Anwendungen ist jetzt auf Deutsch und Englisch online verfügbar.
Two champions of post-consumer textile recycling joining forces Together, Lenzing and Södra take a giant leap further towards closing the loop from fiber to fiber in fashion
Zwei Weltmarktführer bündeln Kräfte im Textil-Recycling Lenzing und Södra leisten gemeinsam einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Förderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Modebranche
2 June 20219 September 2021 Unilever to introduce recyclable toothpaste tubes Unilever’s oral care brands including Signal, Pepsodent and Closeup have announced plans to convert their entire global toothpaste portfolio to recyclable tubes by 2025
1 June 20219 September 2021 Berry Global Announces Agreement With Borealis for the Supply of Circular Polyolefins This announcement allows Berry to further support customers with unmatched access to circular polyolefins
31 May 20219 September 2021 Neue Technologie wandelt Kunststoffabfälle in einer Stunde in Kerosin um Katalytisches Verfahren zur effizienten Umwandlung von Polyethylen in Flugzeugtreibstoff und hochwertige Schmierstoffe
27 May 20219 September 2021 Join free nova webinars on markets and strategies for renewable chemicals and materials Wednesday 9 June 2021 – 12:00-17:30 CET
Plasticizers for the PVC industry are now also available based on renewable and chemically recycled feedstock Contribution to recycling of plastic waste and to increased use of renewable raw materials
Weichmacher für die PVC-Industrie nun auch auf Basis nachwachsender und chemisch recycelter Rohstoffe erhältlich Beitrag zur Wiederverwertung von Kunststoffabfällen und zum Einsatz nachwachsender Rohstoffe
26 May 20219 September 2021 New technology converts waste plastics to jet fuel in an hour The researchers in their reaction were able to convert 90% of plastic to jet fuel and other valuable hydrocarbon products within an hour at moderate temperatures
25 May 20219 September 2021 Summer Special at the nova-Institute: 20 % discount on all market and trend reports starting now, until 31 August 2021 From technologies over building blocks and polymers to fine chemicals: The latest market reports on bio- and CO2-based production, recycling, bio-based naphtha and the mass balance approach for a special price
21 May 20219 September 2021 LanzaTech and BASF achieve first milestone in utilizing industrial off-gases for chemical production Industrial exhaust gas used to produce sustainable alcohol – White biotechnology enables carbon recycling
LanzaTech und BASF erreichen ersten Meilenstein bei der stofflichen Nutzung von industriellen Abgasen für die chemische Produktion Aus industriellen Abgasen wird nachhaltig produzierter Alkohol – Weiße Biotechnologie ermöglicht das Recycling von Kohlenstoff
The world’s first ‘infinite’ plastic The way we normally recycle plastics is a downward spiral of waste and degraded materials, but there is another option – turning plastic back into the oil it was made from
20 May 20219 September 2021 Winners of the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year 2021”: A chair made from hemp fibres and bio-resin, PET bottles made from enzymatically recycled textile waste and CO2-based household cleaners The new concept of the Renewable Materials Conference generated an outstanding response: 420 participants witnessed a firework of innovations of non-fossil material solutions and voted for the winners of the innovation award
Aus Müll wird neu: BASF, Covestro und Evonik setzen auf chemisches Recycling Noch immer wird ein großer Teil des Kunststoffabfalls verbrannt. Weil das mechanische Recycling an Grenzen stößt, ruhen die Hoffnungen auf chemischer Wiederaufbereitung
MSU researchers find potential use for recycled plastic in concrete Millions of tons of plastic are discarded each day, which could soon find a new and beneficial use thanks to microbes being harnessed by Montana State University scientists
19 May 20219 September 2021 LyondellBasell starts commercial production of polymers using raw material derived from plastic waste LyondellBasell announced another step towards its ambition to advance the circular economy by making virgin quality polymers from raw materials derived from plastic waste at its Wesseling, Germany, site