10 June 2015 nova paper #6 veröffentlicht: “Optionen für die Gestaltung der politischen Rahmenbedingungen der europäischen Bioökonomie” “Options for Designing the Political Framework of the European Bio-based Economy”
Fast growth of bio-based polymers: Production capacity will triple from 5.1 million tonnes in 2013 to 17 million tonnes in 2020, representing a 2% share of polymer production in 2013 and 4% in 2020 The bio-based polymer turnover was about €10 billion worldwide in 2013
Starkes Wachstum für bio-basierte Polymere: Die prognostizierte Produktionskapazität verdreifacht sich von 5,1 Mio. t im Jahr 2013 auf 17 Mio. t in 2020 und dehnt damit ihren Anteil an der weltweiten Polymerproduktion von 2% in 2013 auf 4% in 2020 aus Bio-basierte Polymere erzielten im Jahr 2013 weltweit einen Umsatz von rund 10 Milliarden Euro. Europa verliert deutlich Anteile an der Gesamtproduktion an Asien
8 June 20155 June 2015 Get involved to European bioeconomy and Industrial Biotechnology with BIO-TIC and BIO-QED in Brussels The nova-Institut together with all partners from the European projects BIO-TIC and BIO-QED to invite participants to Brussels, 23-24 June
11 May 2015 RED reform: European Parliament agrees to cap the use of traditional biofuels What are the impacts on the bio-based material sector?
22 April 2015 nova-Institute and Patentopolis announce partnership Dissemination, TEE and IP management in European projects for the bio-based economy
nova-Institut und Patentopolis geben Partnerschaft bekannt Zusammenarbeit in Dissemination, TEE und IP in europäischen Projekten zur bio-basierten Ökonomie
21 April 201515 February 2018 Carbon Footprint and Sustainability of Different Natural Fibres for Biocomposites and Insulation Material nova-Institute publishes first results of the sustainability assessment within the project MultiHemp, full report online
14 April 20153 June 2015 Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2015” goes to Bayer MaterialScience AG for the firstbio-based polyurethane crosslinker for high performance automotive coatings The competition focuses on innovative materials and products, which have had (or will have) a market launch in 2014 or 2015
Der Innovationspreis „Bio-based Material of the Year 2015“ geht an Bayer MaterialScience AG für den ersten bio-basierten Polyurethan-Vernetzer für Hochleistungslacke im Automobilbereich Ausgezeichnet werden neue bio-basierte Werkstoffe und ihre Anwendungen
19 March 201518 March 2015 Quo vadis, cascading use of biomass? Policy paper on background information on the cascading principle provided by nova-Institute
17 March 201517 March 2015 Final programme of the 8th International Conference on Bio-based Materials available 8th International Conference on Bio-based Materials, 13 - 15 April 2015, Maternushaus, Cologne, Germany
16 March 201516 March 2015 Innovationspreis “Bio-based Material of the Year 2015“ Top-6-Kandidaten nominiert
10 March 201512 March 2015 Meet the leading companies of the bio-based industry! Bio-based building blocks, polymers and composites - Bio-based 3D printing - Bioplastics and environment
5 February 20156 February 2015 Poster Industrial Material Use of Biomass in Europe 2015 / Pathways to Bio-based Polymers Update now available for free at all nova conferences or on request
Poster Industrial Material Use of Biomass in Europe 2015 / Pathways to Bio-based Polymers Freier Download der Aktualisierung unseres populären Posters
21 January 201525 March 2015 Market Study and Trend Reports on Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers in the World – Capacities, Production and Applications: Status Quo and Trends Towards 2020 Florence Aeschelmann, Michael Carus (nova-Institute) and ten renowned international experts
20 January 201519 January 2015 Auf der Suche nach dem „Bio-based Material of the Year 2015“ Teilnehmer des Biowerkstoff-Kongresses, 13. – 15. April 2015 in Köln, wählen den Sieger des renommierten Innovationspreises
Looking for the “Bio-based Material of the Year 2015” Participants of the International Conference on Bio-based Materials will choose the winner of the prestigious Innovation Award
15 January 201515 January 2015 Start-up Day at the 8th International Conference on Bio-based Materials 13 - 15 April 2015, Maternushaus, Cologne, Germany
12 January 20159 September 2021 Leading experts on the potential of Carbon Capture and Utilization Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on CO2 as Feedstock for Chemistry and Polymers now available
Führende Experten über das Potenzial von Carbon Capture and Utilization Präsentationen der dritten Conference on CO2 as Feedstock for Chemistry and Polymers jetzt verfügbar
9 January 20159 September 2021 Interest to join the Horizon2020 call ISIB-06-2015: Converting CO2 into chemicals The nova-Institute is looking forward to develop a joint proposal conference on innovative techniques using CO2
17 December 20149 September 2021 Strategic support for CCU-Research in Germany Presentation available for free
9 December 20149 September 2021 First pilot and demonstration plants for CO2-based fuels and polymers in use Commercial production closer than expected
Erste Pilot- und Demonstrationsanlagen für CO2-basierte Kraftstoffe und Polymere in Betrieb Industrielle Produktion näher als erwartet
Bio-based Building blocks and Polymers of the World: complete update of nova-Institute’s market study Production capacity will triple from 5.2 million tonnes in 2013 to nearly 16.9 million tonnes in 2020
3 November 201416 December 2014 New Methodology for Techno-Economic Evaluations of Innovative Industrial Processes by nova-Institute (nTEE) nova-paper #5 on bio-based economy
2 October 201429 October 2014 Options for Designing a New Political Framework of the European Bio-based Economy nova-Institute’s contribution to the current debate
1 October 201430 September 2014 Dynamic drive in CO2 utilization New challenges for sustainable chemistry in CO2 economy
Erstaunliche Dynamik in der CO2 -Nutzung CO2 –Recycling als Herausforderung für eine nachhaltige Chemie
29 September 201426 September 2014 Einladung zum Workshop: Globales Biomasseangebot und -Nachfrage 24. November 2014, 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr, In den Ministergärten 4, 10117 Berlin
16 September 201418 September 2014 Increasing resource efficiency by cascading use of biomass News article on potentials of cascading use of several bio-based raw materials
2 September 201416 February 2018 Employment effects of the European bioplastics industry First survey on job creation along the value chain
Bio-based economy: market pull measures for bio-based products Preliminary list – basis for discussion
29 August 201411 January 2018 nova-Institute opens the doors to its archives on bioeconomy nova-Institute makes its most important studies, reports and services around the “bio-based economy” available
nova-Institut öffnet seine Archive zur Bioökonomie Das nova-Institut macht seine wichtigsten Studien, Berichte und Dienstleistungen zur Bioökonomie in neuem Gewand verfügbar
31 July 201430 July 2014 Vom Gärprodukt zum Holzwerkstoff – eine innovative Verwendung von Gärprodukten
22 July 201422 July 2014 Mikroplastik in der Umwelt: Kongress zeigt Lösungen auf! Die Vorträge der Veranstaltung sind ab sofort zum Download verfügbar
2 July 20147 July 2014 Investment climate in bio-based industries in the Netherlands The nova-Institute conducted a new study on the investment climate in bio-based industries in the Netherlands
30 May 2014 Konferenz “Mikroplastik in der Umwelt” – Quellen, Folgen und Lösungen. 1. Juli 2014, Maternushaus, Köln
28 May 201425 July 2014 Worldwide growth in industrial hemp – fibres, shivs, seed & oil and pharmaceuticals World's largest conference on industrial hemp in Wesseling, Germany, 21-22 May: More than 200 participants from 39 countries at the 11th International Conference of the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA)
Weltweites Wachstum der Hanfindustrie – Fasern, Schäben, Samen & Öl und Pharmazeutika Weltgrößte Konferenz zu Nutzhanf in Wesseling bei Köln, 21. bis 22. Mai 2014. Über 200 Teilnehmer aus 39 Ländern bei der „11th International Conference of the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA)“
26 May 201430 May 2014 Vorschläge für eine Reform der Richtlinie für erneuerbare Energien (RED) hin zu einer Richtlinie für erneuerbare Energien und Materialien (REMD) Einen Schritt weiter: Bio-basierte Chemikalien und Materialien in das Anreizsystem integrieren
Proposals for a Reform of the Renewable Energy Directive to a Renewable Energy and Materials Directive (REMD) Going to the next level: Integration of bio-based chemicals and materials in the incentive scheme