Deutsche Version:
For the 9th year running, the participants of the International Conference on Bio-based Materials (“Biowerkstoff-Kongress”), 5 – 6 April 2016 in Cologne, Germany, will choose the winner of the prestigious Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2016”.
The 9th International Conference on Bio-based Materials aims to provide major players from the bio-based building blocks, polymers and industrial biotechnology industries with an opportunity to present and discuss their latest developments and strategies. The conference builds on successful previous conferences: 250 participants and 30 exhibitors mainly from industry are expected. To honour and acknowledge new developments in the innovative bio-based chemicals and materials industry, every year the participants of the conference choose the winner of the Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year”.
The focus of the award is on bio-based materials in a new specific application, which have had (or will have) a market launch in 2015 or 2016. A jury will nominate the outstanding “Top 6” applicants prior to the conference. The chosen candidates will have the opportunity to present their innovation both in a presentation and at a special exhibition space and win the conference’s expert audience over.
Previous winners are well-known actors of the bio-based industry such as Covestro Deutschland AG (DE), EcoTechnilin Ltd (UK), Ecovative Design (USA), fischerwerke (DE), FKuR (DE), Henkel (DE), Newlight Technologies (USA), Resopal (DE), Roquette (FR), Tecnaro (DE), Tereos Syral (FR), Staedtler (DE), Qmilk (DE) and others.
Is your new bio-based material a worthy candidate?
Apply now for the Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2016”! Find details on conditions and application process at
Deadline for applications is 8 February 2016.
For further information, please contact:
Dipl.-Ing. Florence Aeschelmann
Phone: +49 (0)2233-4814-48
For more information about the programme, visit
Dowlnoad this press release as PDF file: 16-01-21 PR Innovation Award International Conference on Bio-based Materials nova
nova-Institut GmbH, press release, 2016-01-21.
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