17 June 2019 Die weltweit besten Marktreports zur bio- und CO2-basierten Wirtschaft Sommer-Bundle zweier Topseller zu Polymeren – Sie sparen 1000 EUR! Rückgabe bei Nichtgefallen!
12 June 201911 June 2019 Necessary measures to achieve a level-playing field for bio-based products Seven measures to achieve better policies and standards for bio-based industries
7 June 20196 June 2019 Limit and guideline values for THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in hemp foods Analysis and evaluation of the opinion of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung, BfR) from 8 November 2018 “Tetrahydrocannabinol levels are too high in many hemp-containing foods – health impairments are possible” No. 034/2018
6 June 2019 Hemp fibre-reinforced plastic, hemp protein powder and hemp face cream are “Hemp Products of the Year 2019” With more than 410 participants from 49 countries and a sold-out exhibition, the conference has broken all records and is now by far the world's largest event for the industrial use of hemp
4 June 20193 June 2019 Life Cycle Assessment of the LignoLoc® wooden nail The nails are made from indigenous beech wood and bring a pull-out strength that is higher than steel nails
Ökobilanz des LignoLoc®-Holznagels Die Nägel sind aus heimischem Buchenholz gefertigt und besitzen eine höhere Ausziehfestigkeit als Stahlnägel
27 May 2019 Six candidates nominated for the innovation award “Hemp Product of the Year 2019” For the second time, the innovation award “Hemp Product of the Year” will be granted to the young, innovative hemp industry for finding suitable applications and markets for industrial hemp-based products
21 May 201921 May 2019 Golden Compound’s sustainable coffee capsule Evaluation of sustainability according to VDI-4605 standard
16 May 201916 May 2019 Compostable sanitary pads from India, sustainable fibres from Finland and home compostable coffee capsules from Germany are the winners of the innovation award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2019” For the 12th year in a row, the innovation award “Bio-based Material of the Year” has been granted to the young, innovative bio-based chemicals and materials industry. The award has been sponsored by InfraServ Knapsack and organized by nova-Institute (both located in Hürth, Germany)
15 May 2019 Farmers and end users now benefit from a new database of industrial crops growing on marginal land! The European Union's Horizon 2020 project MAGIC has reached a milestone by uploading a beta version of its Decision Support System for farmers and end users, showing marginal land and an overview of industrial crops suitable to be grown on this land
13 May 20199 May 2019 Paving the way to a bio-based future for the European chemical industry EU project RoadToBio publishes roadmap
7 May 201917 May 2019 The state of the European bio-based economy is very mixed, the market is in a critical phase Interview with Michael Carus, CEO of nova-Institute, on the development of the European bio-based economy and a shift towards a renewable carbon economy
2 May 201930 April 2019 State of play of Central and Eastern Europe’s bioeconomies Study to map information and to help establishing data-driven support for the development and implementation of national bioeconomy policies in the BIOEAST macro-region
30 April 201929 April 2019 Join us: nova-Session „EU Circular Economy and Plastic Policy”, 21 May 2019, Cologne Want to know what’s really going on with the new European plastics policy? Join our nova-Session!
11 April 2019 Six candidates are nominated for the innovation award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2019” – you have the choice The winners will be selected at the “12th International Conference on Bio-based Materials”, 15-16 May 2019, in Cologne, Germany
8 April 2019 Deep insight into the future of bio-based building blocks and polymers nova Session “Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers – Markets, Trends and Innovations”
3 April 20195 April 2019 Understanding your customer – In-depth psychological market research on bio-based products Tailor-made consumer research services for bio-based producers
2 April 201920 January 2022 Natural fibres show outstandingly low CO2 footprint compared to glass and mineral fibres nova-Institute updates its reference study for the automotive and insulation industry
COSMOS event: Camelina & crambe oil crops as sources for medium-chain oils for specialty oleochemicals 28 May 2019, 9:30-12:30, Lisbon, Portugal (Side event of the 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition)
21 March 20199 September 2021 Winners of innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2019” by Covestro and nova-Institute chosen First-time innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2019” goes to Carbicrete (Canada) for cement-free carbon-negative concrete. The second winner is Nordic Blue Crude (Norway), with synthetic kerosene, petrol and diesel, and the third winner is b.fab (Germany) with an innovative biotechnology based on synthetic biology
Innovationspreis von Covestro und nova-Institut für die beste CO2-Nutzung 2019 verliehen Der erstmalig verliehene Innovationspreis „Best CO2 Utilisation 2019” geht an Carbicrete (Kanada) für zementfreien Beton. Zweiter Preisträger ist Nordic Blue Crude (Norwegen) mit synthetischem Kerosin, Benzin und Diesel aus CO2 und der dritte Gewinner b.fab (Deutschland) mit innovativer Biotechnologie auf Basis synthetischer Biologie
6 March 20195 March 2019 Attract 160,000 readers monthly Place your company banner to benefit from the wide reach of Bio-based News – one of the leading platforms in bioeconomy!
Erreichen Sie 160.000 Leser monatlich Platzieren Sie Ihr Banner und profitieren Sie von der hohen Sichtbarkeit der „Bio-based News“ – der ältesten und weitreichendsten Plattform in der Bioökonomie!
1 March 201927 February 2019 BIOFOREVER Workshop: Feasibility of a European Lignocellulosic Biorefinery 17 May 2019, 9:00-12:30 h, Room Adelheid, Maternushaus, Cologne, Germany
BIOFOREVER Workshop: In-Depth B2C Market Research and GreenPremium 16 May, 2019, Maternushaus, Cologne, Germany. Part of the 12th International Conference on Bio-based Materials
28 February 20199 September 2021 Trend Report on Carbon Dioxide-based Polymers – Technologies, Polymers, and Producers Already more than 160,000 tonnes of CO2-based polymers on the market
Marktstudie über kohlendioxid-basierte Polymere – Technologien, Polymere und Produzenten Bereits jetzt schon mehr als 160.000 Tonnen CO2-basierte Polymere auf dem Markt
27 February 20199 September 2021 The “Top 6” candidates are nominated for the first innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2019” The leaders of the CCU industry meet in Cologne
Das sind die „Top 6“-Kandidaten für den ersten Innovationspreis „Best CO2 Utilisation 2019“ Die CCU-Branche trifft sich in Köln
20 February 20199 September 2021 Hitchhiker’s Guide to Carbon Capture and Utilisation nova-Institute’s newest paper provides deep insights into all aspects of the use of CO2
Leitfaden für die Welt der CO2-Nutzung nova-Paper bereitet das CCU-Konzept verständlich auf und zeigt, dass selbst die Nutzung fossiler CO2-Emissionen für CCU klare Umweltvorteile bringt
11 February 201912 February 2019 2018 was a very good year for bio-based polymers: Several additional capacities were put into operation The new market and trend report “Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers – Global Capacities, Production and Trends 2018-2023”
2018 war ein sehr gutes Jahr für bio-basierte Polymere: Mehrere zusätzliche Kapazitäten wurden in Betrieb genommen Markt- und Trendreport „Bio-based Building Blocks and Polymers – Global Capacities, Production and Trends 2018-2023“ erschienen
7 February 20198 February 2019 Applications are welcome for the “Bio-based Material of the Year 2019” Deadline for submission: end of February 2019
Bewerbungen zum Innovationspreis „Bio-based Material of the Year 2019“ willkommen Einreichungsfrist: Ende Februar 2019
6 February 20194 February 2019 A public report is available in the ReSolve project Public report on ‘labelling requirements for hazard communication and ecolabelling possibilities for bio-based solvents’
31 January 2019 Developing standards for bio-based industries What are the current EU standards or other related issues that hamper the growth of bio-based products?
30 January 201931 January 2019 Hemp becomes the world’s billion-dollar business – worldwide largest conference on industrial hemp in June 2019 in Cologne (Germany) Join the global meeting place of the fast growing hemp industry in Cologne on 5 - 6 June at the “16th EIHA Hemp Conference”. For the second time, participants will vote for the “Hemp Product of the Year”
Hanf wird zum Milliardengeschäft – weltweit größte Konferenz zu Industriehanf im Juni 2019 in Köln Besuchen Sie den globalen Treffpunkt der schnell wachsenden Hanfindustrie vom 5. bis 6. Juni in Köln auf der „16. EIHA Hemp Conference“. Zum zweiten Mal wählen die Teilnehmer das „Hanfprodukt des Jahres“
17 January 201917 January 2019 ‘Royal COSUN Biobased Products’ introduced 100% bio-based rheology modifier, developed during PULP2VALUE demonstration project, for various consumer applications such as liquid laundry products Sugar beet pulp accounts for approx. 13 million tonnes in Europe and is a major residual stream from the sugar industry
15 January 201918 January 2019 Fermentable sugar as a raw material for the chemical industry: first generation as sustainable as the second – significant reduction in greenhouse gases for both New study conducts quantitative and qualitative sustainability assessment of bio-based raw materials for the chemical industry
Fermentierbarer Zucker als Rohstoff für die chemische Industrie: Erste Generation ebenso nachhaltig wie die zweite – deutliche Reduktion von Treibhausgasen bei beiden Neue Studie untersucht Nachhaltigkeit von bio-basierten Rohstoffen für die chemische Industrie, quantitativ und qualitativ
8 January 201910 January 2019 In-depth psychological market research finds surprising insights into consumers’ mindset towards bio-based products Deep-seated opinions, prejudices and contexts
Tiefenpsychologische Marktforschung kommt zu überraschenden Erkenntnissen über die Haltung von Verbrauchern zu bio-basierten Produkten Fest verwurzelte Ansichten, Vorurteile und Kontexte
5 December 20186 December 2018 nova-Institute announces new market study on bioplastics with latest data for 2018 Winter special value pack: Get our current report with data for 2017 and receive the upcoming 2018 report for free
nova-Institut kündigt neue Marktstudie zu Biokunststoffen mit den aktuellsten Daten für 2018 an Winteraktion: Kombipaket mit Daten für 2017 und 2018 bis zum 31. Dezember zum halben Preis
3 December 20189 September 2021 For the first time, CO2-based products and technologies will be honoured – Apply now! nova-Institute and the material manufacturer Covestro will award innovative technologies and products in the Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) area with the “Best CO2 Utilisation 2019”
Erstmalig werden CO2-basierte Produkte und Technologien ausgezeichnet – Bewerben Sie sich jetzt! Das nova-Institut und der Werkstoffhersteller Covestro werden innovative Technologien und Produkte im Bereich Carbon Capture & Utilisation (CCU) mit der „Best CO2 Utilisation 2019“ auszeichnen