28 June 202417 December 2024 The future of the chemical industry, plastics and recycling at the Renewable Materials Conference Many initiatives are underway but there is a perceived difficulty at bringing products to market and an awareness around the urgency of the current situation
19 June 202418 June 2024 The Renewable Materials Conference Hits the Mark Again 440 participants discussed the defossilisation of the chemical and materials industry through biomass, CO2 and recycling. The audience voted for the "Renewable Material of the Year 2024": Acetic acid from CO2 by Danish start-up Again wins 1st price
Erneut ein Volltreffer: Die Renewable Materials Conference 440 Teilnehmer diskutierten über die Defossilisierung der Chemie- und Werkstoffindustrie durch Biomasse, CO2 und Recycling. Das Publikum wählte außerdem den Gewinner des Preises "Renewable Material of the Year 2024": Essigsäure aus CO2 des dänischen Start-ups Again
28 March 20244 October 2024 Monthly news from the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), March 2024 About the 4th Co-Implementation meeting on Transition Pathway and a meetign with DG Grow, DG Clima and DG Envi, the new membership of RCI, an upcoming webinar, discounts for the Renewable Materials Conference and nova commercial reports, and the newest RCI members
25 March 202422 March 2024 Renewable Materials Conference: Six Innovations Nominated and Final Program Available Three bio-based innovations from Germany and from Sweden, two CCU innovations from Denmark and Hungary and one advanced plastic recycling technology from Canada are nominated for the “Renewable Material of the Year 2024” innovation award
Renewable Materials Conference: Sechs Innovationen nominiert und finales Programm veröffentlicht Drei bio-basierte Innovationen aus Deutschland und aus Schweden, zwei CCU-Innovationen aus Dänemark und Ungarn sowie eine Advanced Recycling Technologie aus Kanada sind für den Innovationspreis „Renewable Material of the Year 2024" nominiert
1 December 202330 November 2023 UPM and VAUDE showcase the future of fabrics at ISPO Munich 2023 with first ever fleece jacket made from wood-based polyester In a close collaboration the partners produced outerwear made with bio-based chemicals to prove that the shift towards renewable materials in textiles is possible already today
Weltweit erste Fleecejacke aus holzbasiertem Polyester: UPM und VAUDE geben auf der ISPO München 2023 Einblick in die fossilfreie Zukunft der Textilindustrie In enger Zusammenarbeit wurde Oberbekleidung aus biobasierten Chemikalien hergestellt, um zu beweisen, dass die Textilindustrie schon heute auf erneuerbare Materialien umsteigen kann
30 June 20234 October 2024 Monthly news from the Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI), June 2023 Let's take a look at what happened in June 2023 at RCI
27 June 202321 June 2023 The future of fabrics – UPM and VAUDE think beyond recycling UPM Biochemicals and VAUDE, a sustainable and innovative supplier of outdoor apparel, will produce outerwear made with bio-based chemicals and demonstrate that the textile industry can start the shift towards renewable materials today
Prototyp für eine fossilfreie Textilindustrie: UPM und VAUDE entwickeln innovative Outdoorbekleidung UPM Biochemicals und VAUDE, ein nachhaltiger und innovativer Anbieter von Outdoor-Bekleidung, werden Oberbekleidung aus biobasierten Chemikalien herstellen und aufzeigen, dass die Textilindustrie schon heute auf erneuerbare Materialien umsteigen kann.
13 September 20228 September 2022 Green Shape Label für nachhaltige Outdoor-Produkte auf Erfolgskurs VAUDE stärkt Glaubwürdigkeit und Unabhängigkeit
Green Shape Label for Sustainable Outdoor Products on the Road to Success VAUDE increases its credibility and independence
17 January 202211 January 2022 Outdoor equipment made from cellulose, castor oil and coffee grounds – functional and durable Renewable raw materials and the circular economy in the textile industry
Outdoor-Ausrüstung aus Cellulose, Rizinusöl und Kaffeesatz – funktionell und langlebig Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Textilindustrie
26 October 202125 October 2021 Gentechnikfreie, teilweise biobasierte Zwischensohle für Wanderschuhe Erster Outdoor-Sportschuh aus überwiegend biobasierten und recycelten Materialien
GMO-free, partially bio-based midsole for hiking boots First outdoor sports shoe made predominantly from bio-based and recycled materials
7 July 20219 September 2021 VAUDE bringt erste Radtaschenserie aus vollständig recycelten Hauptmaterialien auf den Markt Kunststoffverpackungen werden für Radtaschen-Rückensystem recycelt
VAUDE launches first ever pannier made from recycled material Plastic packaging is recycled for pannier support system
29 March 202118 June 2021 Outdoor pants made of old tires The new product line of the outdoor apparel company VAUDE will be available in stores from March 2022
26 March 20219 September 2021 Chemicals and Materials for the Future: Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – Final Program Which renewable materials are solutions that meet the needs of future societies? As a response to this challenging question, nova-Institute has decided to unite all relevant industries in the new “Renewable Materials Conference”, May 18–20, 2021, featuring a unique concept to present all renewable material solutions at one event: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled.
3 March 20213 March 2021 VESTAMID® Terra outdoor: Pioneers in green pants By winter 2021, half of VAUDE's new collection will be made from renewable or recycled raw materials
15 February 202110 February 2021 Regeneration: The Next Step for Outdoor Fashion The slowdown caused by the pandemic has found the fashion industry engaged in early reflections on ways to contribute to the improvement of environmental conditions
10 December 20207 December 2020 Could This Innovation Be An Answer To Fashion’s Plastic Problem? How does the use of plants instead of oil to produce plastic weigh up against plastic polluting our environment?
9 September 20204 September 2020 Spotlight on outdoor clothing: Biodegradable fleece made from wood cellulose Outdoor specialist Vaude comes along with a wood fiber-based Lyocell fleece, which can biodegrade in any environment in about 90 days
3 March 202027 February 2020 Bicycle bottle from VAUDE runs on Dryflex Green TPE With the ‘Bike Bottle Organic’, VAUDE has produced their first bicycle bottle developed entirely from biobased plastics
11 October 201920 June 2020 Wie aus Lebensmitteln Kleidung wird Das Ziel, weg vom Erdöl zu kommen, zeigt sich als Herausforderung - selbst die neuen Produktionsansätze sind nicht zwangsläufig nachhaltig
1 October 201926 September 2019 K 2019 news: Evonik showcases sustainable material solutions for the sports industry Sports equipment manufacturer Vaude is using the biobased polyamides of Evonik's Vestamid Terra brand in its new collection of bags and backpacks
18 February 201913 February 2019 Arkema showcases its range of performance materials for sports equipment at ISPO Munich 2019 New grades in the Pebax® Rnew® bio-based range, derived from sustainable castor oil, to be highlighted
14 September 201812 September 2018 As synthetic microfibers infiltrate food, water and air, how can we prevent future release? Scientists and manufacturers are looking for ways to keep synthetic microfibers from getting into the environment in the first place
26 January 201824 January 2018 Wood for clothing, reducing microplastics in our seas VAUDE participates in the TextileMission research project
Holz für Bekleidung – gegen Mikroplastik im Meer VAUDE beteiligt sich am Forschungsprojekt „TextileMission”
24 November 201722 November 2017 Ten Innovative Biobased Clothing Items Clothes made from novel biobased materials are becoming more widespread. Here are ten of our favourites
11 October 20179 October 2017 Mikroplastik in Meeren: Hochschule Niederrhein forscht an biologisch abbaubarer Sport-Kleidung Verschmutzung durch winzige textile Fasern, die sich beim Waschen lösen und mit dem Abwasser in die Weltmeere gelangen
26 July 201725 October 2021 VAUDE Launches Footwear Range Containing Biosuccinium® Sustainable trekking shoes with high-end design were unveiled at the OutDoor 2017 show in Friedrichshafen, Germany