15 March 202310 March 2023 Huntsman’s European Polyurethanes Plants Achieve Mass Balance Certification Rotterdam and Wilton facilities confirmed as operating to ISCC PLUS standard
14 March 20239 March 2023 Sustainability Gains More Traction in 2023 through Firestone IndyCar to use sustainable tires made from guayule desert shrub
21 February 202316 February 2023 Neste, Uponor, Wastewise Group and Borealis enable chemical recycling of hard-to-recycle plastic waste into new high-quality plastic pipes First production of cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipes based on feedstock from chemically recycled PEX waste. Project demonstrates chemical recycling can process hard-to-recycle waste plastic into high-quality polymer products
Neste, Uponor, Wastewise Group und Borealis ermöglichen chemisches Recycling von schwer recycelbaren Kunststoffabfällen zu neuen hochwertigen Kunststoffrohren Erste Produktion von Rohren aus vernetztem Polyethylen (PEX) auf Basis von chemisch recycelten PEX-Abfällen. Das Projekt zeigt, dass sich durch chemisches Recycling schwer recycelbare Kunststoffabfälle zu hochwertigen Kunststoffprodukten verarbeiten lassen
10 February 20237 February 2023 Werkstoff-Highlights auf der K 2022: Ist Bio das neue Normal? Die K 2022 bot eine riesige Auswahl an Neuheiten und Anwendungsbeispielen für und mit nachhaltigeren Materialien. Dabei standen interessanterweise biobasierte Varianten hoch im Kurs. Ein, wegen der schieren Masse gezwungenermaßen unvollständiger, Überblick über die vorgestellten Nachhaltigkeits-Highlights
9 February 20237 February 2023 Teijin to produce and market polycarbonate resin made from biomass-derived BPA Teijin is the first Japanese company to obtain ISCC PLUS certification for its PC resin products
1 February 202327 January 2023 Phillips 66 Achieves ISCC PLUS Certification to Turn Oil from Waste Plastics into Feedstocks at its Sweeny Refinery Texas refinery meets standards to process pyrolysis oil from hard-to-recycle waste plastics into sustainable feedstocks
16 December 202213 December 2022 LG Chem Launches Asia’s First Plant Material-based Eco-friendly ABS LG Chem announced that it will begin pioneering the eco-friendly market in earnest by launching the eco-friendly highly functional plastic (Bio-Circular balanced ABS) product that applies plant-based bio ingredients on the 1st
23 November 202218 November 2022 Biomaterials take circularity forward NatureWorks has developed multiple processes to tackle plastics and textiles waste, for example Ingeo PLA, involving used PLA, broken down and repolymerized into PLA for use in other applications
17 November 202216 November 2022 Comment: Cornerstones for a National Biomass Strategy (NABIS) From the UFOP's point of view, there is already an extensive regulatory framework in the area of energy use of the various types of biomass, but there is a need for action in the material use of renewable raw materials
14 November 202210 November 2022 Orion first to earn ISCC PLUS certification for various grades from multiple plants Orion Engineered Carbons is global supplier of carbon black, a solid form of carbon produced as powder or pellets
7 November 20222 November 2022 K 2022: ALBIS presents pioneering product portfolio for innovative and sustainable material solutions These forward-looking solutions based on bio-circular raw materials or recyclates, which in terms of performance, quality and appearance are in no way inferior to their conventional fossil-based counterparts
K 2022: ALBIS präsentiert zukunftsweisendes Produktportfolio für innovative und nachhaltige Materiallösungen Zukunftsweisende Lösungen auf Basis von biozirkulären Rohstoffen oder Rezyklaten, die in Leistung, Qualität und Optik ihren Gegenstücken auf Basis von konventionellen, fossilen Rohstoffen in nichts nachstehen
27 October 202224 October 2022 Mitsui Chemicals Group to Produce Chemically Recycled Polyethylene Derived From Plastic Waste Memorandum of Understanding signed with Shell for ethylene derived from plastic waste
21 September 202219 September 2022 Encina Announces Delivering First-Ever High Purity Aromatics Made Entirely from End-of-Life Plastics The company operates a circular chemicals facility in San Antonio, Texas and recently completed an expansion phase with engineering and construction work undertaken by Chemex Global, LLC of The Woodlands, Texas
14 September 202210 September 2022 Mondi and Essity launch packaging for feminine care range made from post-consumer recycled and biomass balanced materials Collaboration with Essity and Dow to create new, recyclable secondary packaging using renewable materials and post-consumer recycled content
8 September 20222 September 2022 Phenol and acetone with reduced carbon footprint: INEOS supplies Covestro with mass-balanced raw materials for polycarbonate plastics Supporting customers in achieving their sustainability goals
1 September 202229 August 2022 LG Chem exports its first bio-balanced phenol and acetone in earnest Since LG Chem first started to export bio-balanced Super Absorbent Polymers in August last year, the Company has launched 41 products certified by ISCC PLUS, accelerating the development of new markets
27 July 202221 July 2022 Eni launches the first production of vegetable oil for biorefining in Kenya The initiative in Kenya represents the first integrated project in the world to bring Africa into the vertical bio-refinery supply chain by providing income opportunities and market access to thousands of farmers
25 July 202219 July 2022 Circular Economy: Beyond recycle, reuse & reduce Within the chemical supply chain, the concept of a circular economy is growing in significance as Businesses are increasingly promoting green credentials to eco-conscious consumers
22 July 202222 July 2022 UPM Raflatac launches the world’s first certified label material to fight ocean bound plastic pollution SABIC and UPM Raflatac announced the launch the world’s first packaging label materials made from SABIC-certified circular polypropylene (PP) based on advanced recycled ocean bound plastic (OBP)
19 July 202214 July 2022 Bio-based superabsorbents on the sanitary products market Start-ups are innovating with new materials for the growing biobased superabsorbents market
15 July 202212 July 2022 ALBIS distributes new sustainable product lines from INEOS Styrolution All new materials are certified according to the ISCC mass balance approach
ALBIS vertreibt neue nachhaltige Produktlinien von INEOS Styrolution Alle neuen Materialien sind nach dem Massebilanzansatz ISCC Plus zertifiziert
8 July 20225 July 2022 Circular plastics for green growth markets To make circular solutions in the product portfolio even more recognizable to customers in the future, Covestro has developed the brand "CQ" concept which stands for "Circular Intelligence" and indicates the alternative raw material base for the company's products if it is at least 25 percent
Zirkuläre Kunststoffe für grüne Wachstumsmärkte Um zirkuläre Lösungen für Kunden künftig noch besser erkennbar zu machen, hat Covestro das Konzept "CQ" entwickelt, was für "Circular Intelligence" steht und für jeweilige Produkte des Unternehmens die alternative Rohstoffbasis anzeigt, wenn sie mindestens 25 Prozent beträgt
24 June 202220 June 2022 Heinz and Tesco partner with Plastic Energy, SABIC, and Berry Global to launch sustainable packaging innovation made with post-consumer recycled soft plastics The 39% recycled plastic they contain was validated using the “mass balance approach” endorsed by ISCC, which makes it possible to track the amount and sustainability characteristics of materials
11 May 20226 May 2022 Switching to sustainable surfactants As the cosmetic and personal care industry races to drop petroleum-based ingredients, chemical companies are rolling out a dizzying array of biobased surfactants. Choosing from among them isn’t easy
10 May 20225 May 2022 OMV erhält ISCC PLUS-Zertifizierung für die Produktion von erneuerbaren Chemikalien in der Raffinerie Burghausen Dies ermöglicht es der OMV, ihre massenbilanzierte Produktion erneuerbarer sowie chemisch recycelter Rohstoffe zu zertifizieren, was für den Übergang zu einer stärker kreislauforientierten Wirtschaft von entscheidender Bedeutung ist
OMV receives ISCC PLUS certification for the production of renewable chemicals at the Burghausen Refinery This enables OMV to certify its mass-balance production of renewable and chemically recycled raw materials which is crucial for the transition to a more circular economy
25 April 202228 September 2022 Durethan® Scopeblue – our most sustainable premium polyamide 6 With Durethan® BLUE BKV60H2.0EF, LANXESS offers the first polyamide made from 92% sustainable and ISCC Plus certified raw materials. This is a top value among glass fiber-reinforced plastics
Durethan® Scopeblue – unser nachhaltigstes Premium-Polyamid 6 Mit dem Durethan® BLUE BKV60H2.0EF bietet LANXESS das erste Polyamid aus 92% nachhaltigen und ISCC Plus zertifizierten Rohstoffen an. Das ist ein Spitzenwert unter glasfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen
12 April 20226 April 2022 Westlake Epoxy Receives ISCC+ Certification at Its Pernis, Netherlands Site This is a significant step in Westlake Epoxy’s strategy to integrate renewable carbon materials into its raw material supply chain
5 April 202230 March 2022 ELIX Polymers, AnQore and OCI N.V. support European consumer goods company to produce more sustainable products Major European consumer goods manufacturer will use ELIX E-LOOP ABS, a step that will substantially reduce the carbon footprint of its products and contribute to a more sustainable value chain
24 February 202218 February 2022 TECNARO schließt internationale ISCC PLUS-Zertifizierung erfolgreich ab und führt neue ARBOFILL® Z Werkstofffamilie für alle gängigen Kunststoffverarbeitungstechnologien in den Markt ein ISCC PLUS-Zertifizierung ermöglicht TECNARO die Herstellung der teilbiobasierten ARBOFILL® Compounds nach dem Massenbilanzansatz und schont somit auch hier den fossilen Rohstoff Erdöl
23 February 202217 February 2022 Covestro, Mitsui Chemicals, and Mitsui & Co., Ltd, complete first delivery of certified renewable raw materials in Asia ISCC Plus certified mass balanced phenol and acetone based on bio-feedstock
Covestro, Mitsui Chemicals und Mitsui & Co., Ltd schließen erste Lieferung von zertifiziert nachwachsenden Rohstoffen in Asien ab ISCC Plus-zertifiziert massenbilanziertes Phenol und Aceton auf Basis von Bio-Rohstoffen
21 February 202216 February 2022 Covestro receives ISCC Plus certification for its Leverkusen and Dormagen sites Conversion of production to renewable attributed raw materials makes progress
Covestro erhält ISCC Plus-Zertifizierung für seine Standorte Leverkusen und Dormagen Umstellung der Produktion auf erneuerbar attribuierte Rohstoffe schreitet voran
18 February 202214 February 2022 Nachhaltige Lieferkette: Nordmann erhält ISCC- PLUS Zertifizierung Die Nordmann, Rassmann GmbH (Hamburg) hat im Januar die ISCC PLUS Massebilanz-Zertifizierung erhalten. Damit kann das Unternehmen seinen Kunden aus der Kunststoffindustrie nun die ebenfalls ISCC zertifizierten Polypropylen- und Polyethylen-basierten Circular Compounds® von TotalEnergies aus erneuerbaren oder recycelten Rohstoffen anbieten
Sustainable supply chain: Nordmann receives ISCC PLUS certification Last month, Nordmann, Rassmann GmbH (Hamburg) obtained ISCC PLUS Mass Balance certification. This means that the company can now offer customers in the plastics industry ISCC-certified polypropylene- and polyethylene-based Circular Compounds® from TotalEnergies, made from renewable or recycled raw materials
16 February 202211 February 2022 Sustainable supply chain: ALBIS receives ISCC PLUS Certification More than 5,000 companies in over 100 countries have achieved certification so far, including a number of key ALBIS distribution partners
Nachhaltige Lieferkette: ALBIS erhält ISCC PLUS-Zertifizierung Mehr als 5.000 Unternehmen aus über 100 Ländern haben sich bisher zertifizieren lassen, darunter eine Reihe wichtiger ALBIS Distributionspartner
7 February 202228 January 2022 HEXPOL TPE Receives International Sustainability + Carbon Certification (ISCC PLUS) New TPEs will offer a drop-in alternative for customers looking to meet the needs of challenging applications in the consumer, care, automotive and medical device markets
10 August 20215 August 2021 SABIC launches ISCC certified polycarbonate film & sheet based on renewable feedstock In addition, company has performed a life cycle analysis (LCA), assessing the environmental performance of the renewable route in comparison to the traditional fossil-based route at both cradle-to-gate and cradle-to-gate plus end-of-life levels
18 May 20219 September 2021 Advanced Plastic Recycling from INEOS Olefins & Polymers USA Receives ISCC PLUS Certification Advanced recycling allows key raw materials ethylene and propylene to be manufactured from mixed plastic waste
17 May 20219 September 2021 New Hope Energy Signs Agreement with Chevron Phillips Chemical New Hope Energy has future plans to create Sustainable Trade Zones to co-locate eco-friendly businesses to facilitate the circular economy
6 May 202118 June 2021 Our First Packaging made from Renewable Plastic: another Milestone on our Sustainability Journey Interview with Julia Wiedemann, Global Category Manager Sustainable Packaging in our Procurement, and Hannah Rasel, Senior Packaging Specialist in Packaging Development
Unsere ersten Verpackungen aus erneuerbarem Kunststoff: Ein weiterer Meilenstein zur Erreichung unserer Nachhaltigkeitsziele Interview mit Julia Wiedemann, Global Category Manager Sustainable Packaging im Einkauf, und Hannah Rasel, Senior Packaging Specialist in der Verpackungsentwicklung
23 April 20219 September 2021 Sustainability Certificate for Chemical Recycling ISCC-PLUS certificate issued for CARBOLIQ process for liquefaction of waste that cannot recycled mechanically