3 February 202528 January 2025 ISCC Newsletter, January 2025 This ISCC Newsletter is reporting about certifications, challenges or success stories at the end of 2024
31 January 202527 January 2025 How allnex drives the sustainable transition with ISCC PLUS certified products allnex, the world’s leading supplier of resin for industrial coatings, have continued to expand their commitment to a sustainable supply chain by steadily increasing their number of certified sites to now
30 January 202527 January 2025 European Commission Officially Recognised ISCC EU for the Certification of RFNBOs, RCFs and Forest Biomass In September 2024, the ISCC received the positive technical assessment from the European Commission for its ISCC EU certification approach for Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin and Recycled Carbon Fuels
8 January 20253 January 2025 Ascend produces bio-circular performance chemicals, PA66 Derived from used cooking oil, the resulting nylon 6,6 has a 25% lower product carbon footprint than nylon 6,6 made from fossil-fuel derived feedstock
20 December 202418 December 2024 First running shoe midsole based on new biopolymer grade by BASF Based on BASF’s new biopolymer ecoflex® BMB, the new midsole is 90% more durable while showing the same energy return as midsoles usually made of polyether block amide (PEBA)
Erste Laufschuh-Zwischensohle auf Basis einer neuen Biopolymer-Variante der BASF Basierend auf dem neuen Biopolymer ecoflex® BMB der BASF ist die neue Zwischensohle 90% beständiger, während sie die gleiche Energierückgabe wie Zwischensohlen aus dem herkömmlichen Polyetherblockamid (PEBA) bietet
2 December 202427 November 2024 Neste and PCS to bring renewable solutions to Southeast Asia’s chemicals industry The collaboration aims at introducing renewable raw materials to replace fossil ones in chemicals and plastics value chains in the region
29 November 202426 November 2024 Hankook begins mass production of tyres using first ISCC PLUS certified carbon black Premium tyre manufacturer Hankook has commenced the mass production of its tires utilising three types of ISCC PLUS (International Sustainability & Carbon Certification) certified carbon black
Hankook startet erstmals Reifenproduktion mit ISCC PLUS zertifiziertem Carbon-Black Das aus dem Pyrolyseöl von Altreifen gewonnene Material wurde vom Tire-to-Tire Circular Economy Model Consortium entwickelt
15 November 202412 November 2024 ORAC selects Styrolution® PS ECO grades for its 3D Duropolymer® wall panels This collaboration highlights Orac's commitment to sustainability with the 2024 launch of its 100% bio-circular Duropolymer® panels
14 November 202411 November 2024 Envalior launches a new range of sustainable Pocan® PBT compounds based on bio-circular BDO Compounds can be combined with further mass-balanced raw materials as well as mechanically recycled materials
Envalior führt neue nachhaltige PBT-Compounds Pocan® auf Basis von biozirkulärem BDO in den Markt ein Compounds können mit weiteren massenbilanzierten Rohstoffen sowie mechanisch rezyklierten Materialien kombiniert werden
13 November 20248 November 2024 Tetra Pak and Lactalis shape the future of packaging, with recycled material linked to used beverage cartons Lactalis will take the packaging of the spanish Puleva-diaryproducts in Tetra Brik® Aseptic 1000 Slim-Cartons with HeliCap™ 23 Pro-closure
Tetra Pak® und Lactalis entwickeln Meilenstein für die Kreislauffähigkeit von Getränkekartons in Spanien Lactalis will die in Spanien verkauften Puleva-Milchprodukte in Tetra Brik® Aseptic 1000 Slim-Kartons mit HeliCap™ 23 Pro-Verschluss verpacken
12 November 20247 November 2024 Neste, Alterra and Technip Energies collaborate to offer standardized solution to build chemical recycling plants The partners aim to globally offer a standardized modular solution, based on Alterra’s proprietary liquefaction technology, to parties interested in building capacity for chemical recycling
Neste, Alterra und Technip Energies bieten gemeinsam standardisierte Lösungen für Bau von Anlagen für chemisches Recycling Gemeinsam will man Unternehmen, die chemische Recyclingkapazitäten aufbauen wollen, eine modulare Standardlösung anbieten, die auf der selbst entwickelten Verflüssigungstechnologie von Alterra basiert
30 October 202425 October 2024 Neste and Braskem announce agreement on supply of renewable and recycled feedstocks for polymers and chemicals production Neste and Braskem, the largest producer of thermoplastic resins in the Americas, have reached an agreement for the supply of renewable and recycled feedstocks for polymers and chemicals production
Neste und Braskem: Einigung auf Lieferung von erneuerbaren und recycelten Rohstoffen für Herstellung von Kunststoffen und Chemieprodukten Neste und Braskem, der größte Hersteller thermoplastischer Kunststoffe auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent, haben eine Vereinbarung über die Lieferung von erneuerbaren und recycelten Rohstoffen für die Herstellung von Kunststoffen und Chemieprodukten getroffen
24 October 202421 October 2024 TekniPlex Healthcare Becomes First to Introduce Medical-grade, ISCC PLUS-certified Bio-based PVC Compounds Equivalent to Conventional PVC Company’s bio-based compounds are a drop-in replacement for a variety of injection molded or extruded medical-grade PVC compounds utilized in tubing, films, components and other applications
18 October 202414 October 2024 BASF and Evonik agree on first deliveries of biomass-balanced ammonia with reduced carbon footprint With this prolongued collaboration both chemical companies demonstrate their commitment to offer products with a reduced product carbon footprint
BASF und Evonik vereinbaren erste Lieferungen von biomassenbilanziertem Ammoniak mit reduziertem CO2-Fußabdruck Mit dieser fortgeführten Zusammenarbeit unterstreichen beide Unternehmen ihr Engagement, Produkte mit einem reduzierten Produkt-CO2-Fußabdruck (PCF) anzubieten
Dow introduces its first bio-circular attributed product for carpet tile backing The flooring innovation will be used in the manufacturing of carpet tile backing to provide dimensional stability and adhesion support for fibers
10 October 20244 October 2024 A.P. Moller Holding launches Vioneo to pioneer fossil-free plastics production A.P. Moller Holding has launched Vioneo, a new venture dedicated to transforming plastics production. Vioneo will manufacture fossil-free plastic resins and significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with plastics production
7 October 202430 September 2024 SABIC launches certified low carbon chemicals with CO2 footprint savings The methanol product in the new portfolio contain a lower carbon content than a traditional portfolio, with the same high quality product specifications
25 September 202419 September 2024 Braskem America Introduces Bio-Circular Polypropylene (PP): A Sustainable Solution for the Restaurant and Snack Food Industries Derived from used cooking oil, Braskem's new mass-balanced Bio-Circular PP represents a significant step towards a circular economy, helping to displace fossil fuels
10 September 20245 September 2024 Arkema obtains mass balance ISCC PLUS certification for its specialty UV/LED/EB curing resins production facility in China This will support the development of more sustainable solutions for fast-growing applications in local markets
5 September 20242 September 2024 INVISTA Kingston site earns ISCC PLUS certification This achievement marks another major milestone in the company’s global strategy and reinforces a dedication to stewardship via environmental protection, social responsibility, and operational transparency
23 August 202421 August 2024 Covestro LLC and Carlisle Construction Materials Lead the Way in Sustainable Construction Using Bio-Attributed Materials The collaboration between Covestro and Carlisle extends a legacy of joint innovation in the construction industry that spans decades
Covestro und Carlisle Construction Materials: Nachhaltigeres Bauen mit alternativen Rohstoffen Covestro wird Carlisle mit Methylen-Diphenyl-Diisocyanat (MDI) beliefern, das auf ISCC PLUS zertifizierten, massenbilanzierten bio-zirkulären Rohstoffen basiert
16 August 202414 August 2024 Nokian Tyres’ Finnish factory earns ISCC PLUS certification that enables increasing the share of sustainable raw materials in tires Nokian Tyres’ factory in Nokia, Finland has obtained the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS. With the certification, Nokian Tyres is able to introduce new sustainable, ISCC PLUS certified raw materials in its tires
Nokian Tyres erhält ISCC PLUS-Zertifizierung Die Fabrik von Nokian Tyres in Nokia, Finnland, hat die internationale Nachhaltigkeits- und Kohlenstoffzertifizierung ISCC PLUS erhalten. Diese Zertifizierung ermöglicht es dem Unternehmen, neue nachhaltige Rohstoffe in seine Reifenproduktion einzuführen
9 August 20248 August 2024 Pyrolysis oil as potential alternative to naphtha in crackers / Numerous plants ready to get started / Possible approach above all for Europe, Asia / Change could further impair cost base Investment over the last two years in the chemical recycling of plastics – and, to a lesser extent, other waste – could certainly not be described as booming. Nevertheless, the hope is that the relevant technologies – from pyrolysis and thermolysis through solvolysis to enzymatic recycling – will help to make plastics recyclable in the medium term
30 July 202424 July 2024 Hyosung invests $1B in Geno’s biobased spandex production The partnership marks the establishment of the world’s first fully integrated manufacturing site for biobased spandex from renewable raw materials to fiber
24 July 202418 July 2024 OQ Chemicals Launches Biomass-Balanced OxBalance Neopentyl Glycol Diheptanoate for Cosmetics OxBalance NPG Diheptanoate is particularly effective in sun care, color cosmetics, skin care, hair care, and antiperspirant applications
11 July 20245 July 2024 Dow announces bio-based NORDEL™ REN EPDM at DKT 2024 Latest addition to Dow’s growing portfolio of sustainable materials aims to help automotive, infrastructure and consumer industries lower their Scope 3 emissions
5 July 20243 July 2024 Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH erhält ISCC PLUS-Zertifizierung Die Teijin-Gruppe erhielt im Juni 2023 die ISCC PLUS-Zertifizierung für Kohlenstofffasern und Polyacrylnitril (PAN)-Precursor-Fasern und begann dann mit der Massenproduktion von Kohlenstofffasern
Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH receives ISCC PLUS certification The Teijin Group obtained ISCC PLUS certification for carbon fiber and the polyacrylonitrile (PAN) precursor fiber and began mass production of carbon fiber
3 July 202426 June 2024 Encina and BASF Establish Long-Term Partnership for Supply of Circular Raw Materials Encina’s circular chemicals are key ingredients used in the production of everyday and novel plastics - today both groups announced a long-term supply agreement for chemically recycled circular benzene
Encina und BASF vereinbaren langfristige Partnerschaft für die Lieferung von recycelten Rohstoffen Die recycelten Chemikalien von Encina sind wichtige Bestandteile bei der Herstellung von alltäglichen und innovativen Kunststoffen - heute gaben die beiden Konzerne eine langfristige Liefervereinbarung für chemisch recyceltes Benzol bekannt
27 June 202421 June 2024 OQ Chemicals has received the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) Plus for its production site at Bay City, Texas The ISCC Plus certificate strengthens OQ Chemicals’ capacity to offer customers the OxBalance product line, a sustainable alternative to its fossil-based portfolio with the same quality and performance
OQ Chemicals erhält ISCC Plus-Zertifizierung für seinen Standort in Bay City, Texas ISCC ist ein weltweit anerkanntes System für Massenbilanz-Zertifizierungen, das sich an der Kreislaufwirtschaft und der Renewable Energy Directive (RED) der Europäischen Kommission orientiert
21 June 202414 June 2024 Ausschreibungshilfen für biobasierte Kunststoffe in der nachhaltigen Beschaffung Formulierungen für die Materialanforderung "Biobasierter Kunststoff" in einer Leistungsbeschreibung
19 June 202413 June 2024 ARKEMA achieves mass balance ISCC Plus certification at its acrylic monomers production facility in Clear Lake, Texas (US) These certifications support the introduction of a full range of bio-attributed specialty resins and additives for lower VOC or carbon intensive technologies including high solid, waterborne and polyester powders
12 June 20247 June 2024 Axalta Launches Industry First Range of ISCC Plus Certified Biobased Powder Coatings Alesta® BioCoreTM provides a sustainable alternative to incumbent products containing fossil fuel-based polyester resins
3 June 202428 May 2024 BASF expands its biomass balance portfolio for selected chemical intermediates The company will include BMBCertTM 1,4-butanediol (BDO), tetrahydrofuran (THF), polytetrahydrofuran (PolyTHF®) and 3-(dimethylamino)propylamine (DMAPA)
BASF erweitert Biomassebilanz-Portfolio für ausgewählte chemische Zwischenprodukte Der Konzern erweitert ihr Angebot an biomassebilanzierten Produkten um BMBCertTM 1,4-Butandiol (BDO), Tetrahydrofuran (THF), Polytetrahydrofuran (PolyTHF®) und 3-(Dimethylamino)propylamin (DMAPA)
28 May 202423 May 2024 BASF now offering first biomass-balanced products for its ammonia and urea portfolio The mass balanced products are certified according to ISCC PLUS standards, and the company is using electricity from renewable sources, further reducing their production-related emissions
BASF bietet erste biomassenbilanzierte Produkte für ihr Ammoniak- und Harnstoffportfolio an Die massenbilanzierten Produkte sind nach den ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) PLUS Standards zertifiziert, und für die Herstellung der Ammoniak- und Harnstoffprodukte wird Strom aus erneuerbaren Quellen genutzt
23 May 202417 May 2024 KRATON launches ISCC Plus certified renewable solutions manufactured in North America The certification underscores Kraton’s dedication to advancing the circular economy with the CirKular+ ReNew Series
10 May 20246 May 2024 BASF now offering polyamides for the textile industry according to Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) The sustainable polyamide PA6 and PA6.6 product range is now also certified as Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)* for textile applications