8 March 20213 March 2021 Vynova launches world’s first ISCC PLUS-certified renewable caustic soda First company worldwide to obtain the ISCC PLUS certification for renewable caustic soda
8 February 20219 September 2021 Axilone is first manufacturer of sustainable cosmetics packaging made with Eastman Cristal Renew to obtain ISCC PLUS certification in multiple regions Axilone begins producing luxury packaging with 50% certified recycled content in the U.S., Europe and China
5 February 20219 September 2021 Chevron Phillips Chemical receives ISCC PLUS certification Secures supply agreement with Nexus as advanced recycling program matures
21 January 202118 January 2021 Covestro receives ISCC Plus certification for its Antwerp and Uerdingen sites Backward-oriented supply chain fulfills high sustainability standard
Covestro erhält ISCC-Plus-Zertifizierung für seine Standorte Antwerpen und Uerdingen Rückwärtsgerichtete Lieferkette erfüllt hohen Nachhaltigkeitsstandard
14 October 20209 October 2020 Borealis: Polyolefine aus Abfall- und Reststoffströmen EverMinds-Strategie in Fahrt: erneuerbare Polyolefine können als nachwachsende Rohstoffe komplett aus Abfällen und Restströmen gewonnen werden
12 October 20207 October 2020 ITOCHU, Borealis and Borouge announce collaboration to enable uptake of renewable polypropylene in the Japanese market The renewable PP is made from sustainable feedstock which is composed of various wastes and residues
2 October 202029 September 2020 NatureWorks announces additional lactide monomer purification technology to expand the availability of Ingeo biopolymer from Blair facility The manufacturing upgrades increase NatureWorks' responsiveness to rapidly evolving market dynamics and high demand for Ingeo™️ (PLA) biomaterials
31 July 202030 July 2020 First ISCC Plus certified producer of nonwovens for hygiene and medical applications Company is looking forward to take this commitment to the next level and to explore the many possibilities together with its customers
15 June 202012 June 2020 Sustainable bio-attributed PVC is a winner Vynova is using renewable raw materials in place of petrochemicals with no loss of properties
2 June 202028 May 2020 UPM Raflatac expands Forest Film product range with the industry’s first wood-based polyethylene label film Companys want to continue driving the industry forward by innovating products that reduce the use of nonrenewable virgin raw materials
17 March 202012 March 2020 Borealis producing certified renewable polypropylene at own facilities in Belgium Company takes its commitment commonly with Neste and Henkel to the next level for advancing the circular economy, once again furthers its EverMinds™ ambitions
Borealis: PP-Produktion aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen aufgenommen Unternehmen will sein Engagement für die Kreislaufwirtschaft gemeinsam mit Neste und Henkel auf die nächste Stufe bringen und seine Ziele im Rahmen von "EverMinds" fördern
27 February 202022 February 2020 A new generation of vinyl resins: Vynova launches portfolio of bio-attributed PVC Vynova has launched a range of bio-attributed PVC resins that will enable customers in all application sectors to innovate their PVC products and support their sustainability goals
10 January 202010 January 2020 Endlich! Die weltweit erste Konferenz zu Cellulosefasern findet vom 11.–12. Februar 2020 in Köln statt: „1st International Conference on Cellulose Fibres“ Märkte, Technologien und Nachhaltigkeit stehen im Fokus
Finally! The world’s first conference on cellulose fibres will take place in Cologne on February 11–12, 2020: “1st International Conference on Cellulose Fibres” The focus is on markets, technologies and sustainability
23 October 201930 October 2019 Six candidates are nominated for the innovation award “Biocomposite of the Year 2019” – Biocomposites are highly versatile: the choice is yours! The winners of the innovation award “Biocomposite of the Year 2019” will be chosen at the “8th Biocomposites Conference Cologne”, in Cologne, Germany
Sechs Kandidaten sind für den Innovationspreis “Biocomposite of the Year 2019” nominiert – Biokomposite sind ausgesprochen vielseitig: Die Wahl liegt bei Ihnen! Die Gewinner des Innovationspreises "Biocomposite of the Year 2019" werden auf der "8th Biocomposite Conference Cologne" in Köln ermittelt
10 October 20197 October 2019 Dow teams up with UPM to produce bio-based plastics Agreement with UPM is the latest example of Dow’s strategy to enable a shift to a circular economy for plastics by integrating renewable feedstocks into its production processes
30 September 201930 September 2019 Dow and UPM partner to produce plastics made with renewable feedstock Dow is integrating wood-based UPM's BioVerno renewable naphtha – a key raw material used to develop plastics – into its slate of raw materials
19 September 201916 September 2019 Netherlands mulls end to used cooking oil double-counting Some investigations recently launched in the UK and the Netherlands into companies showed that they have allegedly been selling unsustainable biodiesel containing palm oil
2 April 201928 March 2019 CoolBest brand in SIG’s innovative SIGNATURE PACK emphasizes Riedel’s commitment to sustainability The aseptic carton pack made with polymers linked to plant-based renewable materials will help to strengthen Riedel’s ongoing sustainability pledge
21 February 201918 February 2019 NatureWorks Announces 100 Percent Third-Party Certified Sustainable Feedstock by 2020 Agricultural feedstocks for Ingeo biopolymer will be certified as environmentally and socially sustainable by the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification System
18 May 201816 May 2018 Arla Foods is the first to choose SIG’s innovative SIGNATURE PACK Company to demonstrate its commitment to sustainability as it strives to increase the market share of its organic dairy products
SIGNATURE PACK von SIG feiert Marktpremiere mit Arla Foods Mit seiner Wahl unterstreicht Arla sein Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und verfolgt das Ziel, den Marktanteil seiner Bio-Milchprodukte zu steigern
26 April 201824 April 2018 Winners and losers from the proposed ban on palm oil Prof. Gernot Klepper of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy has analysed the effects of the proposed palm oil ban for biofuels and who would be likely to win or loose
14 November 201710 November 2017 Biomasse produzieren, Recht auf Nahrung wahren: Projekt „Food Security Standard“ Im seit Mai 2017 laufenden Vorhaben geht es nun darum, diese Kriterien in regulär laufende Zertifizierungsprozesse zu integrieren und zu erproben
30 June 201727 June 2017 Ecofys study on Crude Tall Oil markets and availability: sufficient supply for advanced biofuels, biomaterials and energy usage The study brings necessary information into the debate concerning raw material availability for various end-uses such as advanced biofuels and biomaterials
13 June 20171 June 2017 UPM Biofuels gains the world’s first RSB certification for wood-based liquid biofuels UPM Biofuels uses crude tall oil to produce both biofuels and biomaterials
4 May 201715 February 2018 Record cultivation of industrial hemp in Europe in 2016 Especially hemp food and pharmaceuticals face strong demand – Worldwide largest conference on industrial hemp in Cologne (Germany) in June 2017
20 March 201715 February 2018 Why you should use European HEMP FIBRES for your automotive applications Secure supply, stable prices, light weight, low environmental footprint and certified sustainability
Warum für Ihre automobilen Anwendungen europäische Hanffasern zum Einsatz kommen sollten Versorgungssicherheit, Preisstabilität, Leichtbau, niedriger ökologischer Fußabdruck und zertifizierte Nachhaltigkeit
5 September 201629 August 2016 Enerkem’s facility in Edmonton becomes the first ISCC certified plant in the world to convert municipal solid waste into biomethanol This reputable third-party certification confirms that Enerkem meets high ecological and social sustainability requirements
1 July 201615 February 2018 World debut for the first sustainably certified natural fibre European hemp fibre for automotive applications and insulation material receives ISCC PLUS certificate
Weltpremiere für die erste Naturfaser mit Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat Europäische Hanffasern für automobile Anwendungen und Dämmstoffe erhalten ISCC PLUS-Zertifikat
11 November 201510 November 2015 Bioplastics are key to unlock Europe’s potential for a ressource-efficient economy 10th European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin attracts more than 350 experts from around the world
EU: Biokunststoffe sind Schlüsseltechnologie für eine ressourcen-effiziente Wirtschaft 10. European Bioplastics Konferenz zieht mehr als 350 Experten aus aller Welt an
6 May 20155 May 2015 FrieslandCampina and Elopak are setting the standard with new bio-based milk carton Most sustainable beverage carton ever on Dutch market
16 March 201514 March 2015 Sabic: Getränkekartons mit Beschichtungen aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen der zweiten Generation – Kooperation mit Elopak Erneuerbares Polyethylen (PE) und Polypropylen (PP) der zweiten Generation für die wachsende Nachfrage der Verpackungsindustrie
17 February 201516 February 2015 Bioökonomie: Plädoyer für eine nachhaltige, biobasierte Wirtschaft Ohne gesetzliche Regelungen werden umfassende Nachhaltigkeitskriterien nicht umsetzbar sein
26 January 201515 February 2018 Biobased plastics – Fostering a resource efficient circular economy European Bioplastics Fact Sheet: Benefits, feedstock types, sustainable sourcing, land use
30 October 201429 October 2014 Dutch Green Deal – sustainability criteria for biobased plastic products The Dutch Green Deal has developed a list of sustainability criteria for biobased feedstock used in industrial production
6 August 20146 August 2014 Can ISSC PLUS certification be misleading – if the bio-based share is not labelled too? Comment by Michael Carus, nova-Institute
22 May 201422 May 2014 Polyolefine aus Altöl und Altfett Sabic führt neue Produktpalette aus zertifiziert nachhaltigen Polyolefinen ein, deren Rohstoffbasis mit einem speziellen Crackverfahren aus Altöl und Altfett gewonnen wird
16 April 201416 July 2014 SABIC launches new renewable polyolefins portfolio SABIC announced that it will launch its first portfolio of certified renewable polyolefins, certified under the ISCC Plus certification scheme, which involves strict traceability and requires a chain of custody based on a mass balance system
9 January 20148 January 2014 Nachhaltige Rohstoffe für Chemieindustrie Die Chemieindustrie nutzt immer mehr Pflanzen als Rohstoff. Doch der Anbau kann Natur und Mensch schädigen. Industrie-, Umwelt- und Entwicklungsverbände haben nun Kriterien für nachhaltigen Anbau verabschiedet
24 October 201323 October 2013 Rohstoff CO2: Ein Traum wird wahr Interessante Betrachtungen auf der zweiten Essener Konferenz zu "CO2 als Rohstoff"
3 September 2013 Clariant certifies cellulosic ethanol plant under European Directives Further milestone in commercialization of the sunliquid® technology
30 May 2012 Ingeo products sold in Germany are first to receive dual, complementary third-party sustainability certifications The two certifications in unison ensure sustainable biopolymer feedstock sourcing and provide key supporting validation for brand owners
27 April 2012 Biobased plastics – sustainability well on the way New study recommends optimisations already in place