10 May 20246 May 2024 BASF bietet Polyamide für Textilindustrie auch nach Recycled Claim Standard (RCS) an Nachhaltige Polyamid PA6- und PA6.6-Produktreihe von BASF ist nun auch als Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)* für textile Anwendungen zertifiziert
23 April 202422 April 2024 SABIC & Jessa Hospital achieve successful step towards creating circular polymers on advanced recycling of used medical plastic Serving as a pilot proof-of-concept, used medical plastic generated at Jessa’s hospitals was converted to pyrolysis oil in an advanced recycling process
19 April 202416 April 2024 Borealis invests EUR 4.5 million in Porvoo steam cracker, enabling increased share of circular raw materials used in production The investment ensures, that the Porvoo steam cracker can increase the share of renewable and recycled raw materials used in its (ethylene and propylene) production
Borealis investiert 4,5 Mio. EUR in Steamcracker in Porvoo und erhöht damit den Anteil an Kreislaufrohstoffen in der Produktion Die Investition soll sicherstellen, dass der Steamcracker in Porvoo den Anteil erneuerbarer und recycelter Rohstoffe in der Produktion von Basischemikalien (Ethylen und Propylen) erhöhen kann
16 April 202414 April 2024 Hyosung TNC Invests $1 Billion in Future “Bio” Business The future plants will be powered by Geno, US-based sustainable materials and technology leader, further unlocking deployment of its GENO BDO™ technology at scale
Hyosung TNC investiert 1 Milliarde Dollar in zukünftiges „Bio”-Geschäft Die künftigen Anlagen werden von Geno betrieben, dem ansässigen Marktführer für nachhaltige Materialien und Technologien, der damit den Einsatz seiner GENO BDO™-Technologie in großem Maßstab weiter vorantreibt
5 April 202428 March 2024 Kumho Petrochemical Signs MOU With SK Geo Centric, Tongsuh Petrochemical For ‘Establishment Of Sustainable Bio Raw Material Supply Chain’ Formation of Long-term Mutual Cooperation for Sustainable Growth in the Petrochemical Industry among the Three Companies
2 April 202425 March 2024 Celanese Achieves ISCC CFC Certification for Low Carbon CCU Methanol Newly Certified Methanol Demonstrates a Greater than 70% Reduction in Carbon Footprint
20 March 202414 March 2024 SK chemicals, Hyosung Advanced Materials, and Hankook Tire Commercialize South Korea’s First Chemically Recycled PET Tire To reduce carbon emissions, the South Korean industrial sector has developed and commercialized the country's first tire using chemically recycled PET
29 February 20243 March 2024 ELIX Polymers – chemically recycled products with up to 100% sustainable feedstocks All material properties remain the same, so there is no need for new material approvals and all of the available technical data can be used
19 February 202415 February 2024 Evonik achieves ISCC PLUS sustainability certification for specialty chemicals production in Essen Evonik has attained the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS for its specialty chemicals production at the Essen Goldschmidt site
Evonik erhält ISCC-PLUS-Nachhaltigkeitszertifikat für Spezialchemikalien-Produktion in Essen Evonik hat für die Produktion von Spezialchemikalien am Standort Essen Goldschmidt die International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS erhalten
2 February 202429 January 2024 Roquette Isosorbide Achieves ISCC PLUS Certification International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS for POLYSORB® isosorbide and the following product grades: POLYSORB® PSA, POLYSORB® LP, POLYSORB® PA
31 January 202426 January 2024 INEOS polymer used to create world’s first sustainable gas pipeline ISCC have certified that the production of the pipes laid by GRDF met ISCC Plus standards
22 January 20245 June 2024 Axalta Becomes First Powder Coatings Manufacturer to Receive International Sustainability and Carbon Certification Plus For Biobased Feedstock Sourcing Practices This milestone further reinforces Axalta’s commitment to ensuring sustainability remains central to every part of its business
19 January 202412 January 2024 Reliance Industries becomes first in India to use chemical recycling for circular polymers RIL shipped its first batch of ISCC-Plus certified Circular Polymers, named CircuRepol™ (Polypropylene) and CircuRelene™ (Polyethylene)
15 January 20249 January 2024 Neste verdoppelt 2023 die Menge an verarbeiteten Kunststoffabfällen Das in den Testläufen hergestellte Produkt ist ein ISCC PLUS zertifizierter, hochwertiger Rohstoff für die Kunststoffproduktion
Neste doubled the amount of waste plastic processed during 2023 The output of the runs is high-quality, ISCC PLUS certified material for new plastics
12 January 20245 January 2024 OMV and Synthos sign MoU to cooperate on sustainability, including the supply of sustainable butadiene for synthetic rubber Sustainable butadiene will be produced in the steam cracker at the Burghausen refinery in Germany, which received full ISCC PLUS certification in March 2022
OMV und Synthos unterzeichnen MoU zur Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit, einschließlich der Lieferung von nachhaltigem Butadien für synthetischen Kautschuk Nachhaltiges Butadien wird im Steamcracker der Raffinerie Burghausen in Deutschland hergestellt, der im März 2022 die vollständige ISCC PLUS-Zertifizierung erhielt
11 January 20244 January 2024 Samyang Innochem’s White Bio-Material “Isosorbide” Receives International Eco-Friendly Certification “ISCC Plus” Samyang Innochem has received international environmental certification for its in-house developed isosorbide, a white bio-material, and is ready to enter the global market
ISCC PLUS certification completed for Polykemi and Scanfill The current certification applies to Polykemi and Scanfill in Ystad, Sweden, and the subsidiary Rondo Plast has also initiated the project to obtain the same or similar certification
5 January 202421 December 2023 Gemeinsam für mehr Produktnachhaltigkeit: tesa and BASF kooperieren beim Einsatz erneuerbarer Rohstoffe Die ersten nachhaltigeren Produkte mit Biomasse-Bilanzansatz werden Anfang 2024 auf den Markt gebracht
27 November 202320 November 2023 DuPont™ Tyvek® Luxembourg Facility Achieves ISCC PLUS Certification Certification helps drive continuous improvement in producing sustainable DuPont™ Tyvek® applications
16 November 202313 November 2023 Braskem and Oxiteno sign a partnership to supply bio-attributed ethylene Oxiteno intends to create new sustainable solutions with this new supply
7 November 20232 November 2023 Perstorp strengthens its sustainable offerings with 100% renewable based 2-Ethylhexanol The new product grade is the world’s first 2-EH partly based on renewable raw materials, meeting the growing demand for more sustainable alternatives in various applications
26 October 202323 October 2023 INEOS Inovyn becomes Europe’s first green hydrogen ISCC PLUS fully certificated producer INEOS Inovyn is the largest operator of electrolysis technology in Europe, producing 60,000 tonnes of low-carbon hydrogen annually across multiple sites
2 October 202326 September 2023 Dow launches lower carbon, bio-based, and circular propylene glycol solutions in Europe Decarbia™, Ecolibrium™, and Renuva™ technologies support more sustainable offerings for propylene glycol applications
29 September 202329 May 2024 Bio-attributed PVC: A breakthrough for sustainable plastics RENOLIT to bring a whole new generation of these sustainable plastics to the market - with ISCC certification
Bio-attributed PVC: Ein Durchbruch für nachhaltige Kunststoffe RENOLIT bringt ganz neue Generation dieser nachhaltigen Kunststoffe mit ISCC-Zertifikat auf den Markt
27 September 202322 September 2023 BASF launches first biomass balance plastic additives These industry-first solutions support the use of renewable feedstock to replace fossil feedstock and help BASF’s customers meet their sustainability targets
BASF bringt erstmals biomassenbilanzierte Kunststoffadditive auf den Markt Diese neuartigen Lösungen fördern die Verwendung von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen und helfen BASF-Kunden, ihre Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu erreichen
13 September 20238 September 2023 Aramco, TotalEnergies and SABIC complete MENA region’s first processing of oil from plastic waste at scale to make certified circular polymers The project aims to pave the way for the creation of a domestic value chain for the advanced recycling of plastics to circular polymers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
25 August 202324 August 2023 SABIC offers bio-based Versions of all NORYL™ resin grades to further advance the bioeconomy of plastics The bio-based versions are formulated with polyphenylene ether (PPE) resin feedstocks certified under International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS
7 July 20235 July 2023 La Mède: A Multipurpose Facility for the Energies of Tomorrow TotalEnergies’s La Mède facility is a powerhouse for the energy sources of tomorrow, which are set to drive growth for the Company and the local region
5 July 20233 July 2023 Lower Carbon Footprint With Proven High Performance: Röhm Launches Plexiglas® Proterra Molding Compounds On The Market Röhm offers customers two new ways to lower their product carbon footprint
21 June 202316 June 2023 Asahi Kasei and Mitsui establish supply and procurement system for bio-methanol Asahi Kasei plans to use the bio-methanol procured from Mitsui to produce engineering plastics in Japan with a lower carbon footprint than the current product lineup
14 June 202318 June 2024 Nachhaltigkeit als Erfolgsfaktor: OQ Chemicals bringt biobasierten Oxbalance TCD Alkohol DM auf den Markt Die Produktlinie OxBalance nutzt den Massenbilanz-Ansatz gemäß ISCC PLUS, mit dem nachwachsende Rohstoffe in chemischen Herstellungsprozessen nachverfolgt und den Produkten zugeordnet werden
13 June 20237 June 2023 Dow and New Energy Blue announce collaboration to develop renewable plastic materials from corn residue First-of-its-kind agreement in North America would create bio-based ethylene for Dow's U.S. Gulf Coast assets to produce renewable plastics across fast-growing end-markets
Dow is back in bio-based ethylene action A report about Dow Chemical and New Energy Blue entering into a supply agreement to produce bio-based ethylene from agricultural residues
17 May 202311 May 2023 Borealis launches portfolio of circular plastomers and elastomers based on renewable feedstock The polyolefine manufacturer to introduce a new product line to meet customer demand for circular solutions: the Bornewables™ line of Queo
Borealis präsentiert Portfolio kreislauforientierter Plastomere und Elastomere auf Basis erneuerbarer Rohstoffe Das Unternehmen hat eine neue Produktlinie entwickelt, um die Kundennachfrage nach kreislauforientierten Lösungen zu bedienen: die Queo Bornewables™-Produktpalette
8 May 20233 May 2023 Perstorp strengthens its sustainable offerings with world’s first 100% renewable-based polyols with negative carbon footprint Leading specialty chemicals innovator Perstorp has launched new grades for two base polyols that are now available with 100% renewable, mass-balanced carbon content
Polyole mit negativem CO2-Fußabdruck Perstorp bringt 100% erneuerbare Polyole mit negativem CO2-Fußabdruck auf den Markt. Polyole sind ein wichtiger Baustein für Polyurethan
Pyrum: Vom Altreifen zum Türgriff Aus ausgedienten Reifen erzeugt das Unternehmen Pyrolyseöl über ein eigenes Verfahren, welches dann an BASF geliefert und in Kombination mit Biomethan für Fahrzeugbauteile von Mercedes-Benz dient
2 May 202327 April 2023 Borealis Bornewables™ polymers for personal hygiene fabrics help PFNonwovens Group accelerate its journey towards climate neutrality Borealis and the PFNonwovens Group teamed up to enhance their production of nonwoven materials for the personal hygiene market and set a new industry standard by using Bornewables PP resins for spunbond and meltblown solutions
Borealis Bornewables™ Polymere für Hygieneartikel helfen der PFNonwovens Group, den Weg zur Klimaneutralität zu beschleunigen Borealis und die PFNonwovens Group wollen die Produktion von Vliesstoffen für Körperpflegeprodukte verbessern und mit dem Einsatz von Bornewables PP einen neuen Standard für Spunbond- und Meltblown-Lösungen in der Branche setzen
11 April 20236 April 2023 Covestro erweitert sein Portfolio für die Kreislaufwirtschaft in allen großen Regionen Mit der Zertifizierung seines Produktionsstandorts Baytown, Texas, USA, erweitert Covestro nochmals deutlich sein Produktportfolio für die Kreislaufwirtschaft
Covestro expands its circular economy portfolio to all major regions The company's production site in Baytown, Texas (USA) is significantly expanding the reach of its product portfolio for the circular economy
23 March 202320 March 2023 OQ Chemicals Launches World’s First Bio-Based ISCC PLUS Certified Isononanoic Acid Isononanoic acid is widely used in the production of various industrial and consumer goods, such as energy-efficient lubricants, plasticizers, and surfactants