15 September 20159 September 2021 Global Bioenergies has joined aireg – Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. Global Bioenergies joins aireg to push the jet fuel application of its isobutene process
Global Bioenergies hat sich der Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. angeschlossen Global Bioenergies schließt sich aireg an um die Kerosinanwendung seines Isobutenverfahrens voranzutreiben
11 September 20159 September 2015 On the Move in the Advanced Bioeconomy: GFBiochemicals, Faegre Baker Daniels, American Coalition for Ethanol, Global Bioenergies The Biofuels Digest's highlighting elections of honoured experts
24 August 201520 August 2015 The Isobutene process successfully uses xylose, the “wood sugar” Global Bioenergies produced isobutene by fermentation based exclusively on xylose as a feedstock
24 July 201523 July 2015 Global Bioenergies adapts its Bio-Isobutene process to sucrose The adaptation of the process to sucrose was one the first technical milestones set as part of “IBN-One”, the Joint-Venture between Global Bioenergies and Cristal Union
29 June 201526 June 2015 LEGO commits $150M to search for sustainable alternative plastics $150 million, 100+ employees, a new sustainable materials center, and a commitment to move off fossil fuels dependency by 2030
19 June 201518 June 2015 Avantium partners with Tereos Exclusive partnership agreement to produce an alternative to PET called polyethylene furanoate (PEF) made from 2,5 furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA) in Lillebonne, France
16 June 201516 June 2015 Global Bioenergies: New 1.4 million euro financing Global Bioenergies obtains new 1.4 million euro financing from Bpifrance on the Isobutene program
15 June 201512 June 2015 EuropaBio and Smithers Rapra confirm agenda for 8th edition of EFIB Themes to range from inspiring new business models, circular economy and creation of markets, issues of financing and funding in addition to the availability of feedstocks, and update on the status and outlook of biobased industries
28 May 201528 May 2015 Cristal Union und Global Bioenergies: Joint Venture für Isobuten aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen gegründet Gründung der gemeinsamen Gesellschaft „IBN-One“ - Planung einer Produktionsanlage von Isobuten aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen in Frankreich
Cristal Union and Global Bioenergies have formed a joint venture Cristal Union and Global Bioenergies have formed a joint venture to build and operate France’s first bio-sourced isobutene production plant
20 May 201519 May 2015 Global Bioenergies: Erste Produktion flüssiger Kohlenwasserstoffe aus biologischen Rohstoffen über den Isobuten-Prozess Mix ist mit Leichtöl vergleichbar und kann somit als "Öl aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen" bezeichnet werden
Global Bioenergies: First production of liquid hydrocarbons from biological feedstock using the isobutene process First batch of « renewable oil » - Ground and air transportation fuels - Perspective of new industrial sectors - Prevention of climate change
First renewable gasoline sample delivered to Audi Global Bioenergies and Audi announce that the first batch of renewable gasoline has been produced: It will be presented to Audi by Global Bioenergies during a press conference to be held in Pomacle on the 21st of May
28 April 20159 September 2021 Fuel of the future: Research facility in Dresden produces first batch of Audi e-diesel Minister Wanka: “Synthetic diesel using CO2 is a huge success”
Sprit der Zukunft: Forschungsanlage in Dresden produziert erste Menge Audi e-diesel Ministerin Wanka: „Synthetischer Diesel auf CO2 Basis ist ein großer Erfolg“
10 April 20159 April 2015 Global Bioenergies: Bioreaktor-Bau in Leuna beginnt BMBF fördert Aufbau der Pilotanlage und wissenschaftliches Begleitprogramm mit rund 5,7 Millionen Euro
2 April 20151 April 2015 Global Bioenergies: Construction of the German demo plant started Additional 4.4 million euros financing secured
6 March 20155 March 2015 Global Bioenergies reports first isobutene production from waste biomass Global Bioenergies announces today having produced “second generation” isobutene, in a push to diversify accessible feedstock towards cheaper resources
16 February 201513 February 2015 TWB welcomes 10 new partners to accelerate innovations in the bioeconomy Unique construction associates researchers, manufacturers and investors inside a consortium to develop a bioeconomy in the field of chemistry, materials and energy
10 February 201510 February 2015 Global Bioenergies: Erster Meilenstein im Rahmen des BioMA+ Projekts erreicht Französischer Staat finanziert Projektkonsortium mit insgesamt 5,2 Millionen Euro
Global Bioenergies: First milestone hit in BioMA+ project French State granted €5.2m “Investissements d’Avenir” financing to a companies consortium
19 December 201430 December 2014 Direkte Bioproduktion von Propylen Global Bioenergies erreicht einen dritten Erfolg auf dem Weg zu Olefinen aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen
15 December 201412 December 2014 Direct biological production of propylene Third star on Global Bioenergies’ race to renewable olefins
5 December 20144 December 2014 The radical re-sourcing of tires, nylon, parachutes and balloons Who’s in the global chase for a process to make one of the world’s Big 7 industrial chemicals via a renewable process — and how did Global Bioenergies just jump into the lead? The Digest investigates.
Exclusive interview with Marc Delcourt, Ceo of Global Bioenergies: “The end of oil will not mean the end of the existing industrial world” Company received a 4M€ public financing last year from the French State
1 December 201428 November 2014 Global Bioenergies announces break-through in direct biological production of butadiene Cooperation with Synthos - entirely direct fermentation production process for butadiene
Global Bioenergies gelingt bahnbrechender Erfolg bei der Herstellung von biobasiertem Butadien Kooperation mit Synthos - Erstmalig erfolgreiche Produktion von biobasiertem Butadien durch direkte Fermentation
28 November 201427 November 2014 New Audi e-fuels project: e-diesel from air, water and green electricity
13 August 201412 August 2014 Global Bioenergies commercialization in momentum Company to license its bio-isobutene processing technology as soon as 2015
25 July 201424 July 2014 Global Bioenergies: fermentation pilot received in Pomacle Global Bioenergies announces today (22 July) the reception in Pomacle of the fermentation unit and its associated devices
11 July 201410 July 2014 Global Bioenergies and Fraunhofer CBP take the next step towards the set-up of the Leuna industrial pilot Next important step in transitioning the isobutene process from a breakthrough scientific innovation into a high-value industrial asset
6 May 20145 May 2014 Global Bioenergies: key patent on the butadiene process granted in the United States Butadiene bio-production through enzymatic dehydration to place company at the avant-garde of innovation
25 April 201424 April 2014 ABLC buzzes about finance, government actions, chemicals, carbon, and technology advances As ABLC completes its second day, companies, agencies, financiers step forward to detail advances toward scale, new programs.
23 April 201414 August 2014 “Bio-based Material of the Year 2014” Innovation award presented to QMilch (Germany) at the 7th International Conference on Bio-based Materials 160 participants from more than 20 countries came together at the 7th International Conference on Bio-based Materials
Innovationspreis „Biowerkstoff des Jahres 2014“ auf dem Kölner Biowerkstoff-Kongress an QMilch aus Deutschland 160 Teilnehmer aus über 20 Ländern trafen sich beim 7. Biowerkstoff-Kongress, einem der wichtigsten Branchentreffpunkte der Bio-basierten Ökonomie in Europa
7 April 20145 April 2014 Hannover Trade Fair 2014: Sugar, not oil Passing fossile oil - renewable resources are the future
28 March 201427 March 2014 GLOBAL BIOENERGIES: key patents granted in first country Australian Intellectual Property Office has granted two patents to protect key steps of its process for converting renewable resources
25 March 201424 March 2014 Hannover Messe 2014: Zucker statt Erdöl Weg vom Erdöl – nachhaltige Rohstoffe sind die Zukunft
11 March 201410 March 2014 Global Bioenergies entrusts Linde with the design of its German pilot plant Global Bioenergies built its second isobutene industrial pilot plant at the Leuna refinery site
27 February 201428 February 2014 Dynamic development: Bio-based building blocks are the key to new sustainable materials The 7th International Conference on Bio-Based Materials, 8-10 April 2014, at the Maternushaus in Cologne (Germany)
18 February 201425 July 2014 Bio-based Plastics and Composites, Biorefineries and Industrial Biotechnology – the Highlights from Europe The 7th International Conference on Bio-Based Materials, 8-10 April 2014, at the Maternushaus in Cologne (Germany), will provide you with the latest and hottest developments in Europe
Bio-basierte Kunst- und Verbundwerkstoffe, Bioraffinerien und die industrielle Biotechnologie – die Höhepunkte aus Europa Der „7. Internationale Biowerkstoff-Kongress“ präsentiert vom 8. bis 10. April 2014 im Maternushaus, Köln die neuesten und spannendsten Entwicklungen in Europa
14 February 201413 February 2014 ADM invests $25M in Rennovia: the complete story 20% lower capital, 30% lower raw materials, 15% lower utilities, 30% lower manufacturing – vs petroleum
30 January 201411 January 2018 7th International Conference on Bio-based Materials 2014: Preliminary programme online 8 - 10 April 2014, Maternushaus, Cologne, Germany
27 January 201424 January 2014 Global Bioenergies, Audi partner on drop-in biofuel Global Bioenergies announces the signature of a collaboration with the German car-manufacturer Audi on the development of isobutene-derived isooctane, a high performance biofuel for gasoline engines
26 November 201325 November 2013 GLOBAL BIOENERGIES erhält Förderungszusage über 5,7 Millionen Euro für die Errichtung einer industriellen Pilotanlage in Deutschland Anlage soll zur kommerziellen Nutzung des Isobutenprozesses bei der Herstellung von Methacrylsäurederivaten Einsatz finden
25 November 201322 November 2013 GLOBAL BIOENERGIES secures a 5.7 million euro grant to proceed with its second industrial pilot in Germany Global Bioenergies announces its decision to construct its second industrial pilot on the site of the Leuna refinery, close to Leipzig in Germany
5 November 20134 November 2013 Global Bioenergies Hits Milestone in Deal with American Industrialist License option to be granted for a maximum of three years