21 March 201818 March 2018 Key Milestone reached in the Audi – Global Bioenergies partnership Renewable gasoline components were produced and shipped to Audi
Wichtiger Meilenstein in der Partnerschaft Audi – Global Bioenergies erreicht Erneuerbare Benzinkomponenten wurden produziert und an Audi geliefert.
16 February 201814 February 2018 Voyage to the Bottom of the Hydrocarbon Cost Curve: The Digest’s 2018 Multi-Slide Guide to Global Bioenergies Ronan Rocle recently presented this illuminating overview of the company’s progress and promise
15 January 201811 January 2018 Global Bioenergies and Clariant unveil development of new bio-based cosmetics polymer for more natural formulations Sustainable, isobutene-based ingredient for Personal Care lotions and creams
Global Bioenergies und Clariant geben die Entwicklung eines neuen bio-basierten Polymers für natürlichere Formulierungen von Kosmetika bekannt Nachhaltig hergestelles Isobutene als Inhaltsstoff für Lotions und Cremes
8 January 201821 December 2017 Notes from Scaleville: the Global Bioenergies, Gevo and Siluria stories New applications for biotechnology in some ancient and ossified markets such as jet fuel, C3 chemicals and gasoline
4 December 201730 November 2017 First batch delivered to L’Oréal by Global Bioenergies Global Bioenergies announced delivery of a first batch of sustainable cosmetic ingredients to L’Oréal
Global Bioenergies liefert die erste Charge an L’Oréal Global Bioenergies kündigt die Lieferung der ersten Charge eines erneuerbaren kosmetischen Inhaltsstoffs an L’Oréal an
9 October 20172 October 2017 First product bottling at the Leuna demo plant Refinery site has successfully operated its entire technical process
5 July 20173 July 2017 In search of lowest cost hydrocarbons: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Global Bioenergies CEO Marc Delcourt gave this illuminating overview of the company’s progress and promise at ABLC 2017 in Washington DC
19 June 201713 June 2017 Who are the winners of the European Bio-Based Innovation Awards 2017? Finnish company Paptic is opening a door for novel wood-based materials
1 June 201731 May 2017 Global Bioenergies inaugurates bio-isobutene demo plant Global Bioenergies is now preparing its first full-scale plant through a joint venture with Cristal Union
30 May 201731 May 2017 Erster Erfolg bei der maßstabsgetreuen Umsetzung des Isobutenverfahrens in der Demonstrationsanlage in Leuna Lieferung der ersten Isobutenchargen an Partner für Tests wird im Juni erwartet
First success in scaling up the Isobutene process in the Leuna Demo plant Delivery to partners of the first batches of Isobutene for testing is expected in June timeframe
14 February 201713 February 2017 Global Bioenergies finalizes acquisition of Syngip The Syngip acquisition is central to Global Bioenergies’ strategy of diversifying the feedstocks suitable for use in its isobutene process
17 January 201715 January 2017 Global Bioenergies plant die Übernahme des niederländischen Startups Syngip BV Neues F&E-Ziel besteht in der Diversifikation der für das Isobutenverfahren verwendbaren Ressourcen
Global Bioenergies to acquire gas fermentation start-up Syngip Some Digest editor's backstories and stakeholder statements about this acquisition
16 January 201712 January 2017 Hydrocarbons from cheap renewable carbon: The Digest’s 2016 Multi-Slide Guide to Global Bioenergies CEO Marc Delcourt and Director of Industrial Strategy gave interesting presentations
11 January 20179 January 2017 Global Bioenergies continues to bring its demo plant into operation successfully and lays out its strategy for using renewable resources First production of green isobutene was already observed
Global Bioenergies setzt die Inbetriebnahme seiner industriellen Demonstrationsanlage erfolgreich fort und präzisiert seine Strategie zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Rohstoffe Erste Produktion von grünem Isobuten bereits festgestellt
16 December 201616 December 2016 Purification of bio-based chemicals on an industrial scale Various innovative separation techniques were presented at the EFIB-event in Glasgow
25 November 201623 November 2016 SynBio is gearing up Synthetic Biology's large field of applications became apparent at the EFIB-conference in Glasgow, last October
22 November 201619 November 2016 Global Bioenergies completes construction of German demo-scale plant Demo plant will allow the conversion of various natural resources into high-purity isobutene
17 November 201616 November 2016 The construction of the Leuna demo plant is completed Global Bioenergies announces today that the construction of its demo plant, started mid-2015, is now completed
Die Demonstrationsanlage in Leuna ist fertiggestellt Global Bioenergies kündigt heute an, dass der Mitte 2015 begonnene Bau seiner industriellen Demonstrationsanlage nunmehr abgeschlossen ist
10 October 20168 October 2016 First production of isobutene from wheat straw at the industrial pilot scale The production of isobutene opens the door for a more general use of 2G sugars
Erstmals wird Isobuten aus Stroh im industriellen Pilotmaßstab erzeugt Die Erzeugung von Isobuten ermöglicht es, mit 2G-Zucker neben dem Ethanolmarkt weitere Marktsegmente zu erschließen
30 September 201628 September 2016 Global Bioenergies joins Preem, Sekab and Sveaskog in the “bio-based gasoline project” in Sweden Consortium will study various plant scenarios to profitably convert forestry products and residues into bio-isooctane
8 September 20165 September 2016 Global Bioenergies: IBN-One awards front-end engineering design to Technip and IPSB for the first plant converting renewable resources into isobutene IBN-One, a subsidiary of Global Bioenergies and Cristal Union, today announced it has awarded the first engineering contract for its bio-isobutene plant to Technip and IPSB
1 September 201630 August 2016 Where’s butanol, or other substitutes for gasoline besides ethanol? Biofuels Digest trying to find answers about why there are so few technologies and so little commercial progress on gasoline substitution, excepting ethanol
16 August 201615 August 2016 Gasoline additives from sugar Global Bioenergies aims to produce isooctane and ETBE for the first time from purely renewable ressources
Benzinzusatzstoffe aus Zucker Global Bioenergies lässt erstmals Isooktan und ETBE aus rein erneuerbaren Rohstoffen herstellen
8 August 20164 August 2016 Global Bioenergies liefert Isobuten-Testmuster an Clariant Große Player zunehmend an GB-Technologie interessiert
18 July 201615 July 2016 GLOBAL BIOENERGIES, IBN-One and ASPEN enter into partnership on isooctane for specialty fuels Agreement conferring Lantmännen Aspen access rights to renewable isooctane for specialty fuel applications
11 July 20168 July 2016 Global Bioenergies erhält einen Zuschuss in Höhe von 400.000 EUR vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), um erneuerbare Bezinzusatzstoffe zu entwickeln Audi wird sie für Motortests verwenden
Global Bioenergies obtains a €400,000 grant from the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) to produce renewable gasoline additives – Audi will use these for engine testing
28 June 201627 June 2016 Will Lego’s $150 Million Sustainable Plastics Challenge Make Biobased the Norm? Company’s goal to build better toys from sustainable, raw material might shift the plastics industry away from fossile sources
14 June 20167 June 2016 The Investissements d’Avenir programme provides €9 million funding to Global Bioenergies and IBN-One, as part of a programme involving Cristal Union and L’Oréal New opportunities identified in the cosmetics industry
Im Rahmen des französischen Programms Zukunftsinvestitionen wird Global Bioenergies und IBN-One für ein gemeinsames Projekt mit Cristal Union und L’Oréal eine Förderung in Höhe von 9 Millionen Euro gewährt Neue Absatzmöglichkeiten in der Kosmetikindustrie erkannt
Global Bioenergies: The Leuna demo plant has received all major equipment units Plant will be used to complete the development of the technology
4 May 201628 April 2016 Global Bioenergies delivers renewable isobutene to Arlanxeo for bio-based tires With help of Processium, company for the first time will be able to purify batches to a much higher level
18 February 201616 February 2016 The Race for the 100% Biobased Plastic Bottle The companies, their technologies, partners and prospects
2 February 20162 February 2016 Global Bioenergies completes €6.5m private placement to help fund isobutene development Proceeds of the placement to enable the company to fully transition into the commercial phase
20 January 201619 January 2016 2015: Renewable Chemicals Review Continued low petrochemical prices led to several rethinking strategies
19 January 201619 January 2016 E Pluribus, Unum: LanzaTech, Global Bioenergies demonstrate The Biotechnology App Store As Global Bioenergies, LanzaTech tighten isobutene partnership, the era of “swap-in, swap out” biorefining microbes comes clearer, closer
13 January 201612 January 2016 Global Bioenergies widens cooperation with Audi Initial collaboration also encompasses the delivery of larger batches that will allow Audi to run comprehensive engine testing
23 October 201523 October 2015 10 Signature biofuels projects for 2015-16, and where they are That was then, this is now
2 October 20151 October 2015 The Birth of SuperDuper gasoline via earth-friendly renewable hydrocarbons Biofuels are adding options for drop-in, low-carbon, super-perfornance gasoline via isooctane and isooctene, as Gevo announces sales of isooctene to BCD Chemie, a subsidiary of Brenntag
23 September 201521 September 2015 The Digest’s 2015 6-Minute Country Guide to France’s Advanced Bioeconomy Mandates and national consumption
15 September 20159 September 2021 Global Bioenergies has joined aireg – Aviation Initiative for Renewable Energy in Germany e.V. Global Bioenergies joins aireg to push the jet fuel application of its isobutene process