Toulouse, the 5th of February 2015 – Toulouse White Biotechnology (TWB), a pre-industrial demonstrator in Industrial Biotechnology based on renewable carbon, managed by INRA, announces the opening of its consortium to international and national new members. In parallel, the historical members committed since 2012, renew their partnership for 3 years. This is the opportunity for TWB to present a very positive appraisal of its activities and prospects for development, including start-up creation from its own precompetitive research projects.
TWB tackles the challenges of the XXIst century
TWB is in the context where challenges on climate change, on energy, on food are increasingly important. Facing the decrease of fossile resources, bio based products, with a market size evaluated to several tens of billion of euros, are progressively appearing as the possible answer to the main challenges of the XXIst century, not only in industry but also in society and environment. In this perspective, TWB brings a concrete answer to industrials, to entrepreneurs in biotechnology and to researchers by providing excellent scientists, state of the art technologies, know-hows and competences necessary to develop biological processes as an alternative to traditional chemistry, up to industrial scale. The applications are in the field of chemistry including Pharmaceutical industries, bioplastics, biofuels. TWB unique construction associates researchers, manufacturers and investors inside its consortium.
40 partners compose the new consortium
Among the new partners involved, two swiss companies has joined TWB: Givaudan, the world leader in perfumes and aromas, and Tolerys, working in the field of immunotherapy for anti-inflammatory purpose. Agilent Technologies, one of the worldwide leader for equipment in the life sciences research will participate to the consortium, as well as three investors, BPIFrance, Auriga Partners et IRDInov, four SMEs: Eurodia, which designs and builds purification process lines, AgroNutrition which develops nutritional supplements for agriculture, Ynsect, a biotech company, specialist of insects biotechnology and Affichem, a biotech company specialized in oncology and neurosciences.
Inside the TWB consortium, they are joining members committed since 2012 who are renewing their partnership for 3 years: three public organizations involved in higher education and research: INRA, INSA, CNRS, one institution of higher education: ICT, three local authorities: Toulouse Métropole, Région Midi-Pyrénées, Sicoval, two competitivness clusters: IAR, Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation, three development corporations: France Brevets, INRA Transfert, Toulouse Tech Transfer, two investors: Demeter, Sofinnova, seven SMEs: Carbios, CIMV, Deinove, Global Bioenergies, GTP Technology, LibraGen, METabolic EXplorer,
nine large corporations: Adisseo, Avril (ex Sofiproteol), L’Oréal, Michelin, Protéus (PCAS), Roquette Frères, Solvay, Tereos, Total.
An innovative and efficient model for the bioeconomy
TWB is positioned as a centre for technological research forging links between basic research and the industrial world; TWB is built on private/public partnerships with common socio-economic objectives. TWB projects are based upon a real continuum toward innovation, including research, technological transfert, funding, intellectual property, and in some case, start-up creation. Today, TWB is involved in three large projects, qualified as intermediate, with additional public fundings: Thanaplast with Carbios, Synthacs with Adisseo and PROBIO3 with amongst others Airbus, Tereos, Avril (ex Sofiproteol) and IFPEN. TWB is financing, for a global amount of M€ 4.4, twelve projects qualified as « pre-competitives » proposed by academic research laboratories such as the LISBP (INSA /INRA/CNRS, Toulouse) and hosts 22 « competitives » projects (industrial funding) including a large green chemistry project with TOTAL. TWB also hosts a biotech company specialized in immunotherapy, Tolerys.
Since 2012, 37 project has been set-up and contracts has been signed with companies for a value of M€ 12.8. The research results have generated 9 patents.
Pierre Monsan welcomes the success of the TWB project dedicated to bio economy:
«So far, our results, the commitment of new French and European members as well as feedback from partners, prove the suitability of our choices for TWB and push us to continue harder in the same direction. The next step, eagerly awaited, will be to take value of the projects results by a transfert to industry, or the creation of start-up companies.»
About TWB
Toulouse White Biotechnology (TWB) is a pre-industrial demonstrator focused on accelerating developments in industrial biotechnology by promoting exchanges between public research and industry. It aims to develop a bioeconomy, based on the use of renewable carbon, in the field of chemistry, materials and energy. TWB has developed for its partners and companies, 7 state of the art technical platforms, whereof two are dedicated to ethic and life cycle assesment of the projects.
Different types of collaborative research and development projects are proposed, as well as customized service solutions for companies.
Award-winner of Investissement d’avenir call (March 2011), TWB has been granted by the French National Research Agency (ANR). TWB is a Joint Service Unit managed by INRA, for the public organizations INRA/INSA/CNRS.
Véronique Paquet
Phone: +33 (0)6 73 48 13 84
Toulouse White Biotechnology, press release, 2015-02-05.
Agilent Technologies
Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation
Auriga Partners
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)
CIMV S.A. (France) - la compagnie industrielle de la màtière végétale
France Brevets
Französisches Institut für angewandte Wissenschaften (INSA)
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
French National Research Agency (ANR)
Global Bioenergies
Group Avril (Sofiproteol)
GTP Technology
IAR - Pole de Competitivité Industrie et Agro-Ressources
IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN)
INRA Transfert
L’Oréal International
LISBP - Insa - Toulouse
Metabolic Explorer
Région Midi-Pyrénées
Sofinnova Partners
Synthacs GmbH
Tolerys Biolabs SAS
Toulouse Métropole
Toulouse White Biotechnology (TWB)
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