30 May 2012 Ingeo products sold in Germany are first to receive dual, complementary third-party sustainability certifications The two certifications in unison ensure sustainable biopolymer feedstock sourcing and provide key supporting validation for brand owners
25 May 2012 Galactic to develop third generation Lactic acid from Algae with “ECLIPSE” Project 'Waste' from the biodiesel process as raw material appears to be high interesting option
10 May 2012 Maßgeschneidertes für die Bioökonomie Biogene Inhaltsstoffe als innovative Bausteine der Bioökonomie im Fokus des tiefgreifenden industriellen Wandel
3 May 2012 Biofuels in the balance as EU fails to conclude carbon impacts Officials cannot agree on impact of indirect land use change rules, which could wipe out biodiesel in Europe
17 April 2012 A Watershed in the Development of the Bio-based Economy? "Innovating for sustainable growth: a bioeconomy for Europe."
27 March 2012 EuropaBio/Ernst & Young report highlights need for European governments to ensure that R&D is converted into new business, new products and additional jobs Ensuring an attractive environment for investors and biotech entrepreneurs
19 March 2012 What should be done about plastic bags? What are the options for addressing the problem and where have they been tried?
18 February 2012 European Bioplastics begrüßt EU Bioökonomie-Strategie Nächster Schritt: konkrete Maßnahmen für den Biokunststoffmarkt
14 February 2012 New international plant science network will boost collaborative research The European Commission has provided two million Euros of funding to develop and support the coordination of the network
13 February 2012 Industrial-scale transformation of CO<sub>2</sub> to micro-algal biomass Austrian company SEE Algae Technology (SAT) has developed technology for the industrial-scale transformation of CO2 emissions into a commercially viable micro-algal biomass
Commission proposes strategy for sustainable bioeconomy in Europe Innovating for Sustainable Growth: a Bioeconomy for Europe
Commission’s Strategy Launch: EU moves to grow its own Bioeconomy Marathon of renewable bio-economy on the right way
7 February 2012 EU will Bioökonomie stärken Kooperation verschiedener Bioökonomie-Akteure aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft soll vereinfacht werden
6 December 2011 K.-o.-Schlag für den Biodiesel? Neue Helmholtz-Studie empfiehlt, EU-Ziele für Biokraftstoffe zu verringern
12 October 2011 The European Commission proposes a new partnership between Europe and the farmers Reformed CAP to strengthen economic and ecological competitiveness of agriculture
Innovative biotechnology is central to a successful Common Agricultural Policy Challenges of feeding a growing population, finite resources, mitigating climate change and encouraging innovation require common effort from decision makers
7 October 2011 High-level Policy-maker Conference on Biorefineries Final event of EU-funded Star-COLIBRI project took place in Brussels
5 October 2011 Europe’s leading innovators compete for EuropaBio’s Most Innovative Biotech SME Award 2011 Winner will receive prize of €10,000 at a high-level event in the European Parliament on November 8th
28 September 2011 CEN creates new Technical Committee for Bio-based products Two Mandates received for development of standards covering aspects as terminology, content, life-cycle analysis, sustainability and certification
26 September 2011 EU urged to support European bioplastics industry Main messages from conference on plastics and the bio-economy held in Brussels
22 September 201124 December 2013 Biokunststoffe – ein bedeutender Teil der Bioökonomie in Europa Über 100 Besucher bei Ausstellung und Konferenz von European Bioplastics in Brüssel
19 September 2011 EU in fresh row over biofuels’ ‘green’ claims Scientists said that any carbon absorption from biofuels was being "double-counted"
17 September 2011 Micro- and macro-algae: Utility for industrial applications EPOBIO Report addresses emerging opportunities presented by phototrophic organisms of the aquatic environment
16 September 2011 EU-Kommission berechnet CO<sub>2</sub>-Bilanz von Biosprit neu Einbeziehung der indirekten Klimafolgen zeigt verheerende Klimabilanz
8 September 2011 Fuels Case Study: Worldwide production of biofuels reaches record high According to a new report by the Worldwatch Institute, biofuel production around the globe increased 17 per cent in 2010 to reach an all-time high of 105 billion litres
12 August 2011 Gefördertes EU-Projekt: Entwicklung einer neuen Generation von mehrschichtigen Kunststofffolien auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe Wipak will funktional effektive Bio-Verpackungen mit angepassten Barriere-Eigenschaften entwickeln
3 August 2011 Clearer guidance call on bio-plastics Current research into the redesign of plastics and developments in biodegradable plastics
1 August 201117 February 2020 Lead Market Initiative signals new era for bio-based products LMI to support and focus on six important markets, involving policy instruments
27 July 20113 October 2013 Bio-Based Economy Central to Europe’s 2020 Vision Secretary General of EuropaBio talks about the role of industrial biotechnology in Europe
19 July 2011 First EU sustainability schemes for biofuels get the go-ahead Companies to choose between compliance to these requirements or by joining a voluntary scheme recognised by the Commission
First EU sustainability schemes for biofuels get the go-ahead European Energy Commissioner Gunther Ottinger announces seven new voluntary schemes for reporting the sustainability of biofuels
14 July 2011 European Commission reveals its views on the future of plastics Latest research into redesign of plastics and developments in biodegradable plastics
11 July 2011 EU Standard for plastic litter published Advertising packaging products as biodegradable can be misleading for consumers
22 June 2011 IK-statement on a possible European ban of plastic carrier bags Improvements in collection and recycling to be more effective than favorizing so-called biodegradable materials
IK-Statement zu einem möglichen europäischen Verbot von Kunststofftragetaschen Optimierung der Entsorgungs- und Verwertungssystem vordringlicher als Privilegierung von sogenannten bioabbaubaren Materialien
14 June 2011 Germany as a pioneer of a sustainable bioeconomy The Bioeconomy Council prioritises research topics in Brussels
25 May 2011 DIB: Gentechnikfreie Regionen behindern Bioökonomie Engagement der Bundesregierung gefragt
European Plastic Films rejects European Commission figures on plastic bags Plastic bag consumption about one fifth of stated figures
23 May 2011 Trade body to have its say in Brussels bioplastics debate EC summed up its concerns over the present system
19 May 2011 EU erwägt Plastiktüten-Verbot Allein Mittelmeer schon mit 500 Tonnen Kunststoffresten verseucht
18 May 2011 European Commission asks for ideas on less plastic bag use Average EU citizen consumes approximately 500 plastic carrier bags per year
10 May 2011 KLM, Danone, L’Oreal and RABO Bank to cooperate with Netherlands’ Biotechnology Industry Association on EFIB 2011 Taking place on 18-20 October 2011 at the Novotel Amsterdam City, Amsterdam
6 April 2011 BIOLYFE – Ethanol aus Lignocellulose Europäische Kommission fördert Demonstrationsprojekte im Großmaßstab
14 March 2011 European study: Reducing the environmental impact of building materials Switching to renewable sources of energy and improving technologies could halve the emissions of CO2
10 March 2011 Industrielle Biotechnologie – Trend zu Chemie ohne Erdöl Internationaler Kongress Forum Life Science 2011