26 April 2013 BIO 2013: Geschrumpfte Mega-Messe in Chicago Drittstärkste "Landsmannschaft" Deutschland in Gesundheitswirtschaft und Bioökonomie stark vertreten
24 April 2013 KBBPPS project concludes successful first advisory workshop Bio-based product standards need to go beyond Europe
17 April 2013 Parliament report flags major changes to EU biofuels proposal Ethanol to benefit from the introduction of ILUC factors as they have lower values
15 April 2013 New €6.2 million project to help European SME’s drive growth in the bio-based economy Network to support development of the bio-based economy in North West Europe
13 April 2013 In EU Synpol project aims at converting waste into bioplastics Bioplastic produced biologically by bacteria to be 100% biodegradable
10 April 2013 Project develops biodegradable packaging using hemp, flax Composite materials to improve current properties of bioplastics for food packaging
27 March 2013 European Commission publishes progress report on RED First Renewable Energy Progress Report listed a significant growth in renewable energy in recent years for the most member states
25 March 2013 Ministers block EU proposal to limit some biofuels Environment ministers concerning worse impact from first-generation biofuels than conventionally extracted oil
22 March 2013 CAP reform: A promising start could end in disappointment Agricultural goals to support the realisation of human rights, especially the right to food in all its dimensions
19 March 2013 The sustainability of advanced biofuels in the EU New report proposes a series of general environmental safeguards that will be applicable to all feedstocks
13 March 20139 September 2021 Kältemittelstreit mit der EU – Daimler setzt auf CO2 in Klimaanlagen Autobauer Daimler will den Streit mit der EU-Kommission über Kältemittel in Klimaanlagen mit einer neuen Strategie lösen. Die Stuttgarter wollen künftig auf CO2 als sicheres und umweltschonenderes Kühlmittel setzen - und bekommen dabei Unterstützung von der Konkurrenz
Reaction of EU Agriculture Commissioner Dacian Cioloş to today’s EP vote on CAP reform European Parliament has supported the main principles of the Commission proposals
11 March 2013 EuPC + PlasticsEurope: Europäische Verbände der Kunststoffindustrie begrüßen Green Paper der EU-Kommission zu Kunststoffabfällen Aufnahme eines Deponierungsverbots soll europäischen Kunststoff-Recycling-Sektor weiter ankurbeln
8 March 2013 Bioplastics: the Italian holistic approach to bioeconomy New regulations in the consumption of disposable bags already provided a number of benefits for the environment
5 March 2013 ‘Bioeconomy’ still a mysterious object to Society stakeholders CommNet project to find consensus on definition of misunderstood term
25 February 2013 Historical studies shore up proof of indirect biofuels emissions Current EU proposals mandate a review of scientific evidence for ILUC in 2017
21 February 2013 Sugar lobbying intensifies ahead of EU vote EU's current sugar quota regime - Food and beverage companies vs. European beet growers and processors
15 February 2013 Fate of green CAP plans hangs on Parliament Conservationists are banking on the full European Parliament to protect the environmental standards proposed by the European Commission
14 February 2013 Commission to launch bioeconomy observatory EU Bioeconomy Strategy seeks synergies and complementarities with other policy areas
13 February 2013 The final goal is 100% renewable energy by 2050 Report: Europe could halve its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030
12 February 2013 Plastic future for shell waste? ChiBio project developing novel biotechnological and sustainable chemical methods for chitin extraction
5 February 2013 Bioplastics body wants more from EU policy Bioplastics production is growing faster in Asia and South America than it is in Europe
17 January 2013 Torrefied Wood and BioCoal 2013: A Special Report Why So Little Bio-coal Plant Capacity Has Been Added. What New Project Development Strategies Are Now Needed
14 January 2013 Metsä Group joins international Biobased Industries Consortium European industry forms consortium to push biobased agenda
10 January 2013 Benelux pellet market expected to more than double by 2020 U.S. expected to become main supplier of wood pellets in northwestern Europe
8 January 2013 Raising awareness of the bioeconomy 'Innovating for Sustainable Growth: a Bioeconomy for Europe' - The bioeconomy strategy in delivering growth and new employment opportunities in Europe
Forschungsprojekt der Europäischen Kommission für eine nachhaltige Produktion von Kohlenwasserstoffen Europäisches Forscher-Konsortium will aus Grünalgen Polymere herstellen
19 December 2012 Neste Oil to produce renewable aviation fuel as part of the EU-funded ITAKA project Production of 4,000 tons of aviation fuel from sustainably produced NExBTL Spanish camelina oil for commercial flights by European airlines
18 December 2012 Brussels grants a 199 million euros subsidy to Dutch biomass refinery initiative European NER300 program provides financial resources for large-scale innovative renewable energy projects
12 November 2012 SAHYOG: Future of Bio-based Economy in India and European Union An Assessment of Indo-European Biomass and Bio-waste Conversion Potential
7 November 2012 Biokunststoffe weiter auf dem Vormarsch 7. European Bioplastics Konferenz demonstriert Zukunftspotential der Branche
Bioplastics still on the rise 7th European Bioplastics Conference demonstrates the future potential of the industry
25 October 2012 Biomasse nachhaltig bewirtschaften – ökologische Grenzen der Flächennutzung einhalten! UBA-Position: Nahrungsmittel haben Vorrang vor Energieproduktion
Biokunststoffe: Teil der nächsten industriellen Revolution in Europa EU-Wirtschaftspolitik betont enorme Bedeutung biobasierter Produktmärkte
17 October 2012 Biofuels industry threatens to sue European Commission After 2020, the Commission will only promote and financially support biofuels that contribute to a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and not from food or feed crops are produced
New Commission proposal to minimise the climate impacts of biofuel production New incentives for biofuels with optimal climate footprint: Commission wants to change policy on renewable energy and the fuel quality directive
16 October 2012 Kompostierbarer Plastik auf dem Prüfstand Wie nachhaltig und umweltschonend sind die Produkte wirklich?
15 October 201225 July 2014 EU research on bio-based product standards kicks off: KBBPPS project focuses on biomass content, functionality and biodegradability
10 October 2012 From Promise to Productivity Smart Policy for Sustainable EU Growth Through Biobased Products and Industrial Biotechnology
11 September 2012 EU proposal would limit use of crop-based biofuels Major shift in Europe's biofuel policy also include promise to end all public subsidies for crop-based biofuels after the current legislation
27 August 2012 CEP-Analyse: Eine Bioökonomie für Europa? Die Kommission will mittels einer "Bioökonomie-Strategie" Innovationen, Ressourceneffizienz und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von EU-Unternehmen fördern
24 August 2012 US ethanol imports under scrutiny by the EU New regulation of the European Commission to ensure the EU ethanol industry
19 July 201216 February 2018 Biokunststoffe 2012: Aus der Nische in den Massenmarkt 7. European Bioplastics Konferenz – Programmvorschau
10 July 2012 The bioeconomy can shape the future of Europe’s economic and environmental wealth Policy makers and consumers will need support and guidance in the decisions to be taken
9 July 20129 September 2021 Special Report: EU wants carbon labels to do what they say on the tin Consumer and environmental groups have criticised current carbon labelling practices for being misleading, confusing
27 June 2012 Schlüsseltechnologien bergen enormes Beschäftigungspotenzial Die Europäische Kommission hat zur Förderung der Schlüsseltechnologien (Key Enabling Technologies – KET) in Europa aufgerufen
14 June 2012 Fahrzeugstrukturen aus Holz für leichtere und umweltfreundlichere Autos Holz aus deutschen Buchenwäldern für neue Konstruktionsverbunde
7 June 2012 PHBOTTLE: New biodegradable packaging with antioxidant properties Made from the sugars present in the wastewater