23 October 201323 October 2013 American agriculture: Go Europe The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership could be the ultimate way to solve the US-Europe GMO dispute, writes Andreas Geiger
22 October 201325 October 2013 Verbrennen mit CO2-freier Abgasluft TU Wien nutzt weltweit größte CLC-Anlage zur energiearmen Abscheidung von Kohlendioxid
21 October 201320 October 2013 Lawmakers vote to block EU biofuels bill European People's Party and the far right defended first generation biofuels lobby well
Innovative system uses bamboo to treat wastewater The EU-funded project BRITER-WATER uses dense root system of bamboo to treat food industry wastewater
11 October 201311 October 2013 Richtlinien für Ökotextilien: Weiter Wildwuchs bei Bio-Labeln Auch künftig gibt es in der EU keine gesetzlichen Vorschriften für Ökotextilien - Die Hersteller warnen vor Kundenverwirrung und Greenwashing
8 October 20138 October 2013 EuPC response to calls to ‘Ban or tax oil-based plastic shopping bags’ The negative impact of bioplastics on the plastics recycling streams - EuPC criticizes bioplastic sector
1 October 201310 October 2013 European Bioplastics fordert: Ölbasierte Kunststofftragetaschen verbieten oder besteuern Biokunststoffverband veröffentlicht neues Positionspapier zu Tragetaschen
European Bioplastics: Ban or tax oil-based plastic shopping bags Bioplastics association publishes position paper on shopping bags
27 September 2013 Chief EU scientist backs damning report urging GMO ‘rethink’ EASAC statement: "There is no evidence that GM technologies are any riskier than conventional breeding technologies
26 September 2013 EU chief scientist: ‘It is unethical not to use GM technology’ Companies themselves must be criticised for having failed to engage in an honest dialogue with the public
25 September 2013 Farming deal ‘too flexible’ but caps largest direct payments Lack of common procedure governing the distribution of direct payments
Kompromiss zur EU-Agrarreform steht: Sieg für Großbauern Anders als vom Parlament gewünscht, bekommen riesige Betriebe künftig nicht weniger Subventionen. Immerhin soll es einen Aufschlag für kleine Höfe geben
Aigner: “Kompromiss zur Agrarreform gibt Planungssicherheit und stärkt die Umweltbeiträge der Landwirtschaft” EU-Mitgliedstaaten und Europäisches Parlament erzielen Einigung
24 September 2013 Sun, water, CO<sub>2</sub> and algae – a recipe for biofuel? EU-funded project DIRECTFUEL looking for answers in aquatic organisms
Biomass Policies Förderung politischer Richtlinien zur Mobilisierung von ressourceneffizienten Wertschöpfungsketten im Bereich der Bioenergie in Europa
23 September 2013 “The biobased economy will be a cornerstone of economic growth in the European Union” European biotech week to offer a unique opportunity to communicate with citizens
20 September 2013 Reducing CO<sub>2</sub> footprint with bio-plastics EU-funded project ECOTPU: Plastics from renewable sources applied in footwear curtate non-renewable energy demand
17 September 2013 BRAIN CEO Dr. Holger Zinke in Bioeconomy Panel der EU-Kommission berufen Gremiums soll die Umsetzung der Bioökonomie-Strategie der Europäischen Union begleiten
16 September 2013 Re-setting the way to a decarbonised Europe Without CCS, Europe will miss its 2050 objectives
9 September 2013 EU report: Brussels biofuels policy hikes food prices by up to 50% JRC study says any decrease in biodiesel production strongly affects the vegetable oil market
3 September 2013 Clariant certifies cellulosic ethanol plant under European Directives Further milestone in commercialization of the sunliquid® technology
2 September 2013 “The existing political framework is a hurdle for the bio-based economy in Europe” Exclusive interview with Michael Carus, nova-Institute
27 August 201325 July 2014 Kohlendioxid als Rohstoff für Chemie und Polymere Neue Einblicke in die industrielle Nutzung des Kohlendioxids als Rohstoffquelle auf der größten Konferenz zum Thema in 2013: www.co2-chemistry.eu
Carbon Dioxide as Feedstock for Chemistry and Polymers The biggest event on CO2 as chemical feedstock will bring new insights into the utilization of carbon dioxide: www.co2-chemistry.eu
26 August 2013 Researchers revise ‘overestimated’ biofuels subsidies Europe wasting a huge amount of money to support biofuels that often do more harm than good to the environment
9 August 2013 Industrial biotechnology: Chemical building blocks from renewable resources Companies need to understand how to bring new biopolymers to market
24 July 2013 Biotechnologie in Dänemark Einblicke in die Unternehmens- und Forschungslandschaft sowie in rechtliche Grundlagen eines interessanten Biotechnologie-Standortes in Europa
18 July 2013 Monsanto to drop requests for GM approvals in EU Monsanto responds to national bans and concentrated seeds business in the United States and South America
12 July 2013 UFOP Filling Station Study: Raw Material Diversity in Biodiesel Content Increasing Sustainability certification systems open up market access for vegetable oils from countries outside the EU
11 July 2013 Environment Committee advocates promoting advanced biofuels Biofuels from food crops to be capped following MEPs' vote
ILUC factors could jeopardise how we measure the carbon footprint of a product More focus and resources should be directed towards proactive mitigation of ILUC effect
Kraftstoffe: EU-Umweltausschuss fordert Begrenzung von Biosprit Deutscher Bauernverband (DBV) kritisiert "faktischen Rückwärtsgang für heimische Biokraftstoffe"
10 July 2013 EU-Commission: Creating value and reducing waste by exploiting animal by-products PROSPARE project to develop a technological platform for the multi-purpose processing of AB-P
3.8 billion investment in biobased industries to boost growth and jobs in Europe Public Private Partnership (PPP) on Bio-based Industries (BBI) being established in cooperation between the European Commission and the Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC)
8 July 2013 New report: EU biofuel proposal a futile effort to curb productive land use in Asia ILUC reporting requirements to add new obstacles to imports from non-European biofuel producers
5 July 2013 Umweltpolitik: 80% der Europäer machen sich Gedanken über die Umweltauswirkungen von Produkten Marketingmängel verursachen Verwirrung, Deutsche zählen zu den misstrauischsten Verbrauchern
Local, flexible manufacturing of personalised furniture EU-funded CTC project to support European industry by devising methods and innovative enabling technologies
4 July 2013 CAP 2014-2020: A long road to reform Many policies won’t be implemented before 2015- thank to intense lobbying
2 July 2013 European Commission: Expert Group on Bio-Based Products established Three main tasks to assist the Commission in the preparation of legislation or in policy definition
27 June 2013 New study reinforces existing evidence that science used by the European Commission to calculate indirect land use change is inconclusive How different models factor in the evolution of increasing yield of cultivated areas in the EU
Politische Einigung über eine Neuausrichtung der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik Elemente der Reform ab Januar 2014 anwendbar - Änderungen der Direktzahlungen ab 2015 vorgesehen
26 June 2013 CAP Reform – an explanation of the main elements New Regulations enter into force from 2014, new elements to apply from 2015 onwards
24 June 201311 March 2014 Biomass Policies Entwicklung politischer Richtlinien zur Mobilisierung von ressourceneffizienten Wertschöpfungsketten in Europa
Weitere neue EU-Vorhaben Projekt S2Biom soll nachhaltige Versorgung von Biomasserohstoffen auf lokaler, regionaler und pan-Europäischer Ebene unterstützen
17 June 2013 30 Members of the Bioeconomy Panel are nominated by the European Commission Work to be supported by the Secretariat, provided by the European Commission
11 June 2013 Achieving food waste efficiencies through innovation and global cooperation NAMASTE project developed eco-efficient processes for the revaluation of by-products
5 June 2013 Dirk Carrez: The BRIDGE to a biobased economy in the EU BRIDGE - a proposed "Biobased Industries Public-Private Partnership"
8 May 2013 Second generation and advanced biofuels industry calls for solid biofuels regulation Advanced biofuels in the EU requires immediate action by creating a stable and reliable long term framework
2 May 2013 EuropaBio and Smithers Rapra unveil highly-anticipated agenda for the EFIB from 1-2 October 2013 taking place in the heart of Brussels at SQUARE Organisers have responded to the success of 2012's event by announcing plans to deliver the biggest and most ambitious congress in the sector to date