24 January 201423 January 2014 Efficiency and renewables make Europe competitive, EU study says Savings were “still too low”, apparently indicating need for further renewable energy deployment
22 January 201421 January 2014 Neste Oil’s sustainability verification system approved by the European Commission Company's new, own system, to be a useful addition for verifying sustainability of renewable inputs, particularly waste and residue
Internationaler Agrarministergipfel in Berlin: 69 Staaten vereint im Kampf gegen weltweiten Hunger und Mangelernährung Friedrich: "Nur eine widerstandsfähige Landwirtschaft sichert Ernährung"
21 January 201420 January 2014 EU could cut emissions by 40 percent at moderate cost Upscaling greenhouse-gas emissions reduction from the current 20 percent by 2020 to 40 percent by 2030 would be likely to cost less than an additional 0.7 percent of economic activity
20 January 201417 January 2014 Plastic waste: Parliament sounds the alarm MEPs claiming ban of the most hazardous plastics, review of the current EU directive on packaging waste
EU Sees Rising Food Output by 2023 on Export and Biofuel Demand “Agricultural commodity prices are expected to stay firm over the medium term, supported by factors such as the growth in global food demand, the development of the biofuel sector and a low productivity growth,” the European Commission wrote
17 January 201416 January 2014 Plastikmüll: Parlament schlägt Alarm Abgeordnete fordern Verbot der gefährlichsten Plastikprodukte und Überarbeitung der Verpackungsrichtlinie
EU-Strategie gegen Kunststoffabfälle in der Umwelt EU-Parlament verabschiedet Bericht zu Kunststoffabfällen
16 January 201415 January 2014 Sustainability considerations for integrated biorefineries ‘Right’ policies will have to promote sustainable practices along the whole supply chain
New European Project to Develop a New 100% Compostable Material for Micro-irrigation Systems Four companies to explore a solution to manage the plastic and the green waste in a composting plant
14 January 201413 January 2014 Parliament, Commission set for clash over 2030 clean energy goals The European Parliament voted for three binding energy and climate targets in 2030 audaciously backing a 40% energy savings improvement
‘Meat Atlas’ sheds light on hidden costs of beef, pigmeat Europeans need to more aware of the little-known environmental and social cost of their high-meat diets, green campaigners said at the launch of their global ‘Meat Atlas’ report on Thursday (9 January)
Hinweise auf schädliche Wirkung von Bisphenol A-haltigen Kunststoffen Funktion und Regeneration von Schalterproteinen gestört - Bochumer und Wuppertaler Forscher untersuchen Effekte auf Enzyme
9 January 20148 January 2014 EU-Forschungsprojekt “Nano3Bio” startet Universität Münster koordiniert internationales Konsortium zur biotechnologischen Herstellung von Rohstoffen
8 January 20147 January 2014 Big EU guns fire for ‘crucial’ 2030 renewable targets Ministers from eight EU states - including Germany and France - have called on the European Commission to set “robust” renewable energy targets for 2030, in a break with an emerging consensus for one emissions-cutting goal alone
7 January 20146 January 2014 Environmental challenges keep industry on the alert – Biodegradables and plastic bag bans make headlines Recycling moves forward but players say full potential not reached
2 January 201431 December 2013 EU ministers reject reduction of arable biofuels Farmers and industry invested heavily after the EU agreed on the biofuels targets in 2006
23 December 201322 December 2013 Third BIO-TIC Workshop Identifies Negative Perception of Bio-Based Materials as Main Hurdle to the Development of IB in Spain New Business Models Need to be Developed to Promote Investments and Framework Building
Fourth BIO-TIC regional Workshop Analyzes Strengths and Weaknesses of IB in Finland to Find Cooperative Solutions to Overcome Obstacles Hampering Its Growth Participants Considered Feedstock Availability, Logistics and Technical Know-how as the Main Regional Strengths
16 December 201315 December 2013 Grüne Gentechnik: EU-Gericht kippt Zulassung von Amflora Ungarn sieht in der Stärke-Kartoffel Gefahr für Menschen, Tiere und Umwelt
EU governments fail to agree limits on food-based biofuels While energy and biofuel firms oppose a lower limit on first generation biofuel, food companies are strong supporters
13 December 201318 January 2018 “Bioplastics have a potential for being truly sustainable“ 8th European Bioplastics Conference connects expert-elite
MEPs reject paper waste proposal over health concerns Proposed regulation could have a negative effect on the paper recycling rates in the EU
9 December 20138 December 2013 Synthetische Biologie – Forschung und Innovation mit Verantwortung KIT koordiniert Projekt zum offenen Austausch zwischen Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft – Europäische Union fördert mit vier Millionen Euro
6 December 20136 December 2013 Cereal producers are the big losers of the CAP ‘à la française’ Arable crops farmers, who are relatively numerous in France, tend to lose out
5 December 20134 December 2013 CAP reform favours the greening, not the individual industry Farmers to receive payments per hectare rather than the old method of historical records
4 December 201327 June 2024 AEBIOM, CEPF, COPA-COGECA, EIPS, ELO, EUSTAFOR: Joint Statement on cascade use of wood EU institutions should support positive actions at EU and national level that will improve, promote active forest management
2 December 20132 December 2013 Lithuania seeks approval for controversial biofuel plan MEPs have no mandate to oppose Council weakening of ILUC law
Releasing the untapped biotech potential of the sea Cultivation Methods for improving Biotechnological Applications of Marine Microorganisms - (MaCuMBA) project aims to rectify
EU-Staaten wollen Biosprit-Nutzung begrenzen Der Widerstand gegen die Ausweitung der Biosprit-Nutzung in Europa wächst. Jetzt sprechen sich auch die EU-Staaten offenbar dafür aus, den geplanten Marktanteil der vermeintlichen Ökotreibstoffe zu senken
26 November 201325 November 2013 Biofuel reform in trouble MEPs must choose between accepting a weak Council position on control of biofuel or handing the issue to the next Parliament
22 November 201322 November 2013 EU beschließt 70 Milliarden Euro für die Forschung Vom Programm „Horizont 2020“ sollen insbesondere kleine und mittlere Unternehmen profitieren
Horizon 2020: Experts wanted for biggest EU research programme yet European Parliament approves €80bn EU research budget
20 November 2013 Deutsche Umwelthilfe und European Bioplastics: Reduzierung des Kunststofftüten-Konsums wichtige Aufgabe für die europäische und deutsche Politik Verband sieht Vorteile von Biokunststoff-Tüten nicht ausreichend durch die Deutsche Umwelthilfe erfasst
13 November 201313 November 2013 Germany’s CAP subsidies to favour small farmers, greening Small and medium-sized farms will get extra support, while larger producers will receive fewer funds
12 November 201312 November 2013 EU lässt Monsantos „Super-Mais“ zu Kommission empfiehlt Ministerrat den Anbau von Pioneer-Mais 1507 in Europa
Packaging trade group says Germany has no need for bag ban A German packaging trade group is criticizing media reports that highlight problems related to plastic bag disposal
11 November 201311 November 2013 EU in new push to revive the carbon market EU diplomats today agreed to begin talks on a legal text to slash permit supply and prop up carbon prices in the bloc's Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), marking a big step forward for the divisive proposal
INRO – Initiative on Sustainable Provision of Raw Materials for the Material Use of Biomass Production of foodstuffs and fodder to be globally audited as well to avoid displacement effects
Italian Minister for the Environment, Andrea Orlando: Pushing the Green and Bioeconomy to Come Out from the Crisis Ecomondo 2013: International conference on bio-based industry opened its doors in Rimini, Italy
8 November 20137 November 2013 Trade bodies pour cold water on EU bag plans European plastics industry trade bodies have expressed doubts about new proposals from Brussels to limit the number of plastic bags in use across the region
Kein Verbot von Tragetaschen in Deutschland Industrievereinigung Kunststoffverpackungen e.V. sieht Optimierungsmöglichkeiten von Entsorgungssystemen einiger Meeresanrainerländer
7 November 20137 November 2013 Milliardenförderung für Bioökonomie in Europa Biobased Industry Consortium (BIC) soll Rahmenbedingungen für die europäische Bioökonomie verbessern helfen
Global map provides new insights into land use UFZ researchers show the complexity of land use by mapping its common patterns
6 November 20135 November 2013 Einigung im Streit um EU-Zuschüsse: Mehr Geld für kleine und mittlere Höfe Agrarminister wollen künftig 4,5 Prozent der Direktzahlungen in die zweite Säule umleiten
Environment: Commission proposes to reduce the use of plastic bags Extensive public consultations found broad support for an EU-wide initiative
European Commission‘s proposal to reduce consumption of plastic bags an important opportunity to promote bioplastic alternatives European Bioplastics promoting measures for bioplastic alternatives in Member States
Vorschlag der EU-Kommission zur Reduktion des Konsums von Kunststofftragetaschen eröffnet Fördermöglichkeiten für Biokunststoffe European Bioplastics: den Mitgliedsstaaten sollte Flexibilität beim Umstieg auf Biokunststoff-Taschen zugestanden werden
4 November 201331 October 2013 Herstellung von nachhaltigen Dämmplatten aus Nanocellulose EU-Projekt BRIMEE gestartet