Latest policies, strategies and visions for Europe’s bio-based future

The 7th International Conference on Bio-Based Materials, 8-10 April 2014, at the Maternushaus in Cologne (Germany)

A new framework is needed to build a strong and innovative European bio-based economy – and this includes policies, investments and companies. Although European companies are among the biggest and most innovative companies in the world, particularly in the chemical and polymer industry, various barriers and hurdles must be overcome. The right frameworks and well-thought-out ideas are needed to create a perfect backbone for the development of this future economy.

Leading experts have been invited to present and discuss their policies, strategies and visions for Europe’s bio-based future, already six confirmed their participation. After the presentations a panel discussion, combined with a press conference, will take place. Intensive discussions with speakers, participants and the press are expected.

Programme of the 1st day (8 April 2014) – an excerpt:

Policy & Strategy for a Bio-Based Economy

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nova-Institut GmbH, 2014-03-07.


Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM)
Assobiotec (Italian Association for the Development of Biotechnology)
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
European Commission
STYRON Europe GmbH


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