17 October 202411 October 2024 Launch of the Initiative natürliche Kreislaufwirtschaft e.V. (INAK) Association of companies, certifiers, and waste management organisations will have their focus on the use of biodegradable and compostable plastics in specific applications
Start der Initiative natürliche Kreislaufwirtschaft e.V. (INAK) – Biologisch abbaubare Produkte zur Vermeidung von Mikroplastik Zusammenschluss von Unternehmen, Zertifizierern und Entsorgern hat biologisch abbaubare und kompostierbare Kunststoffe in sinnvollen Anwendungsbereichen im Fokus
8 January 202422 December 2023 That’s a wrap for EBC23 European Bioplastics wraps up two days of insightful sessions, policy panel and market data analysis at EBC23
18 July 202213 July 2022 European Bioplastics elects new Board with Stefan Barot as Chairperson The new supporting Vice Chairpersons, Lars Börger (Neste) and Mariagiovanna Vetere (NatureWorks) will be headed by Barot and establish a clear and reliable political environment for bioplastics
13 December 20218 December 2021 European Bioplastics Conference confirms bioplastics make significant contributions to the European Union’s ambitious climate goals New European Bioplastics market data, based on research from the nova-institute, gave a very positive outlook for bioplastics production
20 November 20209 September 2021 MIXed plastics biodegradation and UPcycling using microbial communities Through a combination of intensive protein or metabolic engineering of defined mixed cultures and bioprocess-optimisation, MIX-UP will enable new value chains across sectors like materials, chemicals, and environmental technologies
2 November 20209 September 2021 NNFCC joins 43 other signatories in open letter to UK government Signatories are calling for the immediate banning of plastics containing additives to degradation
6 November 201931 October 2019 Verbund kompostierbare Produkte e.V. mit neuem Vorstand – Peter Brunk zum Vorsitzenden gewählt Geschäftsführung bleibt unverändert in den Händen des 62-jährigen Michael von Ketteler, BASF SE, Büro Berlin
21 February 201918 February 2019 The potato solution: how the Guardian switched to biodegradable packaging The Guardian became the first national newspaper to use compostable packaging. The team behind explain how it came about – and how readers have responded
5 December 20176 December 2017 Bioplastics are making the difference European Bioplastics Conference 2017 attracted over 330 senior executives and NGOs
30 June 201728 June 2017 European Bioplastics elects new Board – François de Bie confirmed as Chairman Clear vote of confidence affirmed the strategic direction set by the previous Board
European Bioplastics wählt neuen Vorstand – François de Bie im Amt des Vorsitzenden bestätigt Klares Votum zum dritten Mal in Folge bekräftigte die strategische Ausrichtung des Verbandes
7 December 20165 December 2016 Rethinking Plastics – Einblicke in die Biokunststoffmaterialien der Zukunft 11. European Bioplastics Konferenz in Berlin zieht 300 Experten aus aller Welt an
‘Rethinking Plastics’ – Insights into the bioplastic materials of the future 11th European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin attracts 300 experts from around the world
13 May 201616 February 2018 Expertengespräch Bioabbaubare Kunststoffe versus Recycling, Teil 1 Skepsis überwinden
20 January 201619 January 2016 Gnadenfrist für die Einweg-Plastiktüte in Frankreich Ab dem 1.4.16 von den Supermarktkassen verbannt - Weitere Schritte geplant
11 November 201510 November 2015 Bioplastics are key to unlock Europe’s potential for a ressource-efficient economy 10th European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin attracts more than 350 experts from around the world
EU: Biokunststoffe sind Schlüsseltechnologie für eine ressourcen-effiziente Wirtschaft 10. European Bioplastics Konferenz zieht mehr als 350 Experten aus aller Welt an
3 July 20152 July 2015 European Bioplastics elects new Board – François de Bie confirmed as Chairman European Bioplastics (EUBP) is pleased to announce that the new Board has been elected by the General Assembly of EUBP members on 24 June 2015 to serve a two-year term
European Bioplastics wählt neuen Vorstand – François de Bie im Amt des Vorsitzenden bestätigt Die Mitgliederversammlung von European Bioplastics (EUBP) hat am 24. Juni 2015 den neuen Vorstand des Verbandes auf zwei Jahre gewählt
4 May 20151 May 2015 New trade body launched to support biobased and biodegradable industries in the UK NNFCC's new agreement with FNR and the creation of the BBIA to support the rate of development in the sector throughout the whole of the EU
16 April 201515 April 2015 UK: Biobased and biodegradable industries association to launch Industry collaboration to promote production and use of bio-based, biodegradable materials
25 February 201524 February 2015 BIOTEC und Kaneka unterschreiben Entwicklungsvereinbarung Zusammenarbeit will Polymerentwicklung mit bioabbaubaren Granulaten voranbringen
BIOTEC and Kaneka signed Joint Development Agreement Companies aim to create new bio-based compounds, biodegradable resins
10 October 201422 February 2015 Bioplastics at Fakuma: Corbion Purac to present biobased PLA solutions for extrusion, thermoforming and injection molding Company showcasing partner applications to demonstrate the broad range of characteristics and properties of PLA bioplastics
7 July 20145 July 2014 Biokunststoffe und erneuerbare Energien im Fokus der Kunststofftagung an der Hochschule Osnabrück Dr. E.h. Fritz Brickwedde: "In absehbarer Zukunft werden biobasierte Kunststoffe immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnen und herkömmliche petrochemische Kunststoffe zunehmend ersetzen.“
3 June 201421 July 2014 Bioplastics evolve to gain wider recognition "Green Innovation" now impacting on the mainstream consumers with a multitude
23 April 201414 August 2014 “Bio-based Material of the Year 2014” Innovation award presented to QMilch (Germany) at the 7th International Conference on Bio-based Materials 160 participants from more than 20 countries came together at the 7th International Conference on Bio-based Materials
Innovationspreis „Biowerkstoff des Jahres 2014“ auf dem Kölner Biowerkstoff-Kongress an QMilch aus Deutschland 160 Teilnehmer aus über 20 Ländern trafen sich beim 7. Biowerkstoff-Kongress, einem der wichtigsten Branchentreffpunkte der Bio-basierten Ökonomie in Europa
18 February 201425 July 2014 Bio-based Plastics and Composites, Biorefineries and Industrial Biotechnology – the Highlights from Europe The 7th International Conference on Bio-Based Materials, 8-10 April 2014, at the Maternushaus in Cologne (Germany), will provide you with the latest and hottest developments in Europe
Bio-basierte Kunst- und Verbundwerkstoffe, Bioraffinerien und die industrielle Biotechnologie – die Höhepunkte aus Europa Der „7. Internationale Biowerkstoff-Kongress“ präsentiert vom 8. bis 10. April 2014 im Maternushaus, Köln die neuesten und spannendsten Entwicklungen in Europa
23 January 201418 January 2018 Up to 10% compostable plastic do not affect mechanical properties of recyclates European Bioplastics publishing new metastudy
Kunststoff ohne Auswirkung auf mechanische Eigenschaften von Rezyklaten European Bioplastics veröffentlicht neue Meta-Studie
24 October 201323 October 2013 BIOTEC will introduce at K 2013 its new BIOPLAST 500 resin for film applications 51% biobased carbon according to ASTM D6866 Certified OK compost HOME
23 October 201328 October 2013 More firms introduce bio-based materials Sustainability and biopolymers were on the minds of Arkema Group, Croda Coatings & Polymers and Biotec GmbH & Co. KG at K 2013.
3 May 201318 January 2018 Innovation Prize for “Biomaterial of the Year 2013” awarded to PHA producer Newlight Technologies (USA) at the Cologne International Conference 2013 on Industrial Biotechnology and Bio-based Plastics & Composites Bio-based materials sector is playing a major role in growth of the bio-based economy
Innovationspreis “Biowerkstoff des Jahres 2013” auf dem Kölner Biowerkstoff-Kongress ging an PHA-Produzenten Newlight Technologies (USA) Bio-basierte Ökonomie und stoffliche Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe gewinnen zunehmend an Bedeutung
1 February 2013 Biomass bonanza as plastics’ raw materials How European scientists are preparing for a change from a fossil-fuel to a bio-based economy
7 November 2012 Bioplastics still on the rise 7th European Bioplastics Conference demonstrates the future potential of the industry
20 September 2012 Biokunststoffe werden vielfältiger BMELV setzt Forschungsverbund zur Entwicklung neuer Biopolymere fort
2 May 2012 AELMON-Projekt zur Nutzung von pflanzlichen P450-Enzymen Pflanzen-Enzyme für die industrielle Produktion
14 January 2011 Traditional bioplastic packaging technologies forecast to show a decline in market share to 2020 Pira International report shows lucrative market opportunities for growth of biodegradable polymers in other major applications
1 September 2010 BIOTEC: Kartoffelstärke für geruchsneutrale Folienwerkstoffe Neuer Biokunststoff BIOPLAST 200
28 November 2008 Tiefziehen von großen, dickwandigen Teilen aus biologisch abbaubaren Kunststoffen Verfahrensentwicklung führt zu Sargproduktion aus "Arboblend"