23 June 202320 June 2023 A Carbon Capture Utilisation future Avantium’s Chief Technology Officer Gert-Jan Gruter makes a case for Carbon Capture Utilisation as the “golden ticket” for a net-zero future
13 June 20237 June 2023 IMPRESSive achievements in sustainable manufacturing Innovative biorefinery gets a step closer to commercialization, thanks to Sulzer Chemtech
6 June 20231 June 2023 Avantium awarded €1.5 million EU grant to demonstrate the electrochemical conversion of CO2 into sustainable plastic materials The grant will be paid out in tranches to Avantium over a period of four years, starting in September 2023
1 June 202331 May 2023 Free Webinar on the Life Cycle Assessment of Avantium’s PEF On 22 June, the PEFerence project team will organise a free webinar with the title: "PEF – A Circular Bio-Based Polymer with Improved Properties – LCA"
3 April 202330 March 2023 The 50 Hottest Companies in the Bioeconomy 2023 The Digest slideshow of the top 50 bioeconomy companies
30 March 202327 March 2023 Avantium and Kvadrat sign offtake agreement for the development of PEF for interior textiles The offtake agreement gives Kvadrat the advantage of being first mover in creating PEF-based textiles for both commercial and residential interiors
27 March 202324 March 2023 Six Materials Nominated for the Innovation Award “Renewable Material of the Year 2023” New materials will enable sustainable products in areas such as textiles, cosmetics, packaging, as well as elastic and biodegradable materials for a variety of applications. Participants at the “Renewable Materials Conference” will vote for the winners
Sechs Materialien für den Innovationspreis „Renewable Material of the Year 2023“ nominiert Neue Materialien ermöglichen nachhaltige Produkte in Bereichen wie Textilien, Kosmetik, Verpackungen sowie elastische und biologisch abbaubare Materialien für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen. Teilnehmende der „Renewable Materials Conference“ stimmen über die Gewinner ab
Value from waste(water) CO₂ – Invitation to the First Stakeholder Workshop on LCA and S-LCA of the WaterProof Project Free online webinar – 30 March 14:00-17:00h CET
1 March 202324 February 2023 Avantium and Origin Materials to accelerate the mass production of FDCA and PEF for advanced chemicals and plastics Strategic partnership will produce FDCA from Origin’s carbon-negative platform for producing chemical intermediates from sustainable wood residues and Avantium’s YXY® Technology
28 February 202328 February 2023 Free PEFerence Webinar on 21 March: From bio-based feedstocks to FDCA and PEF – And how can we keep PEF in the loop? Ed de Jong and Roy Visser (Avantium) will give a deep insight into the PEFerence project on 21 March 2023, 10:00 CET.
3 February 20237 February 2023 Taking Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X to the next level – Final Program of the “Conference on CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023” Leading international experts meet at one of the world’s key events on Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X from 19-20 April 2023 in Cologne, Germany, and online
Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) und Power-to-X auf erreicht die nächste Stufe – Das vollständige Programm der „Conference on CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023“ Führende internationale Experten und Expertinnen treffen sich vom 19. bis 20. April 2023 in Köln zu einer der weltweit wichtigsten Veranstaltungen im Bereich der CO2-Nutzung, Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU), und Power-to-X
1 February 202331 January 2023 Avantium and Henkel sign offtake agreement on FDCA for adhesives to be used in electronics applications Henkel has tested and positively evaluated the feasibility of FDCA for the use of polyurethane adhesives and is making an important contribution to climate protection by embracing innovative solutions that facilitate recycling and enable CO2 savings across the value chain
23 December 202220 December 2022 The Most Innovative Bioeconomy CEO 2022 is Tom van Aken, CEO Avantium The most innovative bioeconomy CEO 2022 is Tom van Aken, CEO of Avantium, the Dutch company that is a pioneer in the emerging industry of renewable and sustainable chemistry
21 December 202219 December 2022 Avantium and Monosuisse sign offtake agreement on PEF for industrial fibres Avantium’s PEF is a 100% plant-based and fully recyclable polymer with a wide range of applications such as packaging, film and textiles
7 November 20222 November 2022 Life Cycle Assessment demonstrates significantly lower carbon footprint of Avantium’s plantMPG™ For the plantMPG™ production process, electricity from wind power, green hydrogen based on wind power and thermal energy from natural gas was assumed
3 November 202231 October 2022 Biorefineries – the engine of the bio-based economy The European Union is investing billions of euros in biorefineries that can develop products based on organic materials and help decrease the bloc’s reliance on oil and gas
7 October 20225 October 2022 Biobased chemicals – market opportunities for small and large innovators Drawing data from NNFCC's own news reviews, this article looks at the chemical giants driving innovation in the biobased chemicals sector in recent years
23 September 202222 September 2022 Promising alternative to packaging lowers plastic industry’s carbon footprint A new bio-based polymer could be good news for the environment. A recent assessment of its industrial production and use in bottles points to potentially major reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Vielversprechende Alternative für Verpackungen senkt den CO2-Fußabdruck der Kunststoffindustrie Ein neues biobasiertes Polymer könnte eine gute Nachricht für die Umwelt bereithalten. Eine kürzlich durchgeführte Bewertung seiner Industrieproduktion und seiner Verwendung in Flaschen deutet auf eine unter Umständen erhebliche Verringerung der Treibhausgasemissionen (THG-Emissionen) hin
1 September 20221 September 2022 New bio-based polymer PEF shows low CO2 footprint Peer-reviewed LCA study with in-depth assessment of industrial PEF production and its use as raw material for bottles
31 August 202225 August 2022 LVMH Perfumes & Cosmetics Houses signs offtake agreement with Avantium for the use of PEF for its cosmetics packaging Avantium N.V., a leading technology company in renewable chemistry, announces that it has signed a conditional offtake agreement with world luxury goods leader LVMH Group (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton)
29 August 202223 August 2022 Avantium First Half 2022 Results Avantium Begins The Construction Of Its FDCA Flagship Plant And Signs Additional Offtake Agreements
27 June 202225 June 2022 Avantium and Carlsberg sign offtake agreement on PEF Carlsberg further launches consumer test of the Fibre Bottle using PEF as a barrier
23 June 202222 June 2022 Avantium forms PEF Textile Community with five leading companies to develop PEF yarn applications The companies of the PEF Textile Community aim to further reduce CO2 emissions in support of the UN Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal objectives and explore sustainable solutions for various applications
22 June 202215 June 2022 Biobased monopropylene glycol: The bumpy road to a decarbonised world In the mid 2000s a PNNL researchers team discovered a metal catalyst with a soluble base co-catalyst, which converted plant-based, seed-oil-derived glycerol and plant sugar alcohols into MPG
24 May 202219 May 2022 Avantium awarded €3 million EU grant to demonstrate the electrochemical conversion of CO2 to consumer products Under the new WaterProof programme, Avantium will convert CO2, from wastewater purification and waste incineration into formic acid using its proprietary catalytic electrochemistry platform
23 May 20228 January 2023 Converting CO₂ through electrochemistry – The WaterProof Project Starting soon, the new research project WaterProof aims at closing the waste(water) carbon loop by creating a novel biorefinery concept converting CO2 emissions from urban waste treatment facilities into valuable green consumer-products. The objective is a technology resulting in a GHG reduction based on CO2 utilization, replacement of fossil feedstock and industrial electrification
19 May 202220 May 2022 Many advanced and proven solutions to replace fossil carbon in chemistry and materials already available Electrochemical transformation of CO₂, a natural polymer for paper and cardboard coating and material-to-material molecular recycling of plastic waste are the winners of the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year 2022”
Viele fortschrittliche und bewährte Lösungen zur Substitution fossilen Kohlenstoffs in Chemie und Materialien bereits verfügbar Elektrochemische Umwandlung von CO2, ein natürliches Polymer zur Beschichtung von Papier und Pappe, und molekulares Recycling von Kunststoffabfällen sind die Gewinner des Innovationspreises "Renewable Material of the Year 2022"
10 May 202210 May 2022 Ed de Jong, Vice President Development at Avantium Technologies (NL), on the current development of the renewable carbon economy Interview with Michael Carus, CEO of the nova-Institute
5 May 20223 May 2022 EPBP gives 3-year endorsement to allow multilayer PET/PEF packaging in PET bottle recycling stream Avantium N.V., a leading technology company in renewable chemistry, announces that the European PET Bottle Platform (EPBP)1 has awarded an interim endorsement to Avantium, allowing recycling of multilayer PET/PEF packaging in the European bottle recycling market.
4 May 20224 May 2022 Next Week: Renewable Materials Conference, 10-12 May, Cologne (Germany) – all information here List of participants, panel discussions, exhibitors and the nominations for the Renewable Material of The Year 2022 are launched
29 April 202226 April 2022 Avantium celebrates the First Piling Ceremony for its FDCA Flagship Plant Construction is planned to be completed by the end of 2023, enabling the commercial launch of PEF from 2024 onwards
Avantium: Bau von FDCA-Anlage gestartet – Kooperation mit Sukano Dem Unternehmen liegen bereits Abnahmezusagen für etwa die Hälfte der Produktionskapazitäten von ca. 5.000 Tonnen/Jahr vor
19 April 202212 April 2022 Avantium and Sukano sign offtake agreement to develop PEF film masterbatches With PEF from Avantium’s FDCA Flagship Plant, Sukano will develop masterbatches for PEF resins, facilitating fast adoption in many diversified markets and thus acceleratin the growth of PEF
13 April 202230 August 2023 Six Innovations are Nominated for the “Renewable Material of the Year 2022” Award Participants at the “Renewable Materials Conference” will vote for the winners
11 April 202215 June 2022 PEF as a barrier layer: does it influence the bottle blowing process? Produced by Avantium Renewable Polymers, PEF is a polyester made from renewable resources and is very suitable as a barrier layer in PET-based multilayer bottles
8 April 202215 June 2022 Partnership between Avantium and Sukano opens door for industrial application of PEF in flexible packaging PEF has a significantly improved gas barrier, while still maintaining the favorable properties such as good processability, transparency and mechanics, of its big brother PET
7 April 20221 April 2022 Avantium reaches Financial Close for its FDCA Flagship Plant Engineering company Worley and the Groningen Consortium have become minority shareholders in the Avantium subsidiary
30 March 202225 March 2022 Avantium Announces 2021 Results: Significant business progress with green light to construct the world’s first FDCA Flagship Plant Avantium Renewable Chemistries recorded a number of promising developments in 2021, including the construction of a bioasphalt test road using lignin from Dawn Technology™
11 March 20228 March 2022 LVMH Beauty joins Avantium’s PEFerence consortium to develop sustainable packaging for Perfumes and Cosmetics LVMH Beauty will be the first luxury cosmetic company to join the PEFerence consortium, further enabling the commercial introduction of PEF to the Cosmetics market
2 March 20222 March 2022 Life Cycle Assessment study demonstrates the potential of Avantium’s FDCA and PEF technology to curb global warming Use of renewable feedstock in PEF results in clear reductions in GHG emissions throughout the entire life cycle
14 February 202215 February 2022 The stars of Renewable Materials meet in Cologne, May 10-12 46 Speakers from leading companies in bio-based, CO2-based and Recycling already confirmed their participation – preliminary program already available, innovation award submission by 15 March
2 February 202226 January 2022 Avantium shareholders give green light for the construction of the world’s first FDCA Flagship Plant Shareholders adopt all resolutions at Extraordinary General Meeting
14 January 20228 January 2022 Avantium: Grünes Licht für FDCA-Anlage Das neue Werk soll am Standort Delfzijl im Nordwesten der Niederlande errichtet werden rund 5.000 Tonnen FDCA im Jahr produzieren
13 January 20227 January 2022 Higher Performance, Carbon Negative Plastics, Maybe for Less ReSource developing FCDA from furfural - a technology which a number of companies are chasing for
10 January 20226 January 2022 Avantium and Tereos announce Strategic Supply Agreement Tereos to supply High Fructose Syrup, a locally produced bio-based raw material, to support Avantium’s production capacities in advanced bio-based polymers production
16 December 202113 December 2021 Advances in converting CO2 into polymers Sreeparna Das, independent specialist consultant to the chemicals industry and contributor to materials database Matmatch, outlines some key advancements in the market