This event comes at exactly the right time as PEF (polyethylene furanoate) is about to enter the market. The congress addresses in particular the chemical industry, the material sector, (consumer good) producers and brand owners, but also the scientific community and technology developers. Are you interested in the fully bio-based PEF, HMF and FDCA, as well as their applications? Then you are welcome to apply to be speaker, exhibitor, sponsor, or just register to be a participant. This first-time congress offers a fantastic opportunity to network and to exchange new ideas on this hot topic: circular biobased materials with superior performance properties.
More information on the event will soon be provided here: https://peference.eu/news/
Register here: https://www.bioplasticsmagazine.com/en/event-calendar/termine/PEF-world-congress-2024/
About PEFerence

The PEFerence project consists of a consortium of 13 companies coordinated by Avantium. PEFerence aims to replace a significant share of fossil-based polyesters, such as PET as well as polyamide layers in multilayer packaging, and packaging materials like glass and metal with 100% bio-based polyester. In 2024, Avantium, the coordinator of PEFerence project will open a unique, industrial scale, cost-effective biorefinery flagship plant producing FDCA.
Find out more about the project: https://peference.eu
This project receives funding from the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 744409. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio-based Industries Consortium.

About the Renewable Carbon Plastics Magazine
Originally founded in 2006 as bioplastics MAGAZINE, Renewable Carbon Plastics is the leading source of information for plastics from renewable sources and/or biodegradable plastics. The well-established publication recently rebranded (in August 2023) to signify the broader look at sustainable plastic materials that has been part of the magazines content and philosophy for a couple of years. Renewable Carbon Plastics is a unique platform that showcases everything related to plastics based on the Renewable Carbon concept that include biobased and CO₂-based plastics, and advanced recycling of plastics.
Avantium Technologies B.V.
bioplastics MAGAZINE (Zeitschrift)
nova-Institut GmbH
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