17 June 201516 June 2015 Life Cycle Inventory and Impact Assessment Data for 2014 Ingeo™ Polylactide Production New report provides a detailed description of the different steps in the Ingeo production chain and how the final ecoprofile data were calculated
27 April 201516 February 2018 Plastverarbeiter: Rohstoff-Basis für Biokunststoffe Molekülbaukasten aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen für biobasierte Kunststoffe
7 April 20152 April 2015 Öko-Plastik aus Milch: Kuhstoff wird Kunststoff Milch war das Basismaterial des weltweit ersten Kunststoffs Galalith. Eine Firma nutzt die Technik nun wieder zur Produktion von Öko-Plastik.
20 February 201519 February 2015 Neue Studie der NCEAS zu Meeresmüll – Effizientes Abfallmanagement als wichtiges Instrument gegen Marine Litter Working Group liefert Lösungsansätze und betont die Bedeutung eines effizienten Abfallmanagements
30 January 201529 January 2015 Plastics Industry warns of serious unintended consequences of potential carrier bag exemption Oxodegradable lobby accuses UK recyclers of ‘scaremongering’
22 January 201521 January 2015 greenshield organic™ introduces sugar cane-sourced bottles Company has replaced petroleum-based PE bottles with Green PE, blended with PCR
8 January 20157 January 2015 PlasticsEurope: „Plastics – the Facts 2014“ erschienen Publikation dokumentiert auf 33 Seiten Produktion, Verbrauch und Verwertung von Kunststoff in Europa
27 November 201426 November 2014 EU approves law reducing plastic bag use by 50% in 2019 PlasticsEurope states it “would be in favor of regulating oxo-degradable plastics”
30 October 201429 October 2014 Dutch Green Deal – sustainability criteria for biobased plastic products The Dutch Green Deal has developed a list of sustainability criteria for biobased feedstock used in industrial production
2 October 20141 October 2014 NatureWorks teams up with PE INTERNATIONAL to revise Ingeo biopolymer eco-profile New Ingeo eco-profile data reinforce lower greenhouse gas emissions during Ingeo manufacture compared to other commonly employed plastics
22 September 201426 September 2014 Oxo-degradable plastics: do they biodegrade? In search of a definite answer OWS, IKT-University Stuttgart to set up a multi-client project aiming to find a “once and for all”
26 June 201426 June 2014 International Plastics Industry Efforts to Combat Marine Litter Up 90-Percent Global fight against marine debris gains force
17 June 201417 June 2014 Bioplastik hilft gegen Müllberge Problem: Kunststoffe auf Biomasse-Basis sind nicht zwangsläufig abbaubar, und biologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe müssen nicht auf Biomasse basieren - beide Konzepte existieren nebeneinander
16 April 201415 April 2014 Plastics Europe: Polymere im Spagat "Bioabbaubare Kunststoffe lösen nicht das Vermüllungsproblem."
7 January 20146 January 2014 Environmental challenges keep industry on the alert – Biodegradables and plastic bag bans make headlines Recycling moves forward but players say full potential not reached
8 November 20137 November 2013 Trade bodies pour cold water on EU bag plans European plastics industry trade bodies have expressed doubts about new proposals from Brussels to limit the number of plastic bags in use across the region
5 November 20134 November 2013 OWS publishes new study regarding biodegradable and oxo-degradable plastics Very few positive biodegradation results for oxo-degradable plastics could not be repeated
11 March 2013 EuPC + PlasticsEurope: Europäische Verbände der Kunststoffindustrie begrüßen Green Paper der EU-Kommission zu Kunststoffabfällen Aufnahme eines Deponierungsverbots soll europäischen Kunststoff-Recycling-Sektor weiter ankurbeln
5 February 2013 Bioplastics body wants more from EU policy Bioplastics production is growing faster in Asia and South America than it is in Europe
31 July 2012 Automotive giants turn to bioplastics worldwide Manufacturers certainly interested to lightweight and cost-efficient materials those can further reduce the environmental burden
10 May 2012 Kunststofferzeugung: mehr Produktion, mehr Umsatz Deutsche Kunststoffindustrie blickt optimistisch in die Zukunft
16 December 201125 July 2014 Just launched – The first comprehensive multi-stakeholder market study on “Bio-based Plastics in the World – Capacities, Production and Applications: Status Quo and Trends Towards 2020” nova-Institute invites all other interested stakeholders to join up and jump in
Soeben gestartet – die erste umfassende, industriefinanzierte Marktstudie zu “Bio-basierten Kunststoffen in der Welt – Kapazitäten, Produktion und Anwendungen: Status Quo und Trends 2020” nova-Institut lädt alle interessierten Unternehmen ein, sich an der Studie zu beteiligen
23 November 2011 Bioplastik: Aus der Nische in den Massenmarkt Kunststoffproduktion 2010 lag bei weltweit 265 Millionen Tonnen, schätzt europäischer Branchenverband PlasticsEurope
4 November 2011 Bio-based Plastics in the World Capacities, Production and Applications: Status Quo and Trends towards 2020
4 October 2011 Starting soon: First comprehensive multi-stakeholder market study on “Bio-based Plastics in the World – Capacities, Production and Applications: Status Quo and Trends towards 2020” Please join the Advisory Board!
14 June 2011 Kunststoffindustrie: Orientierung fort vom Erdöl Biobasierte Standardkunststoffe zunehmend im Trend
18 December 2009 European Bioplastics welcomes French framework agreement on compostable waste bags Agreement could be seen as role model for other European countries