Last chance to take advantage of early subscription and to join the advisory board:
First comprehensive multi-stakeholder market study on “Bio-based Plastics in the World – Capacities, Production and Applications: Status Quo and Trends towards 2020”
There is a wide agreement regarding the lack of a worldwide and solid market study on the fast growing bio-based plastics business. Until today, no coherent and fundamental inquiry of the worldwide bio-based plastics market has been made. Especially data on the rising Asian markets is insufficient.
Experienced market researchers from nova-Institute in co-operation with leading international bioplastic experts have developed a full concept for a multi-stakeholder market study solving this essential problem of uncertainty and established a competent team capable of delivering ambitious results.
The following worldwide leading companies and associations have decided to support the study as stakeholders.
Until November 15th your company is still invited to join us as early subscriber and to be part of the exciting advisory board:
1.) Bayer MaterialScience (Germany)
2.) Braskem (Brasil)
3.) DSM (The Netherlands)
4.) European Bioplastics (Berlin)
5.) Fischer GmbH
6.) IAR (France)
7.) IFP Energies nouvelles (France)
8.) NNFCC (UK)
9.) Ontario BioAuto Council (Canada)
10.) Plastics Europe (Brussels)
11.) PURAC (The Netherlands)
12.) Roquette (France)
13.) Sofiproteol (France)
14.) Sulzer (Switzerland)
15.) Tereos Syral (France)
16.) VTT (Finland)
For more information about the concept, study design and early subscription please visit our web page: or contact
Janpeter Beckmann
phone (+49-2233-48 14 47)
Best regards
Michael Carus (CEO) and
Janpeter Beckmann (market researcher)
nova-Institut GmbH, press release, 2011-11-04.
Bayer MaterialScience AG
European Bioplastics e.V.
Fischer Automotive Systems GmbH
IAR - Pole de Competitivité Industrie et Agro-Ressources
IFP – Innovation, Énergie, Environnement
nova-Institut GmbH
Ontario BioAuto Council
Plastics Europe
Sulzer Chemtech Ltd.
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