There is general agreement that we lack a consolidated international market study on the fast-growing bio-based plastics sector. To date there has been no coherent and fundamental survey of the worldwide bio-based plastics market. Data is particularly limited for the emerging Asian markets.
As long as this fundamental data is missing, uncertainty and confusion will hamper the growth of the global bio-based plastic market. There is thus a need for a comprehensive and robust worldwide market study. Many stakeholders also require reliable and detailed information.
During the initial phase from August to the end of November 2011, all interested companies, institutes, associations and other stakeholders were invited to sign up early, become a partner of the study and be part of its advisory board. More than 20 stakeholders took advantage of this unique opportunity and provided the initial funding.
They include:
Bayer MaterialScience – Borealis Polyolefine – Braskem – DSM – European Bioplastics – Fischer – Ford – Omya – Plastics Europe – PURAC – Roquette – SABIC – Sofiproteol – Sulzer – Tereos Syral – Veolia (for a complete list see: “[])
A kick-off meeting involving nova-Institute’s experienced market researchers and co-operating international bioplastic experts on 22nd November in Berlin got the market study under way. It is due to be completed by the end of 2012. The first meeting of the advisory board will take place in mid January 2012.
One of the study’s main aims is to compile a list of all worldwide producers of bio-based plastics and to set up a corresponding database for later online access. The study will cover all kind of bio-based polymers and plastics (biodegradable and durable, thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomers) such as starch blends, PLA, PHA/PHB, PBS, CA, Bio-PE, Bio-PDO and many more, including the main bio-based building blocks.
Join up and jump in
From January to 31st March 2012, nova-Institute invites all other interested stakeholders to join up and jump in. With an investment of €5,750 (plus 19% VAT) before 31st March 2012, subscribers will not only receive the final report and have full access to intermediate results, but also be part of the project’s advisory board, which will meet four times during the project. As a member of the advisory board, subscribers can interact with the expert team, e.g. ask for intermediate results or place specific questions, and, in addition, benefit from extraordinary networking opportunities.
The progress of the study project will be documented on
Download this press release as PDF file: 11-12-16_PR_Market_Study_Biopastics_launched
nova-Institut GmbH, press release, 2011-12-16.
Bayer MaterialScience AG
Borealis Polyolefine AG
European Bioplastics e.V.
fischerwerke Artur Fischer Gmbh & Co. KG
Ford Motor Company
Omya AG
Plastics Europe
SABIC Ventures US Holdings LLC
Sulzer Chemtech Ltd.
Veolia Deutschland
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