1 October 20211 October 2021 Forest policy splits Nordic lawmakers in the European Parliament Leading lawmakers from the Socialist and the Greens group in the European Parliament held contrasting views on forest policy during a EURACTIV event earlier this month
28 September 202127 September 2021 EU aims to tackle waste packaging with new legislation Europe's packaging waste is increasing, with the bloc generating 174.1kg of packaging waste per inhabitant in the EU in 2018
23 July 202128 April 2022 The science of forest biomass: Conflicting studies map the controversy In this exclusive story, Mongabay provides a review of the science on both sides of the forest biomass debate, summarizing key studies and reports, and providing links to these primary sources to help readers decide for themselves
Green MEP: Voluntary schemes have failed biodiversity in forests Voluntary schemes have not been enough to protect biodiversity in Europe’s forests and more coordinated measures are needed to protect nature in the EU
31 May 202116 June 2021 Well-designed CAP can deliver on biodiversity goals, German scientists say The devil is in the details when it comes to the EU’s farming subsidy programme’s potential to halt biodiversity loss
28 May 20219 September 2021 EU Parliament backs ‘low-carbon’ hydrogen, despite Green opposition The strategy specifies so-called "low-CO2 hydrogen" as an interim solution to increase production in the short term
Trotz Grünen-Widerstand: EU-Parlament für „CO2-armen“ Wasserstoff In der Strategie wird sogenannter „CO2-armer Wasserstoff“ als Zwischenlösung angegeben, um die Produktion kurzfristig zu erhöhen
3 May 202118 June 2021 Nach harter Nacht: Einigung auf das EU-Klimagesetz Mitgliedsstaaten machten Zugeständnis an die EU-Abgeordneten und wollen den CO2-Abbau durch Landnutzung, Land- und Forstwirtschaft künftig begrenzen
Breakthrough as EU negotiators clinch deal on European climate law EU member states made a concession to MEPs by agreeing to cap the contribution of carbon removals from land use, agriculture and forestry
3 March 20212 March 2021 EU to set up new European Partnerships and invest nearly €10 billion for the green and digital transition The goal is to speed up the transition towards a green, climate neutral and digital Europe, and to make European industry more resilient and competitive
1 March 202125 February 2021 Commission gives the green light to the successor of BBI JU European Commission agrees on successor public-private partnership with BIC
17 February 20219 September 2021 European Parliament adopts resolution on the new Circular Economy Action Plan MEPs voted 574 in favour, but also called on the commission to include more stringent targets to protect natural resources and reduce consumption
9 February 20219 September 2021 How the EU wants to achieve a circular economy by 2050 Find out about the EU’s circular economy action plan and what additional measures MEPs want to reduce waste and make products more sustainable
17 December 202014 December 2020 Europe’s CBD Conundrum Europe struggles to regulate CBD, while the UN votes to reclassify cannabis for medical use
27 November 20209 September 2021 Hydrogen produced from nuclear will be considered ‘low-carbon’, EU official says Nuclear power is indeed not mentioned in the EU’s hydrogen strategy
EU-Kommission: Aus Atomkraft produzierter Wasserstoff ist „CO2-arm“ Wasserstoff wird als Mittel zur Dekarbonisierung von Schwerindustrien wie der Chemie- und Stahlindustrie oder des Fernverkehrs wie der Luft- und Schifffahrt gesehen
25 November 20209 September 2021 EU defines sustainable plastic manufacturing in draft green finance rules Chemical recycling will need to emit less than manufacturing with virgin materials to be considered 'green'
23 November 202022 November 2020 Court of Justice of the European Union: A Member State may not prohibit the marketing of cannabidiol (CBD) lawfully produced in another Member State when it is extracted from the Cannabis sativa plant in its entirety and not solely from its fibre and seeds That prohibition may however be justified by the objective of protecting public health but must not go beyond what is necessary in order to attain it
Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union: Ein Mitgliedstaat darf die Vermarktung von in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat rechtmäßig hergestelltem Cannabidiol (CBD) nicht verbieten, wenn es aus der gesamten Cannabis-sativa-Pflanze und nicht nur aus ihren Fasern und Samen gewonnen wird Ein solches Verbot kann jedoch durch ein Ziel des Schutzes der öffentlichen Gesundheit gerechtfertigt sein, darf aber nicht über das hinausgehen, was zur Erreichung dieses Ziels erforderlich ist
12 November 20209 September 2021 Biologisch abbaubar, kompostierbar, biobasiert: Das ist der Unterschied Abgesehen davon, dass Hersteller oft nicht alle verwendeten Stoffe angeben, ist laut UBA noch nicht ausreichend erforscht, wie Biokunststoffe auf die Umwelt einwirken
4 November 202030 October 2020 The EU Parliament endorses the increase of THC level for industrial hemp on the field in a key vote on the Common Agricultural Policy EIHA will keep up its efforts to advocate for a clear and science-based regulatory framework, envisaging a whole-plant approach
27 October 202022 October 2020 The European Forest Strategy takes a step forward The EU Forest Strategy will need to be consistent with other relevant policies in place at different levels to enable local players to benefit fully from it
14 October 20209 October 2020 Medical cannabis weeded out from short-term EU policy agenda The European Commission has not planned to launch a legislative initiative on medicinal cannabis, an EU source informed
15 September 202010 September 2020 On the EU’s menu: the Common Agricultural Policy Faced with a combined climate, health and biodiversity crisis, MEPs need to be held accountable when interfering with science
11 August 20208 August 2020 The CPOPC secretariat responding to the statement of the European Commission on palm oil sustainability European Commission recognises the efforts of producing countries and stakeholders and continue to make towards a production strategy with best balances
7 May 20204 May 2020 Guidance on single-use plastics directive: European Commission to stick to its timeline Despite the current pandemic, the EC wants to present the final SUPD guidance by July 2020
23 March 202018 March 2020 Scientists call for action for the EU Common Agricultural Policy to address sustainability challenges An open statement signed by over 3,600 scientists across Europe and beyond
4 February 20209 September 2021 An alternative solution for climate neutrality? Low-carbon fuels made from anything from wood pellets to garbage could hold the key to reducing CO2 emissions in the transport sector. Jonathan Benton reports on a European Parliament event looking at the potential benefits
19 December 201917 December 2019 EU chief likens Green New Deal to Europe’s ‘man on the moon’ moment and includes plan for biodegradable plastics framework Under its new circular economy plan, the EC will develop requirements to ensure reusability or recyclability for all packaging in the EU market
7 November 20194 November 2019 Scientific publication: Pyrolysis oil is a sustainable alternative to creosotes “Life Cycle Assessment on a Biorefinery Approach to Pyrolysis Oil for Wood Modification Treatment”
4 November 201929 October 2019 European farmers descend on Strasbourg in protest against planned CAP reform Members of the Agriculture Committee recently indicated to EURACTIV that the new CAP could be delayed by up to two years
21 October 201920 October 2019 ‘Bring it on,’ EU MP says of trade fight over palm biofuel phase-out The two Southeast Asian countries supply 85 percent of the world’s palm oil, and have denounced the EU policy as discriminatory
26 September 201923 September 2019 Joint Statement for an Ambitious Horizon Europe Programme Joint statement of 93 associations representing key European research & innovation stakeholders calling for ambitiours Horizon Europe programme
26 July 201923 July 2019 Resetting the ambition for biotechnology in the EU As the new European Parliament meets for its inaugural session in Strasbourg, EuropaBio publishes its Biotechnology Industry Manifesto 2019
17 June 201912 June 2019 Palm Oil: Fuelling Bioeconomy Controversy? The EU has deemed palm oil to be too high-risk a feedstock for biofuels production, but what are the risks and benefits associated with it?
30 April 201925 April 2019 Bioeconomy in CAP – the economy of tomorrow? To reach a functioning economy in the future, the driving force should consist of a sustainable bioeconomic strategy
Bioökonomie in der GAP: Die Wirtschaft von morgen? Um in Zukunft eine voll funktionsfähige Wirtschaft zu erreichen, sollte eine nachhaltige Bioökonomie-Strategie die treibende Kraft sein
24 April 201919 April 2019 Facts must trump fear: EuropaBio responds to EU Parliament vote on food chain risk assessment Response to the revision of the General Food Law adopted by the European Parliament, which aims at improving the transparency and sustainability of EU food risk assessment
9 April 20195 April 2019 OPA riled by EU threat of ban on oxo-degradable plastics EU accused of maladministration on plastics, with court action looking likely
2 April 201928 March 2019 EU budget for 2021-2027: Commission welcomes provisional agreement on Horizon Europe, the future EU research and innovation programme The EU institutions have reached a partial political agreement, subject to formal approval by the European Parliament and Council, on Horizon Europe
EU-Haushaltsplanung für 2021-2027: Kommission begrüßt vorläufige Einigung über Horizont Europa, das künftige EU-Programm für Forschung und Innovation Die EU-Institutionen haben eine politische Teileinigung über Horizont Europa erzielt, der das Europäische Parlament und der Rat noch formell zustimmen müssen
20 February 201917 February 2019 Carbon-capture ‘feasibility’ splits MEPs in 2050 planning The Commission plan offers up several scenarios for 2050, from which member states will have to choose
28 January 201923 January 2019 RED II – Small steps in the ongoing struggle to put bioenergy on a sustainable path Final version of the Directive on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (RED II) was published
8 January 20197 January 2019 Single-use plastics: Commission welcomes ambitious agreement on new rules to reduce marine litter Europe's businesses and consumers to be ahead as a world leader in producing and using sustainable alternatives
Einwegkunststoffprodukte: Kommission begrüßt ehrgeizige Einigung über neue Vorschriften zur Reduzierung von Abfällen im Meer Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher in Europa sollen zu weltweiten Spitzenreitern bei der Herstellung und Nutzung nachhaltiger Alternativen werden
19 December 201815 December 2018 Waste incineration is waste incineration, no matter the classification The European Parliament must reject any proposal that provides Cohesion Funds to incineration facilities, no matter their classification, writes Dr. Ingrid Behrsin
21 November 201819 November 2018 European Parliament approves REDII AEBIOM and a group of other European organizations call on the EU to be more ambitious in its efforts to encourage the use of renewables in heating and cooling
19 November 201817 November 2018 Energy: new ambitious targets on renewables and energy efficiency Parliament approves binding 2030 target for renewables (32%) and an indicative target on energy efficiency (32.5%) that will play a crucial role in meeting the EU’s climate goals
15 November 201812 November 2018 Why rewarding renewable fuels under the truck CO2 regulation would be a bad idea Green groups are concerned about a push by the gas, oil, biofuel and truck industry to include a so-called ‘Carbon Correction Factor’ (CCF) for trucks and buses