22 July 201521 July 2015 Green Chemistry Awards take notice of plastics players Plastics companies and up and down the supply chain have been selected for the 2015 Presidential Green Chemistry Awards
17 July 201516 July 2015 BASF commissions one of Europe’s most advanced production plants for form release agents Opened at the company’s in Staßfurt site in May 2015, the new facility produces release agents based on renewable raw materials as well as emulsions from renewable and non renewable raw materials
BASF nimmt eine der modernsten Trennmittelanlagen Europas in Betrieb Die Anlage wurde im Mai 2015 am Standort Staßfurt eröffnet und produziert Trennmittel auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe sowie Emulsionen aus nachwachsenden und nicht-nachwachsenden Rohstoffen
9 July 20158 July 2015 Bioplastics breakthrough in cosmetics, agriculture and toys The NPE Plastics tradeshow held in Orlando, Florida, USA, evidenced a greater acceptance of bio-based plastics and additives as several companies launched or highlighted bio-derived materials at the show
3 July 20152 July 2015 European Bioplastics elects new Board – François de Bie confirmed as Chairman European Bioplastics (EUBP) is pleased to announce that the new Board has been elected by the General Assembly of EUBP members on 24 June 2015 to serve a two-year term
European Bioplastics wählt neuen Vorstand – François de Bie im Amt des Vorsitzenden bestätigt Die Mitgliederversammlung von European Bioplastics (EUBP) hat am 24. Juni 2015 den neuen Vorstand des Verbandes auf zwei Jahre gewählt
22 June 201519 June 2015 Genomatica Advances the Commercial Readiness of Biomass Feedstocks for Chemicals Boosts potential for bioprocess plants worldwide; details published in DOE report
11 June 201510 June 2015 Special Report: Bioplastics and additives becoming mainstream NPE tradeshow spotlighted the increasing role of bioplastics at its own booth at the show
9 June 20156 June 2015 BASF licenses sustainable portfolio management method to thinkstep 'Sustainable Solution Steering' method to be integrated in the thinkstep.one sustainability platform
BASF lizenziert Methode zur nachhaltigen Portfoliosteuerung an thinkstep 'Sustainable Solution Steering' soll in die Nachhaltigkeitsplattform thinkstep.one integriert werden
5 June 20153 June 2015 Global Bio-based Platform Chemicals Market 2015-2019 with BASF, BioAmber, Braskem, DSM, DuPont, Ineos, Myriant & Novozymes dominating
28 May 201527 May 2015 Bio-Polyamide Market Expected To Reach USD 220.6 Million By 2022 Latest report published by Grand View Research predicts growing at CAGR of 12.2% from 2015 to 2022, increasing demand for sustainable products
15 May 201513 May 2015 Composting experts: EcoSafe EcoSafe works to make composting easy for the multi-family crowd
12 May 201511 May 2015 Here’s a plastic that soil microbes can eat up BASF Ecoflex to be found as compostable agricultural mulch film for farmers landfills
11 May 20158 May 2015 Bioplastic packaging market is expected to witness significant growth over the next six years To say this is a new report published by Grand View Research, Inc.
8 May 20157 May 2015 The DOE’s 12 Top Biobased Molecules – what became of them? Take a look back at a DOE paper that sparked so much interest
EU-Kommission genehmigt Einfuhr von 19 Gentechnik-Pflanzen Kommission gab grünes Licht zur Verwendung in Lebens- und Futtermitteln
Monsanto is said to approach Syngenta again about a takeover Companies may fail to reach an agreement, as a combination could face antitrust hurdles
4 May 20151 May 2015 New trade body launched to support biobased and biodegradable industries in the UK NNFCC's new agreement with FNR and the creation of the BBIA to support the rate of development in the sector throughout the whole of the EU
27 April 201516 February 2018 Plastverarbeiter: Rohstoff-Basis für Biokunststoffe Molekülbaukasten aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen für biobasierte Kunststoffe
16 April 201515 April 2015 UK: Biobased and biodegradable industries association to launch Industry collaboration to promote production and use of bio-based, biodegradable materials
13 April 20159 September 2021 Carbon synthesis gases as alternative of usual starch- or sugar-based substrates Research cluster to pave the way on microbial gas fermentation
Kohlenstoffhaltige Synthesegase als Alternative zu stärke- oder zuckerhaltigen Substraten Forschungscluster will mikrobielle Gasfermentation voranbringen
26 March 201525 March 2015 BASF brings polyamide solutions based on renewable feedstock to the world of fashion Italon is first textile company to use new solution from BASF
25 March 201524 March 2015 BASF optimiert zusammen mit acht Partnern Verfahren für die Herstellung von Produkten auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe Unternehmenskonsortium will Potenzial von Produkten auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe erschließen
18 March 201517 March 2015 Total invests in Renmatix – Takes equity and Board seat in Philadelphia based licensor of supercritical hydrolysis technology for conversion of biomass into economical cellulosic sugar Companies complete Joint Development Agreement to initiate distinct R&D programs to process selected lignocellulosic biomasses into sugars for use in Total’s target biobased products
12 March 201512 March 2015 From tea bags to Miatas, bioplastics are on the rise Businesses of all sizes are looking beyond "traditional," petroleum-based plastics to alternatives derived from plants, or even synthesized by microorganisms
9 March 20155 March 2015 BASF führt neues Acrodur®-Bindemittel für automobilen Leichtbau in den Markt ein Emissionsarmes Acrodur® Power 2750 X ermöglicht kosteneffiziente, funktionsintegrierte Leichtbauteile mit einem höheren Anteil von Naturfasern
BASF launches new Acrodur® binder for automotive lightweight composites Low-emission Acrodur® Power 2750 X helps produce cost-efficient lightweight composites with integrated functions and a higher share of natural fibers
6 March 20155 March 2015 BASF stellt PolyTHF aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen bereit Erweitertes Sortiment an Produkten auf Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe - Identische Eigenschaften wie auf petrochemischer Basis hergestelltes PolyTHF
BASF now offers bio-based PolyTHF Extends range of products based on renewable raw materials - Properties identical to conventional PolyTHF
23 February 201522 February 2015 Green building market to experience 13% growth rate through 2020 Asia-Pacific showing significant growth in developing economies, according to new report
18 February 201517 February 2015 Challenges of Artificial Photosynthesis Berkeley Lab study have summarized the state-of-the art and challenges in carbon dioxide reduction
10 February 20159 February 2015 Der große Streit um neue Mülltüten für die Biotonne Seit Januar gilt die neue Sortierpflicht: Bioabfälle dürfen nicht mehr in den Hausmüll. Nun gibt es Streit mit der Industrie, die mit angeblich kompostierbaren Mülltüten groß einsteigen will
6 February 201514 April 2015 Renewable Chemicals – Global Strategic Business Report Rising prominence of ‘green’ production technologies to boost market demand
29 January 201528 January 2015 Novozymes, Cargill continue bio-acrylic acid partnership as BASF exits Novozymes and Cargill remain committed to bringing technology to market
14 January 201523 June 2015 China’s new plastics ban in Jilin province boosts bioplastics sector A new ban on non-biodegradable plastic bags and food service items is creating an unprecedented surge for bioplastics manufacturing in China
8 January 20157 January 2015 2014: Renewable chemicals review Doris de Guzman's overview shows 2014 was the year for cellulosic ethanol and marketing milestones for bio-succinic acid
7 January 20156 January 2015 Research and Markets: Global Succinic Acid and Bio Succinic Acid Market Applications in Food & Beverages, Softening Agent, Packaging, Market Forecast and Winning Strategies, Size, Share, Overview, Strategies, Analysis, Future Demand, Geography, Trends 2014 - 2020
18 December 20149 September 2021 Phytonix turns photosynthetic bacteria into tiny chemical factories Startup Phytonix plans to use its technology to produce the chemical butanol
16 December 201413 December 2014 The Future of Renewable Chemicals Perspectives on the future of renewable chemicals: Insight to the similarities and differences among DuPont, BASF, and Green Biologics
MHG in talks with BASF regarding a series of initiatives MHG met behind closed doors with BASF to discuss business opportunities between the two companies
9 December 20148 December 2014 BASF AgBalance™ tool demonstrates substantial improvements in sustainable canola production in Western Canada Study results were presented at the first roundtable meeting of the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops (CRSC)
8 December 201415 February 2018 Effiziente Ressourcennutzung und optimierte Entsorgung mit Biokunststoffen Über 320 Teilnehmer bei 9. European Bioplastics Konferenz in Brüssel
Bioplastics – efficient in use of resources and waste management 9th European Bioplastics Conference connects more than 320 participants in Brussels
5 December 20144 December 2014 The radical re-sourcing of tires, nylon, parachutes and balloons Who’s in the global chase for a process to make one of the world’s Big 7 industrial chemicals via a renewable process — and how did Global Bioenergies just jump into the lead? The Digest investigates.
1 December 201428 November 2014 Arkema joins Together for Sustainability (TfS), an initiative for a responsible supply chain EcoVadis offering convenient web-platform to share assessments and audits results
11 November 201410 November 2014 Wintershall appearing at the ADIPEC Own stand at the largest oil and gas conference in the Middle East region