26 June 202420 June 2024 Developing bio-based composites that are fit to fly Introducing bio-derived materials to aircraft production can remove carbon from the atmosphere
11 March 20247 March 2024 Airbus and TotalEnergies sign strategic partnership for sustainable aviation fuels Airbus and TotalEnergies have signed a strategic partnership to address the challenges of decarbonising aviation through sustainable aviation fuels
23 February 202420 February 2024 JEC Composites Innovation Awards: Das sind die diesjährigen Gewinner Seit mehr als 25 Jahren zeichnen die JEC Composites Innovation Awards wegweisende Gemeinschaftsprojekte der Verbundwerkstoffindustrie aus. So auch in diesem Jahr. Zu den Gewinnern gehören unter anderem Röchling, das DLR und Silbaerg
JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2024: here are the 11 winners Beyond being a ceremony, these awards serve as a platform to spotlight potentially undisclosed projects, offering inspiration and motivation to an expert audience eager to explore new frontiers
30 June 202326 June 2023 Airbus teams-up with LanzaJet to boost sustainable aviation fuel production Airbus and LanzaJet, a leading sustainable fuels technology company, today announced they have entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to address the needs of the aviation sector through the production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF)
17 April 202312 April 2023 EU eyes CO2-hydrogen combination to make synthetic fuels Experts say the two molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen are the foundation of the EU’s future low-carbon synthetic fuel industry
EU prüft CO2-Wasserstoff-Kombination zur Herstellung synthetischer Kraftstoffe Experten zufolge bilden die beiden Moleküle Kohlendioxid (CO2) und Wasserstoff die Grundlage für die künftige emissionsarme synthetische Kraftstoffindustrie in der EU
14 April 202211 April 2022 Bcomp closes CHF 32m Series B with mobility- and impact venture capital The combination of investors is unique and confirms the strong interest from the market in Bcomp’s technologies, ranging from the automotive and aerospace industry to wider mobility and sustainability sectors
Bcomp schliesst Serie B-Finanzierungsrunde über CHF 32 Mio. mit Mobilitäts-, Finanz- und Impact Venture-Capital Investoren ab, darunter BMW i Ventures Die Kombination von Investoren ist einzigartig und bestätigt das starke Interesse des Marktes an Bcomps Technologien, welche von der Automobil- und Luftfahrtindustrie bis zu weiteren Mobilitäts- und Nachhaltigkeitssektoren reichen
11 February 20227 February 2022 Microsoft and Shell are betting on a company making greener jet fuel LanzaJet recently received $50 million in funding from Microsoft, adding to previous investments from Shell and a handful of other energy companies and airlines
13 December 20219 December 2021 First study on in-flight use of pure sustainable aviation fuel in a passenger jet shows early promise Initial findings from a world-first study of the impact of 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on both engines of a commercial jet have provided promising early results
Erste Studie zum In-Flight-Einsatz von 100 Prozent nachhaltigem Flugzeugtreibstoff (SAF) mit vielversprechenden Ergebnissen Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse einer weltweit ersten Studie zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von 100 Prozent nachhaltigem Flugzeugtreibstoff (SAF) auf die beiden Triebwerke eines kommerziellen Passagierflugzeugs sind vielversprechend
8 November 20214 November 2021 First A319neo flight with 100% sustainable aviation fuel The compatibility of the fuel with usual aircraft systems will be in charge of preparing as it today still needs additives to get the properties of traditional kerosene
Airbus testet Flugzeug mit Treibstoff auf Pflanzenöl-Basis Bei den derzeit verwendeten Flugzeugen müssen dem SAF bestimmte Stoffe zugesetzt werden, welche die Eigenschaften von Kerosin imitieren
30 June 20219 September 2021 Significantly lower climate impact of contrails when using sustainable fuels Sustainable fuels reduce the number of ice crystals in contrails and thus their climate impact
Deutlich geringere Klimawirkung von Kondensstreifen durch nachhaltige Kraftstoffe Nachhaltige Kraftstoffe verringern die Eiskristallanzahl in Kondensstreifen und damit ihre Klimawirkung
8 April 20219 September 2021 How sustainable fuel will help power aviation’s green revolution SAFs have the potential to become a significant part of new approaches to enable an industry that relies entirely on fossil fuels today to lower carbon pollution tomorrow
30 March 202118 June 2021 Aviation leaders launch first in-flight 100% sustainable aviation fuel emissions study on commercial passenger jet A team of aerospace specialists has launched the world’s first in-flight emissions study using 100% sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on a wide-body commercial passenger aircraft
17 June 202012 June 2020 The Future Of Fuel Source Sustainability With Airlines How far away are we from commercially viable sustainable aviation fuel?
22 October 201917 October 2019 Will Future Cars Have CO2-Negative Carbon Fiber? – Technologue CO2-eating algae yields earth-friendly cars
2 May 20199 September 2021 Industrial-scale power-to-liquid plant planned Industrial consortium on the way to green kerosene
Power to Liquid Anlage im industriellen Maßstab geplant Industriekonsortium auf dem Weg zu grünem Kerosin
6 February 20194 February 2019 Deutsches Start-up präsentiert Armband aus künstlicher Spinnenseide Luxusuhrenhersteller Omega bietet künftig seine NATO-Textilarmbänder mit Biosteel-Fasern an
26 September 201824 September 2018 The Digest’s Top 10 Innovations for the week of September 21st Biosteel for airplanes, chemicals from sunlight, water and CO2, automated tractors, cloud biology, biodegradable straws
23 October 201718 October 2017 Airbus exec.: EU ‘bonus’ for aviation biofuels may be too little Thierry Nowaczyk from Airbus in an interview with EURACTIV.com
Airbus-Manager: EU-Bonus für Biokraftstoff in der Luftfahrt wohl nicht ausreichend Thierry Nowaczyk von Airbus im Interview mit EURACTIV.com
24 June 201623 June 2016 Why Airbus wants slime from green algae to fuel its planes Algae grows faster and produces higher energy yields than other plants, but is much more expensive to turn into fuel than traditional petroleum byproducts
23 October 201521 October 2015 The airlines: who’s doing what in aviation biofuels? Who’s a Major Player, who’s a Pioneer, who’s committed, who’s monitoring the space as a stakeholder? We look at 45 airlines and their efforts in bringing low-carbon fuels to the marketplace
20 October 201515 October 2015 Efficient processes for the production of biokerosene and chemical intermediates Algae cultivation center opened at the Ludwig Bölkow Campus
Effiziente Verfahren zur Produktion von Biokerosin und chemischen Wertstoffen Algentechnikum auf dem Ludwig Bölkow Campus eröffnet
28 July 201527 July 2015 „Grünes Gold“ – Algen-Projekt „Advanced Biomass Value“ startet aussichtsreich ins dritte Projektjahr Aus Algen und Ölhefen gewonnene Schmier-, Bau- und Flugkraftstoffe sind zum Greifen nah
5 March 20154 March 2015 The bioeconomy speaks Dutch: today starts in Amsterdam the World Bio Markets Today starts in Amsterdam the 10th annual World Bio Markets, an event which will focus on three bioeconomy core topics: biofuels, bio-based chemicals and feedstock supply, security and selection
16 February 201513 February 2015 TWB welcomes 10 new partners to accelerate innovations in the bioeconomy Unique construction associates researchers, manufacturers and investors inside a consortium to develop a bioeconomy in the field of chemistry, materials and energy
22 January 201521 January 2015 Forscher wollen Carbonfasern aus Lignin zur Marktreife weiter entwickeln Fasern aus Lignin könnten deutlich günstiger als solche aus fossilen Rohstoffen sein
6 January 20155 January 2015 10 Biggest Bioeconomy Blockbuster Stories of 2014: Asia and Oceania The East is Green: Asia is confirmed as “the new Brazil” as project developers head en masse to the friendly receptions in Asian countries — based on energy diversification and rural development opportunities
18 December 201415 December 2014 Algen in den Tank Neue LED-Technik erlaubt das präzise Studium der Produktivität von Algen
2 October 20149 September 2021 Recycled cooking oil powers Finnair flight to New York Finnair will operate its flight from Helsinki to New York on 23 September with an Airbus A330 using environmentally sustainable biofuel, coinciding with the UN Climate Summit taking place in New York on the same day
16 July 201415 July 2014 Green sky thinking: Can the world grow enough jet fuel? Future aviation needs sustainable fuels, lightweight composite materials to bring fuel consumption down
6 June 20145 June 2014 Algen statt Kerosin? Wissenschaftler wollen das Fliegen umweltfreundlicher machen Sie stecken voller Energie, binden Kohlendioxid und nehmen der Landwirtschaft keine Flächen weg: Die Bremer Firma Phytolutions setzt auf Algen als Alternative zu Kerosin
4 June 20143 June 2014 Luftfahrtmesse ILA: Abheben mit Biokerosin Deutlicher Trend zur Effizienzsteigerung und Forschung mit alternativen Treibstoffen sichtbar
27 May 201426 May 2014 Study shows mallee based jet fuel has firm roots Biofuel from Australia’s mallee tree is viable and sustainable
22 May 201422 May 2014 Airbus performs its longest flight using sustainable jet fuel with KLM First flight of a series of 50 long-haul commercial flights - Largest European initiative for a local production of sustainable jet fuels - Longest biofuel flight performed by an Airbus aircraft
11 January 201321 February 2018 £50,000 grant for revolutionary bio-composite research ELCOMAP to generate alternatives in the production of low volume specialist components for high performance vehicles
10 January 2013 Up, up and away: aviation biofuels players start building capacity Great Scott! Look up in the Sky! There hasn’t been a hotter sector in biofuels demand than aviation
19 December 2012 Neste Oil to produce renewable aviation fuel as part of the EU-funded ITAKA project Production of 4,000 tons of aviation fuel from sustainably produced NExBTL Spanish camelina oil for commercial flights by European airlines
30 October 2012 SGB Expands Global Hybrid Trial Network; Confirms Superior Performance Across Multiple Geographies Company produces Jatropha oil for less than $99 a barrel
14 September 2012 AIRSHOW-Airlines grapple with food vs biofuel debate While technology is there, getting the investment for large volumes is tricky
23 December 2009 Bio-Boeing mit Algen im Tank Luftfahrt soll ab 2012 in Emissionshandel einbezogen werden
26 August 200912 December 2017 nova-Überblick: Innovative Biowerkstoffe Pflanzenöl für Hochleistungskunststoffe – WPC: Qualität zählt