The Advanced Recycling Conference 2023 – Your Ultimate Guide to Cutting-Edge Recycling Solutions

With the upcoming recycling quotas set by the EU, as well as quotas for mandatory recycled content for specific products, advanced recycling reaches far beyond the plastic packaging sector In consequence, estimations foresee 55% of renewable carbon to come from recycling until 2050. Join more than 250 other participants to discuss effective solutions to handle these capacities

How to meet the global need for carbon as a feedstock in the chemical and derived materials sector in the future?

The chemical sector has a long-lasting and increasing demand for carbon that is embedded in its products. Today, 450 million tonnes of carbon are contained in chemicals and polymers, mostly sourced from fossil resources. The free report “Turning off the Tap for Fossil Carbon”, shows how the demand is met today and could be covered by renewable carbon in the year 2050.