3 March 201625 February 2016 From Upstream to Downstream, the importance of the Value Chain Plant Based Summit shows optimism surrounding the commercialisation of renewable chemicals
19 January 201618 January 2016 Green Chemistry Campus tenants move forward with bio-aromatics research Chemelot InSciTe gets European grant for research on biobased building blocks
15 December 201514 December 2015 Unique in Bangladesh: biodegradable sanitary towels TNO and Dutch bioplastic producer Rodenburg cooperate on Bangladesh sanitary napkin project
23 November 201520 November 2015 Bioplastic from waste fats and oils and lignocellulose First large-scale bioplastic production from non-edible biomass
18 November 201516 November 2015 Erstmals Plastikproduktion im großen Stil aus ungenießbarer Biomasse Bioplastik aus Abfallfetten, -ölen und Lignozellulose
12 November 201515 February 2018 PHBOTTLE project aims to develop bio-based plastic bottle from biodegradable material A team of researchers has worked out a way to ferment waste water from fruit juice processing plants to make a type of plastic that can be used for bottles
12 October 20159 October 2015 LEAF Technologies enters itaconic acid market Aiming to create an engineered fungal host with superior performance that could utilize both simple and cellulosic sugars
16 June 201515 June 2015 Netherlands: Biobased research agenda presented to Minister Kamp Diary describes how to work from the top sectors over the next 8 to 12 years to the realization
28 April 201527 April 2015 Wageningen UR and TNO to find partners for research into oligosaccharides Interested participants can now step into this yet two-year research program, which starts in summer 2015
16 April 201515 April 2015 TNO: Using bacteria as a launderette Bioclear technologists using bacteria – which are already present in the soil - that break down under houses contaminations
13 April 201510 April 2015 Wageningen UR and TNO to find partners for research into economic value protein sources Comprehensive approach to explore new value chains for participating companies and governments
30 March 201527 March 2015 Molekül “Lignin” für umweltfreundlicheren Asphalt Nebenprodukt der Papierherstellung zu schade für die Verbrennung
18 March 201517 March 2015 New products made from seaweed Collaborative venture in the water sector to prepare a brief outline of the new form of ‘agriculture at sea’
17 March 201517 March 2015 Biorizon utilizes municipal waste to develop biobased aromatics Dutch research collaboration exploring how carbohydrates in municipal waste streams can be used as source for production of biobased aromatics
11 February 201510 February 2015 Algae as a promising new type of animal feed Richness in protein to make algae an interesting alternative to soy
15 January 201514 January 2015 Biorizon event shows growing interest in biobased aromatics Conclusions from the well-attended event The Profitable Future of Biobased Aromatics in Bergen op Zoom
2 December 20141 December 2014 Wageningen UR and TNO cluster research capacity Two coherent innovation programmes to be undertaken at partners’ current locations in Wageningen and Zeist
9 October 20148 October 2014 Biorizon well on the way to the development of biobased aromatics Shared research centre developing aromatics from plant material or residues
28 February 20143 March 2014 BIO-QED, das europäische Forschungsprojekt für die Entwicklung von Biochemikalien aus erneuerbaren Quellen, das von Novamont koordiniert wird 10 Partner, die aus 6 europäischen Ländern stammen, werden zusammenarbeiten, um die innovativen und nachhaltigen industriellen Verfahren für die Herstellung von Biochemikalien aus erneuerbaren Quellen zu definieren
9 December 20138 December 2013 TNO, VITO & Green Chemistry Campus launch Biorizon >> The Way to Aromatics €2,5 million start up funding enables working on innovative technologies to develop aromatics out of agro-residuals
7 June 2013 Market outlook: Shale gas impacts bio-based chemicals Study of technically recoverable shale gas in 32 countries
28 February 2013 Incentives needed to spur bio-based economy break-through TNO and The HCSS identify the opportunities for and obstacles of a bio-based economy
1 February 2013 Biomass bonanza as plastics’ raw materials How European scientists are preparing for a change from a fossil-fuel to a bio-based economy
12 September 2012 Turning Industrial Biotechnology into a European success story New FP7 project to investigate hurdles and critical success factors to deploy industrial biotechnology in Europe
7 June 2012 PHBOTTLE: New biodegradable packaging with antioxidant properties Made from the sugars present in the wastewater
7 February 2012 Von Pflanzen zu Kunststoffen Mit Hilfe von BioConSepT führende Marktposition der europäischen Prozessindustrie sichern
10 May 2011 KLM, Danone, L’Oreal and RABO Bank to cooperate with Netherlands’ Biotechnology Industry Association on EFIB 2011 Taking place on 18-20 October 2011 at the Novotel Amsterdam City, Amsterdam