22 July 202416 July 2024 Braskem Forges Alliance with TNO to Transform Polyolefin Plastic Residue Recycling The collaboration will advance the research and development of the state-of-the-art Möbius dissolution-based recycling technology for polyolefin plastic residue waste streams
26 April 202423 April 2024 Avantium and TNO partner to manufacture electrolyser test stations for green hydrogen production Under the partnership with TNO, Avantium will get access to TNO’s technical knowledge and expertise on single-cell and multi-cell lab-scale electrolysis test stations to sell these to customers worldwide
28 February 202422 February 2024 The surprise of flash hydrogen The choice would seem to be between electrolysis, what the ‘greens’ want; or store CO2 in empty gas fields, what the ‘greys’ from the petrochemical industries prefer. Other options still have to be discovered
8 February 20247 February 2024 Navigating a Renewable Carbon Future with the Program of the CO₂-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 Redefining CCU Technology and Empowering Power-to-X Solutions
CO₂-Based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 – Auf dem Weg in eine Zukunft mit erneuerbarem Kohlenstoff CCU-Technologien und Power-to-X-Lösungen neu denken
12 December 20235 December 2023 Flexible and efficient co-production of clean fuels for hard-to-decarbonize sectors Bioenergy will play a crucial role in this transition, supporting the achievement of the 32% renewable energy goal by 2030 and boosting renewable energy in sectors such as transport, off-grid energy and industry
18 October 202312 October 2023 Dutch project BIOTTEK aims to develop new biopolyester with 6.6 million EUR investment The focus of the project is to find a solution for the enormous microplastic pollution caused by apparel textiles
13 June 20237 June 2023 White paper: New guide to the future of plastics Balance ranging from plastics reduction to a sustainable use of recyclable plastics
Whitepaper: Neuer Wegweiser für die Zukunft der Kunststoffe Balance zwischen Plastikreduktion und einem nachhaltigen Umgang mit recyclingfähigen Kunststoffen
19 May 202319 May 2023 Eleven good reasons to attend the Renewable Materials Conference, 23-25 May, online and on-site (Siegburg/Cologne) The chemical and plastics industry will need to replace 1 Gt of fossil carbon per year with renewable carbon from biomass, CO2 and recycling to achieve net-zero. How can this work?
3 February 20237 February 2023 Taking Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X to the next level – Final Program of the “Conference on CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023” Leading international experts meet at one of the world’s key events on Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X from 19-20 April 2023 in Cologne, Germany, and online
Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) und Power-to-X auf erreicht die nächste Stufe – Das vollständige Programm der „Conference on CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023“ Führende internationale Experten und Expertinnen treffen sich vom 19. bis 20. April 2023 in Köln zu einer der weltweit wichtigsten Veranstaltungen im Bereich der CO2-Nutzung, Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU), und Power-to-X
20 December 20229 January 2023 Leading international experts meet at one of the world’s key events on Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and Power-to-X On 19-20 April 2023 in Cologne, Germany, and online. The preliminary program of the “Conference on CO₂-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023” is online. Take a look!
Führende internationale Experten treffen sich auf einer der weltweit wichtigsten Veranstaltungen zu Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) und Power-to-X Am 19. und 20. April 2023 in Köln und online. Das vorläufige Programm der "Conference on CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals 2023" ist online. Schauen Sie rein!
16 December 202213 December 2022 From climate problem to climate opportunity Circular bioplastics offer solution for climate crisis and growing resource consumption
25 April 202219 April 2022 TU Delft and TNO prepare industry for scale-up phase of clean factory TU Delft and TNO prepare industry for scale-up phase of clean factory
Saubere Produktionsprozesse in der chemischen Industrie TU Delft und TNO bereiten die Industrie auf die Scale-up-Phase der sauberen Fabrik vor
22 April 202219 April 2022 International team nets €3.4M to advance ship-based carbon capture for maritime sector EverLoNG to conduct technology trials on board two LNG-fuelled ships along with supporting studies
1 February 202225 January 2022 Circular carbon dioxide seeks balance According to Earl Goetheer of TNO and Peter Moser of RWE, added value and energy consumption have to be in balance for the business case and the life cycle analysis to be conclusive
22 June 20219 September 2021 Conoship responds to World Bank’s stance on LNG Company sees a ‘bright future for LNG in the decarbonisation of the shipping industry'
9 June 202116 June 2021 Ginkgo Bioworks going public for $15bn SPAC deal Company will be a publicly-traded company on the New York Stock Exchange and will continue to make other filings with the SEC in line with public company requirements
5 May 20219 September 2021 Steel2Chemicals pilot plant in operation at the end of April ArcelorMittal, Dow Benelux and Tata Steel are investigating to convert CO from residual gases from steel production into raw materials for the chemical industry
26 March 20219 September 2021 Chemicals and Materials for the Future: Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – Final Program Which renewable materials are solutions that meet the needs of future societies? As a response to this challenging question, nova-Institute has decided to unite all relevant industries in the new “Renewable Materials Conference”, May 18–20, 2021, featuring a unique concept to present all renewable material solutions at one event: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled.
9 March 20219 September 2021 Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – A unique concept that covers all renewable materials solutions in one event Program already available – application period for the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year 2021” still open! The conference will take place as an online event.
5 March 20219 September 2021 New EU project funded to develop cost-effective sustainable aviation fuel using CO2 emissions and renewable energy The European Union awards 5M€ to the Take-Off project for helping the aviation sector reach the EU 2050 climate-neutrality targets
3 March 20219 September 2021 Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – A unique concept that covers all renewable materials solutions in one event Almost final program already available – application period for the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year” still open! The conference will take place as an online event.
5 January 20219 September 2021 Valorising emissions from steel – making into sustainable products European Union awards 21M € for demonstration of industrial symbiosis concept between the steel and chemical industry
29 September 202029 September 2020 Webinar on boosting bio-based products to the market through standardization Discuss the next steps bio-based industries must take to boost their products in the future in terms of standardization
23 September 20209 September 2021 The ELIOT project will improve environmental sustainability in aeronautics by using new biocomposite recycling methods AIMPLAS is coordinating the European project to develop new cost-effective recycling technologies to guarantee the sustainability of aeronautics components
5 June 20209 September 2021 Methane pyrolysis turns a grey resource into a green one Researchers have been experimenting with several methods to scale up methane pyrolysis for some thirty years already. But industry shows virtually no interest
20 March 202017 March 2020 Biobased aromatics: Europe leads the way Developing sector holds its promise that it will be able to produce aromatic compounds cheaper than the oil industry and more sustainable as well
4 March 20204 March 2020 Avantium sells bioaromatics patent portfolio to TNO These technologies lie outside Avantium’s strategic focus and will now be further developed by TNO
14 February 20209 September 2021 Auftakt des HY3-Projekts: Deutschland und die Niederlande untersuchen gemeinsam Möglichkeiten zur großtechnischen Herstellung von grünem Wasserstoff Länderübergreifendes Projekt will Durchführbarkeit von transnationalen Business Cases mit grünem Wasserstoff im Gebiet der Niederlande und NRW untersuchen
10 January 20207 January 2020 Event Report: Biorizon Forging Ahead with Bio-Aromatics Upscaling Many promising results have since been achieved in all horizons. Since the start-up in 2013, high-quality facilities have been added in the Flanders-Netherlands region
2 December 201927 November 2019 Resolve-project develops bio-based alternatives for hazardous solvents New solvent molecules proved to have better performance than their fossil counterparts
4 October 20199 September 2021 Big success for the CO2 Value Workshop on CCU Innovation Fund and other EU Funding Opportunities European Commission revised version of the ETS Innovation Fund will provide €10 billion over the next 10 years to support innovative low carbon projects
25 April 20199 September 2021 Kick-off for designing a gigawatt electrolysis plant Towards sustainable production of hydrogen on an industrial scale
Niederlande planen Gigawatt-Elektrolyseur Nachhaltige Herstellung von Wasserstoff im industriellen Maßstab geplant
16 March 201814 March 2018 Hot drink cups: recycle or digest? Wageningen UR and TNO conducted a life cycle assessment study for the Dutch Government to compare two end-of-life routes after separate collection
12 December 20178 December 2017 Report of Biorizon’s Annual Event 2017: from the lab to piloting €10m Euro deal signed to accelerate bio-aromatic development
9 November 20177 November 2017 Biorizon presents virtual reality model of demonstrator for bio-aromatics Get more detailed information as easily walk through the skid and by clicking on the hot spots
13 January 201711 January 2017 ECN brings thermochemical aromatics production to Biorizon Shared Research Center Biorizon is working with partners to develop aromatics from organic waste
16 December 201616 December 2016 Purification of bio-based chemicals on an industrial scale Various innovative separation techniques were presented at the EFIB-event in Glasgow
29 July 201628 July 2016 BioQED project welcomes two new partners Itaconix and VLCI are involved in the development of latex polymers from alkyl itaconates and other formulations
22 July 201620 July 2016 New insights in furanic intermediates and aromatic derivatives from biomass New project aims to create applied knowledge for the production of furans and furan-derived biobased aromatics from various sources
12 April 20167 April 2016 Biorizon scales up its bio-aromatics research again Commercially promising results for the conversion of wood, sugars and lignin
3 March 201625 February 2016 From Upstream to Downstream, the importance of the Value Chain Plant Based Summit shows optimism surrounding the commercialisation of renewable chemicals
19 January 201618 January 2016 Green Chemistry Campus tenants move forward with bio-aromatics research Chemelot InSciTe gets European grant for research on biobased building blocks
15 December 201514 December 2015 Unique in Bangladesh: biodegradable sanitary towels TNO and Dutch bioplastic producer Rodenburg cooperate on Bangladesh sanitary napkin project
23 November 201520 November 2015 Bioplastic from waste fats and oils and lignocellulose First large-scale bioplastic production from non-edible biomass