24 May 202417 May 2024 Kahlschlag in Schwedens Wäldern: Bäume roden für den Versandhandel In Schweden werden alte Wälder für die Papierindustrie abgeholzt, Deutschland ist Großabnehmer. Ökosysteme gehen verloren, warnt Greenpeace
3 November 20233 November 2023 Twelve Looking To Scale Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production By 2026 Washington Governor, Alaska Airlines and several different institutions join the carbon transformation™ technology to mark the historic milestone
31 October 20237 November 2023 First peeks into the program of the upcoming Cellulose Fibres Conference 2024 available Cellulose Fibres Response to the Growing Demand for Eco-fibres as a substitute for plastics in various applications; 13-14 March, 2024 in Cologne, Germany and online
27 October 202325 October 2023 Tetra Pak and Lund University launch new research hub to develop future food and material innovations Biotech Heights is a new research hub, aiming to establish an open innovation environment focused on bioprocessing technologies
4 March 20222 March 2022 Durchbruch bei der Umwandlung von CO2 in Kraftstoff mithilfe von Sonnenenergie Wichtiges Puzzlestück für die künftige Verringerung der Treibhausgaskonzentration in der Atmosphäre
Breakthrough in converting CO2 into fuel using solar energy A research team led by Lund University in Sweden has shown how solar power can convert carbon dioxide into fuel, by using advanced materials and ultra-fast laser spectroscopy
4 April 20192 April 2019 Bacteria could become a future source of electricity One of society’s greatest challenges is to meet the need for renewable and sustainable energy
18 February 201913 February 2019 Flax fiber skis, biobased turf for 2020 Olympics, Gevo’s isoprene, Veja vegan leather, castor oil jacket membrane and more The Digest’s Top 10 Innovations for the week of February 8th
28 January 201923 January 2019 Promising bioplastic derived from “poo molecule” A new, fossil-free bioplastic is emerging. According to lab experiments, it is more durable than both regular plastic and other bioplastics
3 November 201727 October 2017 Building New Moss Factories New EU project will promote the environmentally friendly production of complex molecules for medicine and industry
Aus der Moosfabrik Neues EU-Projekt will die umweltfreundliche Produktion komplexer Moleküle für Medizin und Industrie vorantreiben
6 September 20174 September 2017 A circular economy needs bio-based, renewable materials An interview with Erik Lindroth, Environment Director Nordics, Tetra Pak
15 August 201711 August 2017 Croda Acquires Research Enterprise Enza Biotech Enza Biotech’s patented technology will enhance Croda’s well-established natural and renewable product portfolio
11 January 20179 January 2017 Forscher rücken molekulare Filme der Photokatalyse in greifbare Nähe Neu visualisierter Prozess könnte zu einer besseren (effektiveren?) solaren Energiegewinnung führen
DTU Researchers Make Molecular Movies of Photocatalysis About to Happen New findings provide a key step towards a general understanding of the dynamics involved in artificial photosynthesis
8 March 20167 March 2016 Major scientific breakthrough with the creation of the first biological supercomputer Researchers from the EU-funded ABACUS project have created a model biological supercomputer that is both sustainable and highly energy efficient
Wissenschaftlicher Durchbruch: Der erste biologische Supercomputer funktioniert Forschende des EU-finanzierten Projekts ABACUS haben ein Modell eines biologischen Superrechners geschaffen, das sowohl nachhaltig als auch höchst energieeffizient ist
11 November 201511 November 2015 Final Programme Released: Microplastic conference in Cologne from 23-24 November 2015 +++ Final programme released +++ Already 130 participants +++ Just 14 days left +++
14 August 201512 August 2015 Towards a bioeconomy in Europe: national, regional and industrial strategies An analysis of twelve strategies was conducted using a meta-analytical framework
3 June 20142 June 2014 Sweden’s Lund University Acquires Biomass Pretreatment Reactor from AdvanceBio Systems Lund's Department of Chemical Engineering will be conducting sustainability development research related to the production of fuels and chemicals from biomass feedstocks
31 July 2011 Simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation of lignocellulosis Residues from commercial furfural production (furfural residue, FR) and corn kernels were carried out to compare different nutritional media
26 November 2008 Forschung: Biotech für Cellulose-Ethanol aus Pentosen und Hexosen Ausbeute bei pentosehatigen Rohstoffen um bis zu 40% erhöht