1 March 201728 February 2017 A global corporate market for low-carb fuels: The Digest’s 2017 Multi-Slide Guide to Below50 Below50 is a game-changing collaboration designed to grow a global corporate market for the best-of-breed sustainable low-carbon transport fuels (LCTFs)
20 February 20179 September 2021 Reverse Combustion and its prospects There are more than a dozen technologies somewhere in development with a dizzying array of acronyms
6 June 20169 September 2021 Microorganisms team up to recycle carbon dioxide into biofuel Stephanopoulos group at MIT reports engineered microorganisms that can generate sustainable biofuel from carbon dioxide emissions
1 June 20169 September 2021 The Digest’s 2016 8-Slide Guide to Joule Unlimited Liquid fuel from the Sun
4 March 20169 September 2021 Cleaning up cement industry emissions with carbon conversion HeidelbergCement and Joule Unlimited JV to figure out scaling up the process to commercially viable levels
22 January 201621 January 2016 Joule Unlimited: The Digest’s 2016 8-Slide Guide Transformative Helioculture platform directly and continuously converts sunlight and waste CO2 to infrastructure-ready diesel, ethanol or commodity chemicals
17 December 20159 September 2021 Carbon-neutral fuels from cement CO2 HeidelbergCement and Joule announce partnership to explore carbon-neutral fuel application in cement manufacturing
2 December 20159 September 2021 Michael Carus talks to Il Bioeconomista An interview with the founder of the nova-Institut
7 October 20156 October 2015 The Business of Algae and the Dream of Algae Sapphire’s Jamie Levine, Matrix Genetics’ Margaret McCormick, Algal Scientific’s Geoff Horst, Heliae’s Len Smith and USCD’s Steve Mayfield reflect on the commercial progress of algae
2 October 20159 September 2021 Joule achieves U.S. EPA registration for CO2-recycled ethanol Sunflow®-E ethanol is now cleared for commercial use in E10 and E15 gasoline blends
29 September 201525 September 2015 Microbial Hybrids: Connecting solar energy and electric vehicles via biobatteries An end to EV range anxiety, endless battery re-charges, and the infrastructure cost of electric vehicles?
25 September 201524 September 2015 Algae at the Crossroads: Tackling big markets, big challenges in the new carbon economy Will policymakers enable low-cost carbon to become available for this nascent, petroleum-displacing technology set? The Digest investigates.
10 September 20159 September 2021 Top 10 Low Carbon Fuels made from greenhouse gases all around you No fossil fuel, no biomass, low carbon, no kidding
28 August 201526 August 2015 Joule Unlimited: The Digest’s 2015 8-Slide Guide Joule is advancing a production platform for Liquid Fuel from the Sun, expected to eclipse the scale, productivity and cost efficiency of any known alternative to fossil fuel today
23 July 201521 July 2015 Biomasse – Rohstoff mit Zukunft? Nachwachsende Rohstoffe: Der Einsatz kommt in der chemischen Industrie kommt nur schleppend voran - ein Interview mit Michael Carus, Geschäftsführer des nova-Instituts
22 July 20159 September 2021 Top International Speakers at Europe’s Largest Event on Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) in 2015 4th Conference on Carbon Dioxide as Feedstock for Fuels, Chemistry and Polymers
8 July 20159 September 2021 Solar Fuels: Making hydrocarbon fuels directly from CO2 and sunlight A look at the science and risks of turning an “ability” into an “industrial reality”
18 June 20159 September 2021 Joule expands Intellectual Property on Direct Conversion of CO2 to Hydrocarbons Additional patent on direct, continuous production of hydrocarbon fuels
13 May 20159 September 2021 Joule’s CO2-recycled ethanol meets U.S. and European specifications Fuel-grade ethanol from recycled CO2: Successful results from third-party testing
Joule secures $40 million for continued growth Extension plan includes 1,000-acre plant with a potential to convert 150,000 tonnes of waste CO2 into 25 million gallons of ethanol or 15 million gallons of diesel per year
11 May 20159 September 2021 Joule, Audi confirm revolutionary Sunflow fuel meets US, EU specs Successful testing of ethanol produced from CO2
8 May 20157 May 2015 The DOE’s 12 Top Biobased Molecules – what became of them? Take a look back at a DOE paper that sparked so much interest
28 April 20159 September 2021 Fuel of the future: Research facility in Dresden produces first batch of Audi e-diesel Minister Wanka: “Synthetic diesel using CO2 is a huge success”
Sprit der Zukunft: Forschungsanlage in Dresden produziert erste Menge Audi e-diesel Ministerin Wanka: „Synthetischer Diesel auf CO2 Basis ist ein großer Erfolg“
30 March 20159 September 2021 Joule says “will go commercial in 2017″: solar fuels on the way Joule-unlimited “Staged industrialization process” beginning; exotic yields from an exotic organism that uses CO2, water and nutrients and secretes ethanol or diesel.
18 December 20149 September 2021 Phytonix turns photosynthetic bacteria into tiny chemical factories Startup Phytonix plans to use its technology to produce the chemical butanol
28 November 201427 November 2014 New Audi e-fuels project: e-diesel from air, water and green electricity
11 August 20148 August 2014 Route 6,6: Is bio-based the new highway to the old nylon? If you get hip to this nylon tip, and take a California trip, you’ll get a kick from Genomatica’s new route to 6,6
18 July 20149 September 2021 Solar fuels: How close, how real? Could a liquid fuel technology emerge that connects solar PV to the efficiency of electric engines — but, this time with long driving range and near-instant refueling instead of laborious recharging?
7 July 20149 September 2021 Joule’s quest for fuels from CO2, sunlight and water Can it really be done? A Tony Stark-like quest for fuels and chemicals secreted by a microbe that lives on a diet of CO2, water and sunlight?
22 May 20149 September 2021 BIO World Congress focusing: New Uses for CO2 Panelists on the forefront of using CO2 for the conversion of valuable fuels and chemicals
1 April 201430 March 2014 Advanced Biofuel Producers Are Reaching Milestones in Commercial Development BIO announces speakers at 2014 World Congress in Philadelphia
10 March 20149 September 2021 The race to capture, use and monetize waste CO2 Reduce carbon? Rid the world of excess CO2? Not so fast, buster.
26 February 201425 February 2014 Der geplatzte Traum vom Mikrobensprit Biodiesel-Hersteller Renewable Energy Group kauft kalifornische Firma LS9
31 January 201430 January 2014 It’s 2014: Feel the pressure, turn up the heat, and get cracking Hydrotreating, catalytic cracking, pyrolysis, metathesis, supercritical, and catalytic reforming
26 March 2013 Biorefinery 2015 – The Shape of advanced biofuels to come – Part II Consideration of a number of new technologies that redefine our notions about the scope and costs
30 October 2012 Biofuels Digest honored: The 30 Hottest Companies in Renewable Chemicals and Biobased Materials for 2012-13 are announced
8 October 2012 LanzaTech raises $15M, ZeaChem $5.1M in Series C sweeteners – lead 15 biobased companies in the 2012 Cleantech 100 LanzaTech and ZeaChem raise fresh capital as they head for commercialization
5 October 2012 Solazyme maintains lead in early Hot 50 voting Amyris, LanzaTech, Sapphire Energy make a move
3 October 2012 The Cleantech 100 list Renewable chemicals, biobased feedstock, intermediates technologies surge
16 November 2009 Renewable diesel from carbon dioxide and sunlight Joule Biotechnologies launched new technology at BIO Pacific Rim Summit