5 March 20244 March 2024 Commission sets out how to sustainably capture, store and use carbon to reach climate neutrality by 2050 An adopted Industrial Carbon Management Communication to provide details on how these technologies could contribute to reducing emissions by 90% by 2040
29 January 202419 January 2024 The rise in biomass production and use points to a growing bioeconomy: is this resource limitless? A new summary for policymakers report quantifies the biomass supply and uses in the EU and cautions against over-optimism on the availability of this limited, albeit renewable, resource
25 January 202422 January 2024 A recipe for sustainable bioeconomy: collaborate, engage locally, involve consumers The JRC put together policy makers, primary producers, consumers and businesses, tasking them with imagining the bioeconomy of the future. Policy recommendations from this exercise are now out
10 January 202417 December 2024 Non-level playing field for renewable materials vs. fossil in Life Cycles Assessments Critical aspects of the JRC Plastics LCA methodology and its policy implications
2 November 202331 October 2023 Supply chain letter on the need for mass balance fuel-use exempt for chemical recycling 20 associations call on EU Member States to urgently adopt mass balance fuel-use exempt as the EU harmonised mass balance method for allocating recycled content via chemical recycling
Verbände fordern Anerkennung von „Fuel Use Exempt“-Massenbilanzierung 20 europäische Verbände fordern eine EU-weite Regulierung und Anerkennung von Massenbilanzen für das chemische Recycling nach der „Fuel Use Exempt“-Regel
4 July 20233 July 2023 Infinite plastic recycling: The technology is ready, but what about legislation? New chemical recycling technologies are creating an infinite loop for the plastic ecosystem, addressing waste streams that currently lack suitable recycling processes
24 April 202320 April 2023 Deutsche Umwelthilfe warnt vor hochriskanten und unausgereiften Technologien des chemischen Recyclings Zwei neue Studien setzen falsche Prioritäten und könnten problematische politische Entscheidungen zur Pyrolyse oder Vergasung im Recycling von Kunststoffen zur Folge haben
The term recycling must not be watered down by pyrolysis and gasification Two new studies set the wrong priorities and could encourage problematic policy decisions on pyrolysis and gasification of plastic packaging waste
15 November 202210 November 2022 Bioeconomy strategies in EU regions. Where are we? Research shows there's a growing number of regional bioeconomy strategies following the launch of the revised EU Bioeconomy strategy in 2018
2 November 20222 November 2022 For the third time due to popular demand: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), net-zero, Carbon Footprint, non-financial reporting, Taxonomy, Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) … what does all of this mean for you and your company?
2 September 202230 August 2022 Warum Waldbiomasse nicht zu den „erneuerbaren“ Energien gezählt werden darf Der Umweltausschuss sieht vor, dass die Verbrennung sekundärer Biomasse weiterhin als erneuerbare Energie im Rahmen der Richtlinie angerechnet werden kann und damit Subventionen erhält
Why forest biomass must not be counted as ‘renewable’ energy The environment committee amendment still allows burning secondary biomass materials, like sawdust and bark from sawmills, to qualify as renewable energy under the RED and receive subsidies
30 June 202223 June 2022 Bioeconomy: Poised at a historic crossroads Beside shipping issues and energy disruption, business operations have been prevented by pandemic-related effects, supply chain tightness, higher demand as well as digitalisation, blockchains and AI
8 June 20221 June 2022 Bioeconomy strategy development in EU regions Overall, there are 359 bioeconomy-related strategies and 334 frameworks have been published. Of these 334, 324 are regional and 10 are multi-regional (e.g. cross-border, interregional or macroregional, mostly Interreg-funded) strategic frameworks
6 January 20222 January 2022 FAO and JRC launch new guidance note on monitoring bioeconomy sustainability New bioeconomy Guidance note describes in easy-to-follow steps how countries and macro-regions, such as the European Union (EU), can monitor sustainability along with their bioeconomy strategies and policies
13 December 20218 December 2021 European Bioplastics Conference confirms bioplastics make significant contributions to the European Union’s ambitious climate goals New European Bioplastics market data, based on research from the nova-institute, gave a very positive outlook for bioplastics production
17 June 202116 June 2021 EU biorefinery outlook to 2030 European Commission's study presents the possible growth until 2030, provides actions required to increase the deployment of chemical and material driven biorefineries in the EU
31 May 202116 June 2021 EU’s dismissal of crop-based biofuels will impede transport decarbonisation: industry Commission to minimise the contribution of crop-based biofuels from the road transport energy mix – even though such biofuels have been the main contributor to displacing fossil fuel
25 May 202116 June 2021 The European chemical industry wants to boost the bioeconomy to support the green transition New Cefic paper reveals that bio-based products (BBPs) from the chemicals and plastics sector currently only generate approximately 2.5% of the total bioeconomy turnover
18 May 202118 June 2021 Current and future market applications of new genomic techniques The scope includes the use of NGTs in any kind of plant, mushroom, animal or microorganism or in human cells
20 April 202118 June 2021 Campaigns questioning the use of woody biomass for energy are missing key facts The media campaigns also often ignore the many steps that have already been taken towards sustainable forest management, particularly in Europe and North America
13 April 20219 September 2021 EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System extended with new indicators The nine new indicators that have been added to the EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System dashboards cover four of the five EU Bioeconomy Strategy Objectives
4 December 20201 December 2020 Value of the EU bioeconomy – the latest figures New report analyses the latest data on employment, value added and the turnover generated by different bio-based sectors of the EU bioeconomy
12 November 20209 November 2020 Finding the Right Balance within the Bioeconomy BioMonitor partners have published a series of scientific papers that investigate the different trends and scenarios that have and will take place once the bioeconomy is in sync with the Sustainable Development Goals
2 October 202029 September 2020 Future transitions for the Bioeconomy towards Sustainable Development and a Climate-Neutral Economy Knowledge Synthesis Final Report
21 July 202021 July 2020 Recent surge in EU forest harvesting, according to JRC study Increasing pressure on forest services and products is posing new challenges to sustainable forest management
Rodungen in der EU nehmen stark zu In der EU werden Forschern zufolge immer mehr Waldflächen gerodet - ein Grund ist ausgerechnet die hohe Nachfrage nach nachhaltigen Rohstoffen. Die steigende Abholzung könnte nun die Klimaschutzziele gefährden
4 October 20199 September 2021 Big success for the CO2 Value Workshop on CCU Innovation Fund and other EU Funding Opportunities European Commission revised version of the ETS Innovation Fund will provide €10 billion over the next 10 years to support innovative low carbon projects
5 September 20194 September 2019 Open Letter to the JRC How can the environmental effects of bio-based polymers be compared with those of petrochemical polymers on equal footing?
2 April 201928 March 2019 EU budget for 2021-2027: Commission welcomes provisional agreement on Horizon Europe, the future EU research and innovation programme The EU institutions have reached a partial political agreement, subject to formal approval by the European Parliament and Council, on Horizon Europe
EU-Haushaltsplanung für 2021-2027: Kommission begrüßt vorläufige Einigung über Horizont Europa, das künftige EU-Programm für Forschung und Innovation Die EU-Institutionen haben eine politische Teileinigung über Horizont Europa erzielt, der das Europäische Parlament und der Rat noch formell zustimmen müssen
21 February 201928 April 2019 The future of bio-based chemicals in the EU Bioeconomy New JRC study details the potential of bio-based chemicals in EU markets, and estimates their annual growth rate
15 January 201910 January 2019 BBI JU launches report of good national-level policies and strategies to support bio-based industries This publication provides an overview of the status of policies and strategies to support the bio-based industrial sector at national level during 2017
10 April 20183 April 2018 Straw is not waste but co-product, EU farmers tell Commission Straw has many uses, from fuel to livestock bedding
25 July 201724 July 2017 The EU Commission’s Bioeconomy Knowledge Centre (BKC) will be launched tomorrow The European Commission’s Bioeconomy Knowledge Centre will be launched at the 20th in Brussels as the Commission’s central knowledge hub on the bioeconomy
22 January 201619 January 2016 Organic farmers heat up debate over new plant breeding techniques Focus on developing new seed traits within a given species through genetic engineering
18 September 201517 September 2015 S2Biom Newsletter – Issue 4, September 2015 Find recent updates made in the cost-supply database, the ‘biomass conversion pathway matching tool’ and the full chain assessment tools
8 September 20158 September 2015 Experts from nova-Institute introduced: This month Dr. Stephan Piotrowski, Agricultural economist
21 August 201519 August 2015 Bioeconomy Factsheet – Europe Part of a new series of guides outlining "Need to Know" information about the bioeconomy in Europe
23 July 201524 September 2015 The role of biomass and bioenergy in a future bioeconomy: Policies and facts New paper paper proposes an analysis of the current status of bioeconomy in the European Union and worldwide until 2020 and beyond
17 July 201515 July 2015 Europe needs a clean break for cleaner fuels The technology-neutral policy for clean transport fuel is dead. Clean electricity must be put at the heart of EU transport policy, argues Jos Dings
7 May 20156 May 2015 Survey of the EU bio-based industry Focus of the survey is on addressing gaps in existing data resources, the material use of biomass included
20 May 201419 May 2014 Biomass: the sustainability challenge Scientific experts, policymakers and NGO and industry representatives discussed this question at the recent European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) conference in Brussels
25 February 201424 February 2014 EU scientists’ biofuels warnings were ignored EXCLUSIVE / The European Commission ignored an internal recommendation from its own scientists for mandatory carbon accounts and crop-specific measurements in a proposal to address the ILUC from biofuels production
21 October 201320 October 2013 Lawmakers vote to block EU biofuels bill European People's Party and the far right defended first generation biofuels lobby well
9 September 2013 EU report: Brussels biofuels policy hikes food prices by up to 50% JRC study says any decrease in biodiesel production strongly affects the vegetable oil market
12 July 2013 MEPs deal a blow to crop-based biofuels Committee votes to more sustainable biofuels on substantial progress towards
25 February 2013 Historical studies shore up proof of indirect biofuels emissions Current EU proposals mandate a review of scientific evidence for ILUC in 2017