28 November 202425 November 2024 Liverpool – Georgia research team join forces to develop sustainable bioplastics A collaboration between researchers from the University of Liverpool and the University of Georgia (UGA) aims to develop sustainable bioplastics
16 September 202410 September 2024 Upcycling excess carbon dioxide with tiny microbes Researchers reporting in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering have rewired one such microbe to help tackle greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
2 May 202326 April 2023 Photosynthesis ‘hack’ could lead to new ways of generating renewable energy Researchers found that ‘rewiring’ of photosynthesis could improve how it deals with excess energy, and create new and more efficient ways of using its power
19 January 202317 January 2023 Solarbetriebenes System wandelt Plastik und Treibhausgase in nachhaltige Brennstoffe um "Das Besondere an diesem System ist seine Vielseitigkeit und Einstellbarkeit"
17 January 202312 January 2023 Solar-powered system converts plastic and greenhouse gases into sustainable fuels Researchers have developed a system that can transform plastic waste and greenhouse gases into sustainable fuels and other valuable products – using just the energy from the Sun
11 March 20228 March 2022 New, nature-inspired concepts for turning CO2 into clean fuels Some Cambridge researchers, working with a team from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal, have developed a method to improve the efficiency of electrolysis by fine-tuning the solution conditions to alter the local environment of the enzymes
17 November 202113 November 2021 Sustainable, biodegradable glitter – from your fruit bowl Plant-based biodegradable glitter sparkles without the microplastics
19 June 201914 June 2019 Food freshness sensors could replace ‘use-by’ dates to cut food waste Paper-based biodegradable sensors could replace ‘use-by’ dates to cut food waste
10 January 20197 January 2019 University lands £1.1m award to investigate plastics waste UK researchers work on developing a new range of biodegradable plastics
2 July 201828 June 2018 New enzyme boost could hasten biofuel production This could lead to cheaper and more environmentally friendly biofuel production and more efficient plastic recycling
18 January 201716 January 2017 Scientists make plastic from Christmas trees University of Bath researchers developed renewable plastic from a chemical called pinene found in pine needles
30 November 20159 September 2021 CO2Chem: Response to the UK £1bn CCS competition being axed Carbon Dioxide Utilisation treating CO2 as commodity to gain profit, not as waste
11 September 201526 November 2015 Bioplastics as strong contenders in the market The pursuit of environmentally materials has been growing considerably
10 September 20158 September 2015 Slower melting ice cream in pipeline Scientists found new protein from friendly food bacteria that could enable ice creams to keep frozen for longer
12 August 201512 August 2015 CPI launches project to produce bio-methane from seaweed through Anaerobic Digestion The Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) has announced that it is leading a £2.78 million UK based collaboration to help strengthen the UK’s position as a world leader in industrial biotechnology
27 May 201526 May 2015 NNFCC teams with Inspire Biotech to increase Consultancy capabilities Collaboration to focus on strategic bioeconomy development and industrial biotechnology
28 April 201527 April 2015 OpenPlant: Open technologies for plant synthetic biology Shaping working practices and norms in the early stages of plant synthetic biology
24 April 201523 April 2015 Biome Bioplastics leads £3m sustainable chemicals development programme Researchers consortium to harness industrial biotechnology techniques to produce bio-based chemicals from lignin at a scale suitable for industrial testing
8 January 20157 January 2015 NNFCC’s Review of 2014: Our bioeconomy highlights and heroes Increasing number of biobased chemicals and join established producers on global stage
10 December 20149 December 2014 Vince Cable announces £40M to continue Industrial Biotechnology Catalyst Research projects to support industries using biological processes, or those in which biological and chemical approaches are used in combination
Micro-capsules and bacteria to be used in self-healing concrete Research team exploring different species of bacteria maturing enclosed over certain time periods
14 August 20149 September 2021 Carbon dioxide ‘sponge’ could ease transition to cleaner energy New emerging technology called integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) to be integrated into power plant smokestacks
2 June 20141 June 2014 Green and yellow – straw from oilseed as a new source of biofuels IFR researchers looking for ways breeding more “biofuel-ready” varieties of oilseed rape
25 February 20149 September 2021 Waste not, want not York scientists plot green route to polymer production
24 February 201421 February 2014 Seaweed could be next new biofuel New research to turn seaweed into liquid biofuel aims to overcome two main barriers to the plant becoming a major source of renewable energy
20 January 201417 January 2014 2014 set to be a bumper year for biobased industry as funding pours in from the EU Bio-based Industries Initiative to help Europe compete in the global bioeconomy market
20 December 201319 December 2013 £18M for 13 unique industry-academia Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy 13 new cross-disciplinary research communities
24 June 20139 September 2021 Developing renewable chemicals from biomass co-products Research grants of as £1.8 million to University of Liverpool and York